Monday, December 10, 2018

Temple Trip!

December 6th 2018~Manhattan Temple Trip!!!Statue Of Liberty Trip Next Monday!!! Love You So Much!!!

Hello & good morning everyone! Thank you so very much for your email yesterday! It was so great to hear from you! I'm very excited to talk to you today and it will be so fun to talk back and forth! Here is our really short week!

Monday was such an awesome day! It was weird that it wasn't P-Day but I was so happy to be able to email you! We had a really great day and got a lot done! I hope you all had a very amazing day and had fun at work and school! It has been so much fun to be Elder Solomon's companion and he is going to do great things for the mission and those he teaches! It has been such an honor and a privilege to train him! I was thinking about you a lot today and sending my love and thoughts your way! We got talking and he is a little anxious about this upcoming transfer and is curious to find out who his next companion will be! I'm excited to find out in a week from Saturday! It is just so surreal for me to be in this position and it is a very exciting time! We got to do a ton of tracting and we found a really awesome guy named Doug! He is really cool and came right out to talk to us! He studies the Bible every day and he really knows it front and back. He was quoting scriptures and he was surprised that we had so much in common! What was cool is that he says he has never owned a copy of the Book of Mormon and so we are praying that he will study it as much as he does the Bible! It was a very great day and it was so fun to get your emails when we got back to the apartment! I am preparing some things for my flight home and I'm in really good shape with how much stuff I have. I do have 1 question, would it be alright if I donated my white shirts to a bin that goes to charities or should I just throw them away? They have seen better days and have defiantly gotten tons of use and I have enjoyed them very much! I plan on retiring some of my garments and bringing just enough until I can get some new ones and I donated a pair of my well worn shoes and so I have my newest pair of Doc Martin's and my tennis shoes. I think I might donate my tennis shoes since they have been well used as well. I just wondered some of your thoughts! I really like your idea of packing up a box! I might need to send home 1 package but I will be able to fit a box of some of my things inside my suitcase and I don't think I will even come close to 50 pounds by the time I finish packing! I'm in really good shape and everything is going to fit perfectly! I hope you all have an amazing evening! 1 day closer to Christmas and seeing you!!!! LOVE YA SO VERY MUCH!!!!!

HAPPY 3 WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!! It is so fun to think that Christmas is in just 21 days from now! I hope you all had a very awesome day and enjoyed work and school and all of your other activites you had! I thought about you a lot and sending my love to you! We had district meeting again today and so that means I only have 1 left! Yikes! Thanks so very much for the fun email! I really appreciate them a lot and it was really fun to hear from you! I was thinking about you a lot for your Christmas activity and I hope you all had a lot of fun! I saw the temperature this morning for you and I just had to take a picture of it because you got done to 5 degrees! So cold! We went tracting in a really cool neighborhood that had tons of cool apartment town homes and We Knocked on so many doors that my finger hurts! Hehe! One of the first doors we knocked on, was a man that was not happy we were knocking on his door. He told us that he was the "Vice President of the Board" and so we weren't sure what he meant by that. We told him that we were sharing a message about Jesus Christ and he said "well you aren't supposed to be soliciting." We told him that we weren't selling anything and we were just sharing a message that will help people have a happier Christmas and he said something really funny before shutting the door. He said "Well back where I come from, that was called soliciting" and then he shut the door. We were worried that he would call the police in us for "soliciting" and a few town homes later, we saw a police officer drive by but he didn't stop and so we were happy that we didn't get the police called on us! Wheww! We did meet a really awesome guy in his 20s and he is studying to become a Baptist Preacher. He said that he went to Bible school in Califonria and has been to Las Vegas and he met some missionaries there! His name is Christian Hunt and we were able to get his number! He invited us to his Church and we invited him to ours and so we will see who shows up to which Church! Hehe! I was so very excited to get your email and I couldn't believe that we are that close! That was so unbelievable to see and it's so fun to think it is that close!!!🥛🥛🥛 Holy Cow!!!!! (No pun intended! Hehe!🥛) While we were tracting, we found a lot of cool new people and the highlight was finding a lady named Dina! Dina told us that she knew a lot about the "Mormon Church" (We helped her by saying that it was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ). She said that she lived in Idaho Falls for many years and was so impressed with how nice and compassionate members of the Church are. She was decorating for Christmas and it was fun to see her decorations. We got to share a scripture from the Book of Mormon but we couldn't go inside because she was the only one home. It was a perfect way to end a great day! Thanks again for the emails that you sent to me! It makes my whole day! Only 14 days to go! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE & MISS YOU SO MUCH DEAR FAMILY!!!!!!

