Monday, April 3, 2017

Happy Spring Break!

It was so amazing to hear for Tanner this week. He is doing great and is learning a lot. It was really fun watching conference because we knew that Tanner was watching at the exact same time. We enjoyed it so much!

April 3rd 2017~HAPPY SPRING BREAK EVERYONE!!! Conference was Amazing!!

Hello my amazing family! I have missed you all so much! Thank you so much for your amazing email! You send such amazing emails and pictures! (3 of the pictures didn't come through for some odd reason. I got the 3 of the amazing sky and Parker cleaning the Church, and the Wyoming score!) I loved everything you wrote and all of the awesome pictures! I appreciate so much your detailed letters with all of the events from the week! You are the best! It is so hard to wait until Monday to send you an email. I always think of things that I want to tell you but it's hard to wait! What a great week it was watching conference with all of the many missionaries! We had such a fun time listening to all the amazing talks that were given! This conference was so good! Every single talk was amazing! I missed so much watching it with you all and going to the Priesthood session with Dad, Dubbie, and Grandpa. I missed having our traditional dinner with Grandma and Grandpa as well. It was such a fun time hearing all of the amazing talks! I'm so glad that you were able to go out to Rumbi! Speaking of Grandma and Grandpa, I can't believe that they got a phone call from the Bronx. That is really wierd! I'm sure it was a scam and someone was just trying to get money. It definitely wasn't me that's for sure!

This week has been such a great week! I have been doing great and I love this area! It has been awesome! Lots of teaching appointments and finding using the new Easter video that came out!! Lots of cool stuff has happened and I can't wait to tell you everything! Hopefully I can explain everything well and remember everything that happened!

First of all, HAPPY SPRING BREAK! I'm so glad that you get to go down and see Grandma Evans on Tuesday! I will be thinking about you all week! Sorry you have to work Dad but hopefully like you said, there will be some nice days where you can go outside and enjoy the nice weather while you work around the yard!

I am so excited that Wyoming won the whole CBI! That is so awesome! Congrats to the Pokes! So glad that the NCAA Tournament is so exciting as well! It's funny how Mom fills out my bracket and it does better than if I filled it out myself! Funny how that works! Thank you again so much for filling one out for me! I really appreciate it because it makes me feel like I am right in on the action! I was so excited to hear that Matt is just about ready to get his call! I can't believe that he is that close to going! I was also so excited to hear that Ryan got his call! Kip did serve in that exact same mission! So cool to think that he is that close to me but in a completely different mission! So cool!

My guess for where Matt is going:
●Domestic: Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Mission
●Foreign: France, Paris Mission

I actually didn't get your awesome package yet that you sent sadly. The office Elders sent out a text to everyone saying that we could just pick up our mail at our zone conference that we have tomorrow. I can't believe that we are already to my 2nd zone conference! So tomorrow, we will head down to Scarsdale and have zone conference which will be awesome! Hopefully they take lots of pictures! I was sad that I couldn't eat the treats you sent during conference but now I get to eat them closer to Easter! I can't wait to get it! It always feels like Christmas is coming early whenever I know there's a package in the mail! Thank you again for sending it! The office Elders thought it would be more convenient to just pick it up at the mission home so I will definitely get it tomorrow!

I can't believe that it is already April! Where did March go?? Birthday season is already half over for us. Crazy! I really enjoy sending packages to you all on your birthdays so today I am going to send a little package to Puck for his birthday! It actually doesn't cost very much which is nice because they are pretty light. I also found out that we do get to use our MSF funds for postage and packaging which is awesome! I just found that out when I sent Brandon's package. So I'm sending it today so it will get there really early but I didn't want to wait until next P-Day because it would have been late. I really enjoy sending them!

I was going to tell you this last email and I can't remember if I have already but Elder Kirkham and I finally got my Facebook all ready to use! There are some pretty strict guidelines on how we use it but it will be such a great tool! We aren't allowed to scroll through the news feed or "Like" anything from non-investigstors or members. So we just use it to post stuff about the Gospel and then use it to communicate with investigators. So you may see me on every once in a while but I can't "Like" anything. It will be such a great tool! I will start using that once I am done with my 12 weeks program! And guess what.... I'm already to week 9! You can "Like" anything that I post but I am not allowed to comment or like anything that isn't from an investigator. Also, I really hope that I can get on soon and look at your blog that you made! The only place we can access it is on the Clerk's office computer at the church so hopefully I can see it soon!

