Monday, September 24, 2018

Happy Fall Y'all!

September 24th 2018~Transfer Calls Next Saturday!!! Doing Great In New Jersey!! LOVE & MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!
Hello and good morning my dear loved ones!!!! I'm so excited to email you today! We are just about to leave for Newark and Jersey City and so I want to send this off before we leave because we will be driving and doing our shopping in Jersey City and so I hope that we can talk back and forth! First off, thank you a ton for your fun and exciting email and including details about your week! I love and appreciate you so much and all that you do for me! Today will be a very busy day for us and we will be driving for about 2 hours for Elder Caccioppoli's Statue Of Liberty trip. We are just about to leave and so we will be in Newark in about an hour and then I will spend the day with Elder Reese and then we will drive back and get all of our P-day activites done. I hope we can email a lot! It will be such a fun day to see more of Jersey City and see the other side of the Hudson River and look into Manhattan! I hope each of you has an amazing day and have lots of fun too! Our week was packed and it went so well and we met a lot of great people! We have been following up with those we have met and it has gone really well! We just keep planting the seeds and we are seeing a lot of continual success! Here goes our week!

Today was such an awesome P-Day! I had so much fun hearing from you and I loved being able to talk to you! We are having some beautiful weather and I love the falling leaves and the leaves changing colors! We were able to get so much done and we took the car to the car wash and got it all vacuumed out for Elder Jensen so we could trade cars! I had so much emailing you and I was so grateful that you had such a great day! I got to get on and change my password so I can now log into Utah State's website and register for classes when the time comes! We got to relax a little and we cleaned the apartment from top to bottom! I really appreciated all of your fun emails and was so excited to hear from you during the day! It was such a great P-Day and we really enjoyed it! I was so grateful for all of your help with my FAFSA! I found out a few important dates and I uploaded the file to my drive! Thanks again for your help! After our fun P-day was over, we got in the car and drove to Milford Pennsylvania for our dinner appointment! I was really excited and thought it was so cool that we could go! President Hess gave us permission and said that the Dad isn't a member and so he loves having the missionaries go over and teach him! At around 4:00, we got some rain and we heard that it was from the Hurricane but it never rained too much which was nice! We had such a great time with the King Family for dinner! The drive was so amazing and i had lots of fun crossing off another state that I've been to! Pennsylvania had a different feel to it and it was a lot of fun to see some different sights! We found out that President Hess likes missionaries to go over there because the husband asked that his records be removed from the Church. He is always willing to talk about the Church and he and his wife both served missions and he comes to Church but doesn't want his records a part of the Church. They are a really cool Family! Sister King is from Denmark and served her mission in Germany and Brother King is from France and served in Austria. They both went to Byu and worked at the MTC and that is where they met. We had some yummy lasagna and salad and taught them a lesson about the Restoration and the light of Christ. We got talking about some of the things we learned I Stake Conference and how we can constantly change and Sister King likened it to a butterfly and how we can constantly change and become better! It was such a great P-day and it was so neat to experience Pennsylvania! It is a really cool part of the state and I even got a few pictures! It was quite the drive and they really appreciated us coming over to visit! I was so happy to have been able to talk with you so much today and I really appreciated your emails! Have such a great day and know that I love you very, very much! Love you so much!!!!!