Wow! 2 WEEKS TO GO!!! It is so fun to think that 2 weeks from today, we will all be together enjoying each other's company and having lots of fun! We had another very awesome day today! We are so excited to go to the Temple tomorrow and I can't wait to talk to you! We are going to wake up at around 4:30 and meet Bishop Cook near the I-80 and then he will drive us to Manhattan for our 6:30 session! It is going to be such a fun day and I am very excited to do a session and talk to you! I may not be able to send an email until after the session and so I will send one right after! We should get back to Newton by about 10:30 and then we will get our shopping and laundry done! We won't have a lot of clothes to wash or food to buy since we just did on Monday and so it will be a relaxing day! Today we did a whole lot of tracting and it was great! We decided to walk today to save miles on our car and so we enjoyed being outside and enjoying a nice walk! This area is so pretty and I love all of the neat, old houses that are everywhere! Daniel came to pick us up at 3:00 and it was my last time going out with him. He has been driving us every week since July and we have made a lot of memories together! Daniel took us out to dinner again and we went to Friendly's and it was so good! I had one of the tastiest burgers I've ever had! I got a honey barbeque burger with applewood smoked bacon and it was so very good! Daniel is always so nice to take us out and his Mom is always wanting him to treat us to dinner after we go out with him! We visited a lot of less active members since Daniel has a hard time walking a lot and so we drove to each person that we had records for and we met a few less active members! It makes me sad that these less active members have completely strayed away from the path and don't want anything to do with the Church. Every less active member that answered almost immediately shut the door and didn't want to talk. It was still so great to be out with Daniel and hear how his week went! I finally got a picture with him and so I'm looking forward to you seeing it! He is such a great friend and loves helping out and we sure do appreciate him! I was thinking about you a lot and sending my thoughts, love, and well wishes your way! We are very excited for the Temple and I can't wait to tell you all about it! I might not be able to email until 7 or 8 your time but I will email as soon as I can. We are also going to try to go to the Casbah food truck or a dollar slice pizza and so we are looking forward to that too! It will be such a great P-Day and I'm so excited! I hope to be able to use the giving machines for Light the World as well! I hope you all had a very amazing and fun day! 2 weeks to go!!! Almost there and I couldn't be any more excited!!!!! We are going to be up very early tomorrow morning and Dad's saying keeps going through my mind, "Let's go, go, go!!!" Have a great rest of your day and good luck at work and school! LOVE & MISS YOU TONS & TONS!!!

P.S: Did you get my card that I sent? I hope so! I just wanted to make sure they got there safe and sound! Love ya tons!

Well my dear and amazing loved ones! It was so great to type up this email and tell you all about these last few days!


Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg

December 10th 2018~Statue Of Liberty Trip!!!! So Excited To See You!!! Love You So Much!!!1 More Full Week!!!

Hello to the best, most amazing, and greatest Family ever!!! Wow! Thank you so much for your fun email and pictures! Sunday night's are the best and I am always so excited to read your emails! I am so very happy as usual that you had such a great week and got to do so much! I couldn't be more excited to come home and see you! The days sure are going by really fast and I am just so excited to run off the airplane and give you a hug! Today is going to be such a fun P-day and j can't wait to tell you all about it! We need to be in Newark by 9:30 and so we are just about to leave and then the trip is done by 4:00 and I'm so excited to see the Statue Of Liberty up close! It will be such an amazing day and I have been looking forward to this for a long time! It has been a short week since we had P-Day on Thursday this week so here goes the news for these last few days! I can't even believe that I only have 1 more weekly email after this! So crazy! I will be sad when I can't write weekly emails anymore! I have really enjoyed keeping you in the loop with everything going on and I sure will miss reading your emails each week!