Last P-Day we were at Dalton's house for dinner, which was awesome, and then we got back right at 9:00 so I wasn't able to respond to your email that you sent. Looks like Dad is a professional sushi maker! It looked so good and I really wanted to try some! That was such a cool idea to make some! I really appreciate your motivating pictures you send as well! It was fun to get all your emails throughout the week! I especially loved the last one you sent me! Really cool to think there are only 70,000 missionaries in the whole world!

We have loved our new room arrangements! It has been nice to have a more quiet study area and not have so much honking and sirens. It's funny becuase we all have different alarms and they are all set for different times. One is set 5 minutes till 6:30, 10 minutes till 6:30, and 15 minutes till 6:30. So as you can tell we are all bound to wake up each morning.  Everyone likes to snooze once or twice before getting up but there are so many alarms going off at different times until we all get up at 6:30! It gets pretty crazy!

For today, we had plans to go down to Manhattan again since it is a new transfer so we get to go again! But we remembered that it was Spring Break and so it would have been SO CROWDED! So we just got back from shopping and now we are waiting for our laundry and we are planning to go to Popeyes for lunch! We have been to Popeyes once earlier last month and we all love it! They have a really good $5.00 box that fills us up and is so good! Eating there always reminds me of the Popeyes Bahamas Bowl. I always think of Dad, Brandon, and Parker whenever we eat there! I am going to buy something in Co-op that I've had my eye on for a while now! I will surprise you with a picture of it later on in the day! Should be a great P-Day even though we aren't in Manhattan, we are still going to have lots of fun!
Now, onto this last week's news!

This week's weather has been up and down all week. We have had TONS of rain but today is beautiful! Perfect temperature with a few clouds.

Last P-Day was great!! Well all P-Days are great! We had so much fun at the Church getting to know each other better! Last P-Day was Elder Knudsen's first in this zone so we showed him the ropes to shopping at Aldi's! We woke up at about 5:50 and threw in a quick load of laundry and then headed back upstairs to get ready for the day. Then we went back downstairs and switched out the laundry. Then after we got our laundry all folded and put away we headed to Aldi's and it was POURING! We walked outside and we would have been instantly soaked if it weren't for our umbrellas becuase of how humid it was. Then once we got underneath the bus stop covering, it stopped raining! We were so glad that it stopped raining because we would have walked through the rain with all of our groceries for a few blocks. So we got to the store and did our shopping and then headed back home for some lunch! After we had some lunch we headed over to the church to play some basketball with the other Elders and continue emailing! There were 5 companionships that showed up so it was fun to have that many Elders playing! After we played a few basketball games, we decided to play chair soccer. It is a really fun game that I had never heard of before. The object of the game is to try to get everyone else out. We all sit in folding chairs in a big circle and one person throws the ball to the middle of the gym and everyone runs to the middle and tries to kick the ball at each other's chair. As soon as you chair has been hit twice then you have to sit and try to throw the ball for the rest of the game. The last person with his chair up wins! It was really fun! We played that for about an hour and half. Then by that time it was 4:30 so Elder Kirkham and I decided to head back to the apartment and get ready to go over to Dalton's house. I completely forgot to mention in my last email that it was Elder Kirkham's birthday on Wednesday! So Dalton really wanted to have a dinner for him. We had an appointment on Wednesday evening so we couldn't go over then so we had dinner with him on Monday instead. When we got to Dalton's house, dinner was right ready and it looked really good! He buys these beef patties that are wrapped in a flaky crust. They were pretty good! Then he made his ginger sangria again which is always good but really spicy. But this time he put extra ginger in it made it extra hot! Then after dinner we had to hurry and make it home by 9:30. It was such a fun day but by the end of the day we were all beat!
On Tuesday......IT POURED!......AND THEN RAINED SOME MORE! It was pretty nice weather during the day but at 5:00 it was an absolutely downpour! I have never seen so much rain all at once. There were puddles of water everywhere. We even noticed that there was a constant flow of water running down a stairwell. It looked like a water fountain! We had our weekly district meeting and it was awesome! Our awesome district leader, Elder Smiley, decided that since Elder Knudsen was new to the area we should have another apartment split. So after district meeting, Elder Knudsen went with Elder Kirkham to our area and I went with Elder Smiley to his area! In district meeting we brainstormed ideas to get the ward involved with some activities! So we decided as a group to do am Easter egg hunt and dinner! We are coordinating with the Bishop and the ward mission leader to get everything organized for that! We are planning to have a slideshow playing the new Easter video that came out last Friday. We are getting everything squared away for that but it is a ways away. We are planning for the 15 of April. We are getting excited for that! We are trying as missionaries to get more people to Church. That is something that we as a district are trying to focus on. After district meeting we came back to the apartment and had some lunch. We then had one big companionship study and then headed out for the night. It is always nice to go to a different area and see some new parts of the Bronx! Something cool that I realized is that when I get home, I can tell people that I have lived in the Bronx! So for the rest of the night we looked at their area book and knocked on some doors but unfortunately not a lot of people were home which was surprising because it was pouring rain. So after we got done with that, we headed back to the apartment for the night! I found out out last P-Day that is was Elder Kirkham's birthday on the 29th so his family sent him a package and it had a cake mix in it so we all helped him make his birthday cake! It was a great day! He was debating where to go for his birthday dinner but he decided on Red Robin! He loved Red Robin the last time we went and that is where he wanted to go more than anything!