20 Months!?!?!?!? How did that go by so fast!!!! I woke up and thought I had traveled through time 20 months because today was my 20 month mark! Weren't you just dropping me off yesterday?!?! Hehe! I was so happy to get your email with the 20 month picture on it! I was so thankful for it and set it as my background! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I really can't believe that it has been 20 months already! Crazy! I always think back to the many memories and experiences I've had on my mission and I'm so glad that I came on a Mission! I can't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't serve a mission and have all of these amazing experiences! We had an amazing District Meeting and we got to switch our car! We got the exact same kind and make of car but it is gray instead of red. We switched over all of our things and then got to demonstrate a practice teaching to the whole District! The assistants to President Hess were there and so was Elder Jensen and so we had a huge group! We got to practice teaching one of the assistants in front of everyone and so we pretended to knock on the door and then role played a scenario. I have been out for the 3rd longest in the whole district and it is so weird to be one of the oldest! It started pouring rain once we started to drive back to Sparta but we were nice and dry since we had umbrellas. We have district meeting in Ledgewood and it takes us about 45 minutes to drive there and it is mostly wooded and forest area so it is so amazing to see all of the leaves! There are tons of small frogs that like to come out and sit right in the middle of the street when it rains and so we have to be careful not to run them over. We have seen lots of deer and I even saw an opossum the other day! I think this part of New Jersey is just so pretty and I love the scenery! After lunch, we headed out for the rest of the day and our dinner appointment with the Averyt Family canceled and so we decided to skip dinner and work the rest of the day! It was a lot of hard work and we were tracting from 2:00 until 9:00. We talked to hundreds of people and worked so hard to find those that are ready for the Gospel and I really want Elder Caccioppoli to have a memorable and successful last 2 weeks! He goes home 2 weeks from today and so he wants to work even harder! The highlight was meeting an amazing guy named Dan Bendes and he is a former Corporal and Sheriff in Sussex County. He was so nice and came right out to shake our hands! I do have to back up in my story because before we knocked on his door, we had a street of people that didn't want to talk to us and didn't want us in their neighborhood and as soon as we turned around the bend on the street and started knocking on doors there, they were so friendly and we had some great conversations! Dan has had the Jehovah's Witnesses come over to his house and he is always trying to be nice to everyone that is willing to knock on his door. We hope and pray that he will be interested to learn more because Elder Caccioppoli and I both looked at each other after talking to him and said that we could picture his being a Bishop or Elders Quorum President! Hehe! The problem is he lives 45 minutes away from our apartment and it is at the very top of our area and so we need to get his phone number next time. Then we got to tract in a very pretty neighborhood next to a lake and we had a guy walking his dog and he told us to get out of the neighborhood because we can't be knocking on doors that late. We looked at our watches and it was barely 7:45. It is getting really dark so soon and so we don't have very much daylight in the evenings but we went to a different part and continued to knock on doors! It was such a great day and we were so tired by the end of it but we felt so accomplished! The work moves forward!!! I hope you all had a very awesome and fun day! LOVE YOU SO, SO, SO VERY MUCH!!!!

P.S: I completely forgot to mention a miracle that we had!!! So after lunch, we were thinking about the Marvin Family a lot and so we stopped by to visit. Their Uncle, who is a member, opened the door and said "Elders! The girls have been waiting for you!" We both looked at each other and thought to ourselves "We didn't even set up an appointment" and so we were so excited thst we could teach them! It was so amazing because we had gone over there to set up an appointment but we were able to teach them right them and there! We taught them about keeping the Sabbath Day holy and the Word of Wisdom and they understood everything! We are so close to their baptism but we are going to have to push back their date a week or two but they will get baptized soon! It was such a tender mercy and we were thrilled to have an amazing lesson! It was just so amazing the fact that Jose just let us right in and said that they were waiting for us even though they had no idea we were coming! It was so amazing!

