Hello my amazing family! Thank you so much for your email! I miss you all so much! Holy cow!!! What an incredible P-Day!! I have so many amazing things to tell you!! We had the most amazing time and he saw such amazing landmarks!! I am emailing you right now from the Arby's in Manhattan and you can literally see the Empire State Building from where I am! IT IS INCREDIBLE! So we took the train down to Manhattan and we got out of the tunnel and guess what the first thing we saw was!?!? The Chrysler Building!! It was right there out of the subway tunnel! It is so amazing to think that I am right in the thick of all of this famous and historical city! So Elder Kirkham had to exchange some white shirts that were too small that his parents sent him and then we headed straight over to the Manhattan Arby's!! On our way we passed the Chrysler Building, Grand Central Station, The Plaza Hotel (From Home Alone!), and the Empire State Building!! And the most amazing thing that I saw today was....THE STATUE OF LIBERTY!! I actually got to see it! It was so incredible to see so many famous and iconic buildings all at once! I really wish you all could be here to see this is incredible and I'm taking lots of pictures so you can see it! What can I say about the museum other than WOW!! It was absolutely incredible! The coolest part of the whole museum was the rooftop garden! You could see the whole cityscape of Manhattan! I took tons of pictures! We could even see the Plaza Hotel from Home Alone! We are having the best time here in the big city! Then we got to do another fun thing! President Smith let Elder Kirkham and I go over to the very bottom of Manhattan just a few stops past the Metropolitan Museum of Art and go see his less active aunt and 3 younger cousins! They live just a few blocks away from the One World Trade Center and the 9/11 memorial and museum! So we went over to their apartment and played soccer with his cousins for about an hour and guess what.... it was at a small little park right by the Hudson River where the plane actually landed in the River! His aunt and uncle have seen the movie and told me all about how they saw the camera crews and helicopters and we were standing right there! His aunt told us that her husband saw the plane in the water as they were rescuing everyone! I will tell you more about it but right now we are on a train and I just wanted to let you know how our day went! I want you to know how much I love and miss each one of you! It was such an amazing day and I saw so much! I will go into more detail later about everything because we really saw so many incredible things! I hope I can talk with you some more later today because we do have a few appointments tonight and so I may not be able to email again because we can't email past 9:00. I wish I had more time but if I'm not able to I will tell you all about it next week! I love you all so much and I hope you all have an amazing week! I will be thinking about you all the time! I hope you are all having a great day! It was such an incredible P-Day!! I was on cloud 9! LOVE YOU ALL TONS!
Love Always!
~Elder Lindberg
P.S: I really hope I can upload all of my pictures soon! I just need WiFi for enough time so I can upload them all to my drive! So I will upload them ASAP! I took SO many pictures of everything that we got to do! I took close to 200 pictures just today because we saw so much! I will tell you all about it! Thank you again for your wonderful emails and pictures! It was great as usual! I loved getting them during the week as well! You guys are the best! Love you!