Wednesday was great because it was Elder Kirkham's birthday! I forgot to mention that in my last email. We started the day off by finishing up our split. We did our morning studies and then headed off to our appointments. Unfortunately, Evans canceled on Elder Kirkham and Elder Knudsen so they didn't go to their set appointment that morning. He said that he had been dealing with some things and hasn't really felt like having missionaries over. We were pretty down about him canceling but we knew that he would still want us to come over he just needed some time. Then after we had some lunch we split back into our original Companionships. Elder Kirkham was still deciding where to go for dinner so we headed out to look up some investigators. We stopped at some less active members and we found out that a couple of families moved a while ago so we sent their records in our area book to the referral center to be reassigned to the correct area book. It was a successful trip! Then at 3:00, we had an appointment with a man named Michael McNeil! He was is Elder Smiley and Elder Bradley's area before they reorganized the boundaries so now he is in our area! Elder Kirkham and I have only met with him once so we were excited to get to know him more! (I got a picture of Michael and I) We taught him about the Word of Wisdom and he thought it was really cool that our Church puts such a big emphasis on keeping our bodies healthy. We had a great lesson with him and everything went really smooth! We have invited him to Church in our last lesson but he says that he doesn't want to come to church at the moment so we can't set a baptismal date with him. He has been reading the Book of Mormon which is great! After our lesson with Michael, we headed over to Co-op City for some Red Robin! By the time we got there it was about 5:00 and the restraunt was packed! We all got burgers and since it was his birthday he got a free burger meal! He got to pick any burger on the menu and then it came with endless fries! I got a burger called the "Mac Burger"! It had Swiss pepper jack cheese, lettuce, and Mac and cheese on the burger! It was really tasty! We all had such a fun time there and then we headed out to visit some members in Co-op since we were right there. We went to a lot of people's apartments and they were all home! First we went to Kojo and Sophie's house and just stopped by for a quick visit to see how they and their new baby was doing. Then we went to the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric, Brother Ampah's house. Really cool to think that he and Dad have the exact same calling! We had a nice visit with them and gave high fives to there 3 little kids! They are really nice people! Then our last stop of the night was to the Brother Tsakpoe's apartment. He answered the door and was so glad to see us! We didn't let him know beforehand that we were coming just because we were in the neighborhood and thought we would stop by and say hi. He and his wife were still recovering from the passing of Brother Tsakpoe's sister in law a few weeks ago so we just stayed for a few minutes. But it was a really nice visit! Then by that time, we were both beat and ready for a nice long sleep!

By Thursday, the week was flying by faster than ever! I couldn't believe how fast time was going! Thursday was a crazy but great day! It was really busy so it made time go even faster. We had a crazy thing happen but everything worked out! So we woke up and got ready for the day and then got our studies done. Then we headed over to the Church for our Zone Conference! The night before I was actually invited by the Zone Leaders to conduct which was awesome! I wasn't sure what the announcements were but Elder Castro who is one of our Zone Leaders, typed me up an email with the program and announcements all ready to go! So we got to the church and I started the meeting! We talked about the new Easter video that was coming out to the public on Friday called an initiative. The zone leaders actually had the video to show us before it came out to the public which was awesome! The video was so cool! Whenever a video like this comes out, we are supposed to use it as much as possible and show it to whoever we can. So we talked about that and then I turned the time over to the zone leaders and Sister training leaders for some training. They did a really good job at telling us how to use the video to our advantage and how we can schedule a lot more appointments using it! Then after that I closed the meeting and we headed back to the apartment! It was a great meeting and I learned a ton! After we had some lunch, we had our weekly planning session. We sat down and just planned out everything we would need to schedule for the next week. We called all of our investigators and set up appointments with them and it's really nice to be able to work around their schedules!