Today was so amazing! I hope that you had a very awesome day too! I was thinking about you a lot and sending lots of love your way! We found out something so cool about this next P-day! Elder Caccioppoli got an email telling him that the group of missionaries going home with him are having their Statue Of Liberty trip is this next Monday! I'm not sure exactly how this next P-Day will go since we need to be at the mission home at 8:30 and so I really hope we can talk back and forth! We were able to do some tracting after lunch and before Daniel came to pick us up for our weekly splits with him and I always look forward to him taking us! He drove us around to our different locations and we were able to contact the Curiel Family and they are a really cool part member Family. The Mom was baptized a few years ago but never showed up for her confirmation and so she still isn't a member and hasn't been to Church in many years. We got to all to 2 of their teens and they were really open and friendly. They and some good friendships with missionaries in the past but had a hard time connecting with the Sister Missionaries. They were washing one of their motorcycles and so we got to talk to them about their religious background and then Daniel dropped us off at our apartment for dinner. He really is a big help and he saves us miles on our car and so we really appreciate him being a great member missionary! He is so dedicated and always comes dressed up and ready to "Teach and preach, and work as missionaries do! For lunches and dinners, I have been making quesadillas with different toppings like re fried beans and they turn out pretty yummy! I wish I had more time to make a bigger meal but we always like being out working as much as we can and so we usually have something quick and easy. After dinner, we went to a beautiful area in Oak Ridge and the leaves were falling like crazy! There was a chill in the air and it got me really excited for Fall! It was a street called Lark Lane and the houses had some neat Halloween decorations and everyone was so nice to us! The highlight of the night was the very last house we knocked on! I love the promptings that I get that tell me "knock on 1 more door". It was dark and we could hear the leaves crunching as we walked and we could hardly see up this guy's driveway. As we were walking we heard a friendly guy ask us how we were doing. We got talking to him and his name is Brian Walsh and he is in his mid 30s and owns a really pretty home tucked into the trees and he was so friendly. He has a lot of potential to progress because he has many questions and we were able to answer them! We taught him about the Restoration and about how we have a living Prophet on the Earth today. I'm so happy to share our message with others and once I share it with someone that this is all new information to, I come to realize just how important and special or message is and how much it has blessed all of our lives! It was a special experience to talk to him because we felt like we were the only ones around for miles because how quiet it was and the spirit that was there testifying to Brian that what we were saying was true. We are going to go back soon and follow up with him because he would make a great member! It was the perfect way to end a great day! I hope each of you had such a great day at work and school! I just want you to know that I sincerely and genuinely love and appreciate you with all my heart!!!!! You are the BEST!!! Love & miss you so, so, so very much!!!!