Wow!!! Today was an incredible P-Day!!! Where do I even begin?! It was so much fun to go back to New York City and see so many cool and amazing sights! I had so much fun emailing you and I'm always so thankful for the time you take to email me! We woke up very early this morning and drive for about 20 minutes to meet Bishop Cook in a parking lot near the I-80 East. He is such a great guy and we are very grateful that he took us! The session was so nice and we got to witness baptisms, initiatories, and an endowment session! We got to talk to a member of the Temple Presidency and I saw a few missionaries that I served around! It was such a fun and memorable day and talking to you made my day! We went to visit a less active Family that was referred to us by Sister Boyle and they were really nice! It was so nice to meet a less active Family that wasn't offended or mad at the Church. They said that they just don't go and so We thought it was a good idea to invite them to the Christmas party! We were driving past Walmart and we saw tons of light and heard sirens and so we pulled into the parking lot to see what was going on and the fire alarms had gone off and it didn't look like there was a fire and so we aren't sure what happened but there sure was a lot of commotion! We knocked on a lot of doors but we think that people are startjng to leave for vacations for the holidays because not very many people even answered. We still pressed forward and kept going! Today was so amazing and i hope you had a great evening too! Thanks again for your continued love and support! I appreciate so much and can't wait to give you a big hug! Happy Friday! Love and miss ya tons!!!!

Friday was another awesome and great day from the mission field!!only 11 days left! I saw on the weather app that you had some very cold weather this morning and it said thst there was a thick layer of fog covering the valley! Crazy! We have been having some really nice weather and I'm so grateful because it says that Minday will be really nice weather for our trip! We got to serve at the food pantry again and it was the first time that that the other Elders helped out! It was a lot of fun to have 2 more Elders helping out and we got twice as much done! We got to take out cans of food that had been donated from Stop and Shop and organize the cans depending on what they were and then we helped the customers come in a get their food. It is so crazy to think that I only have 1 more time helping out at the food pantry! We got to go visit a referral named P.J and the address that he gave us was for a law office and so we looked around and could see that there were lights on upstairs and it looked like apartments! We knocked on the door but he didn't answer his door or his phone. He ordered a Bible online because he saw the mission's free Bible advertisement and so we are looking forward to meeting with him! It was really cold tonight and so we bundled up to go tracting and had a great time! It keeps hitting me that I won't be able to tract for very much longer and so I'm enjoying every minute of being able to talk to people and bear my testimony! I hope you all had such a fun day! I was so happy to get your Facebook message! LOVE & MISS YOU SO MUCH DEAR FAMILY!!!!
P.S: I totally forgot to tell you that I met Tom Brady today!!! Hehe! A man came into the food pantry today and his real name is Tom Brady! It was pretty fun to say that I met "Tom Brady".....just not the Patriots Quarterback! Hehe!

Saturday was so amazing!!! We woke up to a skiff of snow and the sky was so pretty and blue during the day! We got to do another free hot chocolate stand and this time, the Sister Missionaries organized it and asked us to bring the table. They are Spanish sister missionaries and so they cover a really big area. We also had our ward Christmas party and it was so much fun! We started the day by going to visit a lady that we met while tracting 2 days ago! She is so nice and woke her up and she told us that she was happy to see us! She asked us to come back after District meeting on Tuesday and so we hope that we can teach her and help her progress! I connected with her really well because she is from Jamaica and it was fun to have a connection with her since I met so many Jamaicans in the Bronx! We got to do a free hot chocolate stand and we met the Sister Missionaries there from the Ledgewood ward and we had a ton of success! We had lots of people take the hot chocolate and we talked to lots of really cool people! We went to main street in Newton right in front of our apartment and there is a big theater where people were going into to watch shows and plays and so we had lots of people walk by! We talked to this one man who said that his wife recently passed away in August and it was very hard on him. He really appreciated the hot chocolate and said what a breath of fresh air it was to see people helping others! After our hot chocolate stand, we went to our ward Christmas party and it was so much fun! Edward Florio came and it was so great to see him after a few weeks! He really enjoyed the party and said that the food was delicious! We had tons of different meats and lots of side dishes! My favorite part was the cheesecake and brisket! I have some pictures of the decorations! Lots of people showed up and it sure was a great time! Everyone was asking me how much time I had left and asked me if I was excited to go home! It was so fun to have so many people ask about me! They all said "I bet your Family is so excited!" I thought about you a lot today and was sending my love and thoughts your way! I hope you all had a very awesome and fun Saturday! Love and miss ya tons and tons!!!!!