Then, about a half an hour into our planning, we got a call from the Zone Leaders and they had some pretty scary news. They told us and said that a really nice Hispanic lady named Sister Oppenheimer actually got hit by a car. Let me tell you first that luckily she is just fine. We were worried at first but we found out that she was just fine and is going to recover very quickly! So we got the call not knowing how bad it was so we quickly rushed over to the Emergency room which is just right down the street to giver her a blessing. Sister Oppenheimer lives in the zone leader's area but they were really far away from the hospital so it would've taken them over an hour to get there through the rush hour traffic. So we dropped everything and hurried over as fast as we could. This was so crazy! We got to the Emergency room check-in and asked if we could see Sister Oppenheimer. The receptionist typed in the name and said: "I don't see that name of anyone that has been checked in." We were really confused as to why she wasn't in the computer yet! So the receptionist went to the back of the E.R and came back quickly and said that we actually showed up before she did. So we got to the hospital before Sister Oppenheimer did because her daughter was with her and called a lady named Sister Bonilla and she called the Zone Leaders and then the Zone Leaders called us and we got there before Sister Oppenheimer did. Isn't that crazy!? It only took us 5 minutes and two quick stops on a bus to get there so we were really quick! So after we found this out the receptionist let us come to the back and see her. She couldn't believe that we were there and was so happy to see us! She was fully aware of what what going on and told us that she was just scared more than anything. She told us that she was at a crosswalk with her older kids and a van stopped at the crosswalk but then he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and accidentally let his foot off the brake and started to slowly roll forward. He looked up and hit the brake but tapped Sister Oppenheimer and she fell down. Her worst injury was a bruised knee but it was giving her problems because she had her knee replaced a few years ago. So after she explained what happened she asked for a blessing. We were so glad to give her one. I performed the anointing and Elder Kirkham performed the blessing. It was a really cool experience to excersise our Priesthood!! Another really crazy thing that happened right before we headed back to see her, Elder Kirkham and I were sitting on the chairs and we saw a patient walking out of a room with 3 other doctors/nurses and he just takes off running. He sprinted down the hall and was running straight toward us. He shoots around the corner and tries to run for the exit into the street. There was a security guard at the front desk and at doctor yelled: "officer, stop him!" and the officer tackles him to the floor. Then the officer stood him up and he started talking with the officer and doctors. Then out of no where he starts running again and screaming and yelling at the officers and doctors. We had no idea what was wrong our why he was so upset. Then the officer tackled him again and called for more officers and then they put him in handcuffs and put him on a stretcher. We noticed that he had an iv in his arm and he was dressed in a hospital gown. It was really crazy and we didn't know why he was trying to run out of the hospital. Then after that we headed back to our apartment to finish up our planning. Overall, it was a great day but also a little crazy!

Friday was such a great day! We woke up and it was POURING rain again. The weather sure has warmed up now and it hasn't been cold at all just a few rainy days. We have enjoyed the warmer weather so much! We were planning to set up a table and have people come watch the really cool new Easter video that just came out but we weren't sure if we could now because of all the rain. So in the morning we headed off to a lesson with Evans and we planned out his lesson. We headed over to his house and knocked on his door but unfortunately he didn't answer.  We called him to see if he forgot and he said that he just totally spaced our lesson. He was out and about and just completely forgot about our lesson. So we headed back home because it was absolutely pouring and we were both soaked even though we had umbrellas. We got back to the apartment and did our companionship study and 12 Week. So we studied and planned out the rest of our lessons and watched a few district videos. It was really good! Then we did something really awesome!! The new Easter video came out to the public on Friday and so we were really excited to show as many people as possible! So we decided to go to Co-op City and pick random floors to go knock on the doors! So when we got to Co-op City, we picked a random floor and knocked all of the doors on that particular floor. We knocked on this particular door and a lady answered the door and was really confused about what we were "selling" We explained that we were just showing a video about Jesus Christ and how we can find peace. She really enjoyed the video and said that she was just reading about Easter and his resurrection in the scriptures. She said it was perfect timing for us to stop by! Then after we showed tons of people the video we had an appointment with the really nice man named Deinde. So we headed over to his house and we knocked on his door and he looked like he was just heading out the door. We were really glad to see him! But he told us that his car got broken into last night and he was just going to pick it up from the repair shop. So he apologized that we weren't able to teach him that day and he felt really bad. So after we got done talking with Deinde for a minute we headed back to the apartment for some dinner! After dinner we were really excited to do a lesson with Osagie! He called us a few minutes before we left for his apartment and said that he was actually at the church and Bishop Jessop was helping him apply for jobs online! So we got to the church and they were submitting all kinds of applications all over the Bronx! It has been so awesome to see so many cool things that this Gospel has brought to his life since he got baptized! The support from the other missionaries has been awesome! While he was filling out applications, Elder Brown and Elder Munóz offered him some chili becuase he hadn't had time to eat dinner yet becuase he wanted to submit as many applications as he could so they brought him some dinner! Then after we spent some time with him and taught him a lesson we headed back to the apartment for the night! It was a great.......but wet day!! ⛆