Thursday was so amazing as well! When I woke up, I was really excited to see that I had an email from you! I was so very happy that Abby won her game! Congrats Sis! It was so great to be able to see you all and you all look so good! Thanks so much for thinking of me! I was really happy to hear that you all got to go and and a fun time! I was thinking about Dubbie a lot today and wishing him good luck against Logan! You've got this Brandon! The days are really picking up speed now and it's hard to believe that it is already the 20th! Where did September go? I hope that you all had a very awesome and fun day! We had a great day and got a lot done! Right now, we have a lot of people that we met and have names and addresses for that we are trying to contact again and teach them and so we are working hard finding more people and setting up appointments with those that we have already met. After our weekly planning, we went to a nearby street of apartments and townhomes and enjoyed the pretty fall weather! We knocked on so many doors and found a lot of success! Before I tell you how our tracting went, I have some exciting news about this coming P-day! So Elder Caccioppoli and all of the missionaries that are going home this cycle are going on their Statue Of Liberty trip and so I needed a companion to stay with who isn't going on the trip. So we called our zone leaders and they told us that while Elder Caccioppoli is at the Statue Of Liberty, I get to spend the day in Jersey City with Elder Reese! I'm so excited because they have amazing views of lower Manhattan and so I'm so excited to spend P-Day there! I found out that they live in Bayonne which is the Spanish area! We had some really awesome things happen while we were tracting and we also met a Hebrew Israelite and he was really funny. We were knocking on doors in a small apartment building and a really nice and muscular African American came to the door. He had a smile on his face that said "Oh, this should be good." Hehe! When we told him who we were he asked us to wait a few minutes while he went to get his Bible. Elder Caccioppoli and I looked at each other and knew that he was going to Bible bash us and try to preach to us about the Church and so we prepared ourselves to just teach and testify because we knew he would talk a lot. He came back and the only thing we could do is testify of what we knew to be true because he was quoting scriptures left and right and making references here and there and wouldn't let us get a word in and he picked apart everything he knew about our Church. We testified to him and invited him to read the Book of Mormon and find out for himself but then he shut the door. He told us that he was a Hebrew Israelite and he was one of the true Prophets on the Earth today. It always amazes me what people think and come to believe. But then after that happened we met someone really cool! She was a tall, skinny lady and had a southern accent. We got talking to her about our Church and she told us that her husband is a member of the Church! He wasn't home at the moment but she asked us to come back some other time in the evening when he might be home! It was exciting to find a cool connection with her! She was making dinner and so we shared a quick scripture and away we went. It was funny because we knocked on some doors and recognized some of the people from the food pantry that we help out each week but they didn't recognize us and so we just went right into teaching them. After dinner, it got really dark and stormy but it never ended up raining which we were thankful for! As we were out knocked on doors, I looked at the clock and remembered that Dubbie was playing and so I said a prayer for him as he was out playing! Go get em Buddie! We got to go tracting in a really pretty area up in Highland Lakes and we went to a street called Ames Road! It was pretty much dark by 6:45 and it is a heavily wooded area and so there are hardly any lights and so we bring flashlights so we can see. We knocked on a door and a guy in his mid 20s came to the door and told us that they weren't interested and so we kept going down the street. Well, a few minutes later we see this giant flashlight shining at us from a distance and a lady with a very raspy voice yelled to us and asked us what we were doing in "their" neighborhood. She told us to get out as fast as possible and never to come back. I wish we could have shared our message with her because it sounded like she was a smoker and the Gospel would have helped her so much. We just went further down the street where they wouldn't be bothered and that is where we met some really cool people! We met a guy named Joe who had just sat down with his Family to eat and so we shared a quick scripture from the Book of Mormon and asked him when we could come back. He said that he was going to share that scripture with his Family at the dinner table! Then we met a man in his 70s and he had just gotten home from vacation and said that he wants to learn more! We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and set up a return appointment! Hard work pays off! We are making so much progress with this area and I'm so excited to watch it continue to grow! We are putting in the effort and seeing amazing things happen and meeting so many great people! I hope you all had a very awesome day and I want you to know that I love you all so very much! LOVE YOU!!!!!
Wow! Friday was just so awesome! First off, HAPPY FALL Y'ALL!!!!! I'm so excited that it is officially fall!!! I have had a lot of fun looking back in my journal to what I was doing a year ago on this specific date! 1 year ago today we were 2 Days away from Bill's baptism and I had been in Kingston for a whole transfer! I woke up and was really excited for your email about Brandon's game! I was so happy that they won and especially that they put up 52 points! Way to go Buddie! There were hardly any people that showed up to the food pantry and so I guess that is a good thing! We got to take home some Fiber One Brownies and those were really tasty! We had a ton of food because a few of the local stores donate items when they are close to their expiration date and can no longer sell them and so the Sister Missionaries go and pick up the deliveries and they had a ton to pick up today. We gave out Oreos, chips, vegetables, and so many granola bars. We told everyone to take as much as they wanted because we had a lot of food which is always nice! Then after the food pantry was done, we had lunch, did our studies, and then headed out to work! We have met so many awesome people but it has been difficult to help them progress because of work and other events getting into he way that keep them from meeting with us but we do teach lots of people on their doorstep! We just keep planting those seeds and we hope to watch them grow!!!! We went tracting in this beautiful area in Oak Ridge and the 2nd door we knocked on was a man named Matthew. He had a cool last name but it slipped my mind. Oops! He grew up in Manhattan and so Elder Caccioppoli and I both had a fun connection with him! He said that he was an atheist and that was partly because of his rough childhood and his parents telling him that there isn't a God. He told us that we couldn't convert him and so we started with baby steps and helped him understand that we do have a loving Heavenly Father. He was really nice to talk to and we hope to visit him again soon! Then we got a call from the Sister Missionaries in the Fardale Ward and they told us that a returning less active member moved into our area and wanted us to continue yo help him come back to Church! So we went to visit him and he is a really cool guy! He was dating a member many years ago and was baptized shortly after but fell away from the Church. He loves working on cars and has a Volvo that he drives. He is renting a room in a cabin house in the woods from one of his friends and so we offered to help him unpack. He will love our ward and we are excited to see him come back to Church! Then we met a guy in his wood shop working on some doors for his house and at first he was a little apprehensive but eventually stopped working for a minute to talk to us. He was telling us about how Oak Ridge is his home and how he has moved away a few times but has always moved right back. He lives in a very wooded area and there is lots of wildlife where he lives. We passed out a few copies of the Book of Mormon and a few pamphlets and so we were really excited about that! I was thinking about how much you mean to me today and how grateful I am for you. You make me so happy and put a smile on my face each and every day! I love you so much all of the time and I'm always so grateful for you! LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!