P.S: Thanks so much for the email Abbs!!
Sunday was such an amazing day too! What a great Sabbath day! What a fun and newsy letter that you sent! I enjoyed every single word and loved hearing about your week! I would just like to bear my testimony with all my heart that I know that Jesus Christ loves and knows each one of us. I feel so much love from all of you back home every day and you give me strength to be a missionary! I have absolutely loved these last 2 years and have grown so much! I am so grateful for this amazing opportunity to serve a mission and meet so many cool people! I know that this Church is without a doubt true and has all of the Priesthood keys to perform essential ordinances. I feel the Savior's love every day and I know how much He loves each one of you. I love putting on my nametag each day and I get so excited to share the good news of the Gospel to every single person we meet! I'm so very happy and excited to see you so soon! This is my last full week in the mission and then I get to see you! I'm so excited that we get to spend Christmas and New Year's together and all be off from work and school! It is going to be so AMAZING!!! Church was so great today and they had a training during the 3rd hour for the new program starting in January! They had some fun videos to watch and it was really interesting to learn all about it! We had a great program and lots of great talks were given! I even said goodbye to a few of the members because they are leaving for vacation and would be back until the new year. We got to give the sacrament to Jane Morse again and she is doing so much better! She has been sitting up in her wheelchair and so they think she can come to Church pretty soon! I was so excited all day for your email and pictures! You always send me the best emails ever and I really appreciate them so much! The rest of our day was so great as well and we got a lot done! We visited a lot of less active members and not very many people were home. We were hoping to teach a few of them but nobody answered their door. It is always hard when that happens because there isn't anything we can do except keep pressing forward! We were in a certain neighborhood and there was a man that had been taught a few years ago and was close to baptism but he ended up disappearing and so we are going to visit him often to try and catch him at home! When we got back to the apartment for the day, I couldn't wait to read your email and I was so excited to hear from you and see your pictures! To finish off the night, we made some cinnamon rolls and I ate them while I read your email! It was so much fun to see pictures of you and know that I get to see you in just a few days! Thanks a ton for the fun email you sent! It is so fun to know that you are all doing well and happy! I pray for you individually, by name each and every day and I'm so happy that my prayers are always answered! Talk to you tomorrow dear loved ones! Statue Of I come! Thank you so much for the information about the ancestor that came through Ellis Island! I was actually looking for someone on Family History to see if I could find anyone and was going to ask you but you already answered my question! So interesting and it will be really fun to see such a historical site! Love and miss you so, so, so very much!!!!!

Well my dear and amazing Family, thanks again for the fun emails and pictures! We are just about to leave our apartment and we will be driving to Newark! So Elder Solomon will spend the day with Elder Sanchez and Elder Sanchez is in a trio right now and his other 2 companions are going home as well and so they will be on the trip with us. We need to be to Newark by 9:30 and we will be leaving at 9:45 and then we will drive to Ellis Island and go on the boat to the Statue Of Liberty! I'm so excited and I can't wait to see the amazing views! I will email you as soon as we get back to the car at about 4:00 our time. I will send you my pictures too! I hope you all have a very amazing and fun day! I have 1 more week to go and then we will be together again! I can't say it enough but I'm so excited to see you! We can do this! 1 week to go! I hope you have another amazing week! We are just about to leave for Newark and so I will send this off and then talk to you after our trip! I'm so excited and I can't wait! LOVE & MISS YOU TONS & TONS MY DEAR & AMAZING FAMILY!!!!!!!!!

Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg

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