Saturday was such a great day!! We were all so excited for General Conference!! I was thinking about you all day and I thought it was SO cool that we were watching it at the same time! There were so many awesome talks and we learned a ton! We woke up at 6:30 and couldn't wait for noon to roll around! We did our studies and then quickly headed over to the church to watch Conference! It was really weird to have conference at noon because we are all used to having conference at 10:00. We got to the Church and we walked into the chapel and they had a big nice projector set up for us but we soon realized that it was in Spanish and for the Spanish ward. So we quickly went to the relief society room and there wasn't a single member of our ward there and a TV wasn't even set up. We figured everyone was just at home watching it on TV but we thought it was really crazy that nobody was there besides missionaries. So we then quickly went to the library and grabbed a TV and hooked it up to the cable. When we turned the TV on, there was still 5 minutes until it started! Whewww!  We were all so excited to hear the awesome talks and music! As you can see in some of the pictures, there were only missionaries that attended the Saturday sessions for English. We figured most people were hopefully at home watching it. Conference was so good! There were so many great talks and we enjoyed every single one of them! As I was watching I couldn't help but think how cool it was that we were all watching it at the same time! I especially loved to hear the Star Valley Temple dedication announcement and the story about when M. Joseph Brought was in the Logan Utah Temple! It was really cool! We enjoyed so much watching conference on Saturday and Sunday! In between the Evening session and the Priesthood session, we decided to do something really awesome! Dad was telling me about how when he was a missionary, he and the other missionaries went to El Azteca so we all wanted to go out and eat somewhere so we decided to go to Cross-Bronx right next to the church and try to eat an entire Cross-Bronx Pizza! As you can tell from the pictures.....IT IS HUGE! We were all really excited to eat some delicious pizza so we all pitched in $6.00 and we headed over to Cross-Bronx and bought the huge pizza!

On Sunday we woke up and couldn't believe how fast Saturday went! We all just looked at each other and said: "Wow! Yesterday went by fast!" We were so excited and eager for another great day of conference! So we did our studies and then headed over to the church! We got to the church WAY faster than we thought we would so we just got the TV all set up and waited for the session to start. I loved all of the talks especially Elder Rasband's talk becuase he even mentioned the Bronx! That talk was especially directed at me! I couldn't help but think of you all back at home! As we were listening to his talk and he said that the missionaries were in a restraunt in the Bronx, all of the missionaries turned to each other and mouthed: "George's Diner". We were pretty sure that he was referencing George's but there's no way to tell for sure. How cool is that? Every single talk was so good and we loved listening to every single one! We were sad that conference in over but we were excited about everything that we learned! It was such a great conference!

Well everyone! I wish I could talk forever but I think I covered everything that I wanted to! I have loved being to email you and let you know everything that I have been experiencing here in the Bronx! It is such a cool experience to be here and be teaching so many cool people! I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you all! I just want to thank you again for the good examples you are! You are such incredible people and I love you all very much! Thank you for everything you have done for me in my life so I can be able to be where I am today! I couldn't have done it without you and your sacrifices! Thank you for always teaching me to love and be respectful to those around me! You are all incredible people and I know your good example and diligence in everything that you do has helped me so much! I miss you all more than anything but I know that spreading this Gospel and the joy that it brings to our lives to others will pay off in the long run. Thank you for always being there for me and raising me to live the Gospel in every aspect of my life! Well everybody! I hope you all have the best week off and have so much fun spending time together with Grandma Evans! I will be thinking about you all week! Have tons of fun and be safe driving! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Love Always!
~Elder Lindberg

P.S: I just uploaded all of my pictures for the week! I always love taking pictures! Enjoy!

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