Saturday was AWESOME!!! Happy Saturday to you all! I was so excited to hear how Abby's homecoming went and I was so excited to hear how your day went! We only have 2 more weeks until General Conference and I'm so excited for it! We also have transfer calls coming up this next Saturday and trainer calls are this Wednesday! It will be so much fun to hear who my new companion is! I might even get to train, who knows! The weather was absolutely perfect and it only got up to 70 degrees and so it felt so nice and cool! I hope each of you had an amazing and fun Saturday! I was hoping that you got to go to the Air Force vs Utah State game! I have loved being able to study the Doctrine and Covenants and I'm up to section 30! It has been so interesting to study more about Joseph Smith and his revelations. Right after our studies, we went to Sister Campbell's house to do service for her and it went really well! She wanted us to come over and help her with some projects in her yard and we were glad to help out! The service went really well and she had us build a fire in her antique outdoor stove and she had some papers that she needed to burn since they were taking up so much room and then we raked up a ton of her acorns and leaves that had already fallen and then for some reason, it got really chilly and since we were up by the lake, the temperature dropped to 59 degrees and so it felt like Heaven to be outside! She also made us linner and we had a goulash with potatoes and cooked carrots and salad. She helps us so much and we really appreciate her always feeding us and letting us help her in her yard. She is having a problem with the acidity levels in her yard and so we sprinkled some limestone powder that she bought for gardening and then we raked up the rest of the acorns and headed back out to work! We returned to visit a few of the people that we had met tracting and it went really well! The first guy had just gotten back from a long vacation when we first met him and so we went back to teach him and he told us how he had gone to Salt Lake City a few years ago and took a tour of Temple Square and he had no idea there was a Church out here in New Jersey. We just had a quick lesson on his front porch and then as we were driving to our visit our next person, we saw a ton of cars and people all over the place at a popular resort and we found out that it was October fest and it was a beer tasting event and so there were drunk people everywhere. Luckily, nobody was driving but there were people lined up all down the sidewalks and people veering and staggering all over the place. There were police trying to keep it under control but everyone was wandering everywhere. Then we went tracting and we also got a referral which we were really excited about because we haven't gotten one in a long time and we got a call from Salt Lake telling us about how he ordered a Bible and wanted us to come and give it to him! Then we met a really cool lady named Tracy that asked us about our college and what we want to do for a career. We were able to read her a few scriptures from the Book of Mormon and she talked to us about how she has been reading the Bible with her son who has had some behavior problems and she said that it has helped him a lot. It was getting pretty late and so we decided to knock on 2 more doors and they were pretty upset that we knocked on their door but luckily they weren't too rude! It was a very great day and I was thinking about you a lot! Tomorrow is the 1 year mark of Bill Smith getting baptized and I can hardly believe it! Have such an amazing Sabbath Day my dear loved ones! Love you all to the moon and back!!!!!

P.S: I'm still not used to the attendants pumping gas for me! It is so weird and such a foreign concept to me and I can't get used to it! Hehe!!!!

Wow! Sunday was amazing! Today is the 1 year mark of Bill Smith getting baptized and it's so hard to believe it has been a whole year! He can go to the Temple now and so I'm very excited about that! From what I've heard, he has remained active and he even has a small calling! It excites me so much to know that I played a small part in his journey to the Gospel! I couldnt wait to get your email and I was very excited to hear how your week went! I was so excited to see your email pop up and was so thankful for the details and pictures! Wow! You all had such a fun and exciting week with lots going on! I was so happy about all of the Football games and the homecoming! We had an amazing day at Church and we had some really great talks! Brother Stevenson made us some yummy pecan waffles with whipped cream and syrup again and it always starts our Sabbath Day off great! We had a high councilor from a ward that Elder Caccioppoli served in and the theme was missioanry work and sharing the Gospel with other by just being ourselves. I thought it was interesting how they told us to use "Gospel terms" so the person we are talking to will ask us questions that we can answer and share more about the Gospel with. The Marvin girls weren't able to get picked up because they weren't ready in time but we had a great turnout of Members! I have really enjoyed this ward and they asked us to help set up for General Conference since we will be here for all of the sessions. We had something really funny happen in the intermediate hymn! Hehe! Sister Stevenson was conducting the music and she accidentally had us sing the 3rd verse twice and so half the books were already put away and some joined in and sang and the rest joined in halfway through and so it sounded pretty funny because everyone was laughing. It was hilarious! Sister Martin gave a talk about how we each have our own talents and abilities for a reason and so she explained how we can all be member missionaries with our talents! I feel back that I haven't gotten a picture yet with the Marvin girls so you can see them. I haven't taken as many pictures with those we are teaching and so I apologize! Sorry! I'm really connecting well with this ward and they can't believe that Elder Caccioppoli only has 1 week left on his mission! Some of the ward members are going in for surgery this next week and one of them is having a heart valve replaced and so there are lots of prayers and support going around. The weather is so beautiful and the leaves have changed colors and so we are officially to fall! I wore a long sleeve shirt during the day for the first time in a while since it was in the 50s all day. Your weather sure has been nice and you've had some cooler temperatures too! We had an amazing lesson with the referral that we got named Carl Fusco! He is a really awesome guy and has lots of health challenges but we had a really awesome lesson with him about the Book of Mormon! Then we got to do some tracting and we picked a few neighborhoods to knock on and we met some really nice people! We are so happy to see everyone and we especially love it when they are friendly in return! I just couldn't wait to come and read your email and I saw it pop up and I got so excited! Thank you a billion times for your very fun email and pictures and videos! I LOVED hearing all about your week and I was so excited to hear all of the fun things you got to do! I loved your videos and seeing and hearing you!!! You sure had such a fun week and I'm so grateful for that! Tomorrow morning, we need to be at the Newark Chapel at 9:30 and so we will wake up and I will send out my email and then we will drive to Newark. We won't be able to do laundry until the last couple of hours after we get back to the apartment but I'm really excited to spend the day in Jersey City! It will be a lot of fun and I can't wait to tell you all about it! Thanks again for the amazing emails, pictures, and videos! I am so excited for all of the Football going on and it has been so much fun to follow it! I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow! I'm so happy that you are all doing so well! It makes me a happy camper to know you are all having fun, doing well, and enjoying your week!! LOVE & MISS YOU TONS!!!!!!!

Well my dear and amazing loved ones, it has been so fun to read your emails again and hear all about your week! I'm so thankful for you each and every day and you make me so happy! I always appreciate your love, support, and prayers and all all that you do for me! I hope that you have another awesome and fun week ahead of you! I'm so excited for all of your activites going on and I'm supporting you all in everything that you do! Well, I'm going to send this off but I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you! I love each one of you more than anything and you are my greatest source of joy! I will make sure to drive safe and carefully on the way to Newark! I have been driving a ton and I've really enjoyed it! I'm loving every minute of my mission and I'm so glad to be a servant of the Lord! I feel so much of your love and prayers that you send my way! I hope you ahve a very amazing day and I'm so glad you had a great week! Have another aweosme and fun week! LOVE & MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH MY DEAR FAMILY!!!!!!!!!

Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg