Hello my dear and incredible Family! Another P-Day already!?!? First off, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!! Second, CONGRATS to Puck on passing off his Great American Award, Third, HAPPY SUMMER VACATION! I'm so excited to be able to email you today and especially excited that it is a holiday! Thank you all so much for your awesome and fun emails! It's always so fun to have a week's worth of events packed into 1 email! I'm so happy for all that is going on and that everyone is safe and happy because I sure am having a great time as a missionary! I'm so proud to be your son, brother, grandson, cousin, and nephew! No doubt that I have the best Family ever! I'm very excited that it is summer and that school is winding down for you and summer is right around the corner! It is a fun time that's for sure! Crazy to think that I turn 20 in just a few weeks! That is just crazy! Today for P-Day, we haven't decided what yo do yet it we will be sure to do something really fun! There are tons of tourists here for the Holiday and so it is pretty crowded over here! I am doing so well and having a great time! There is so much going on and we have lots of great people to teach! Jonathan is struggling with coming to Church but we only have a few more lessons to teach him but he is still on track for June 16th to get baptized!
Last P-Day was a ton of fun and the weather was just amazing!! It was really warm and the skies were blue as could be! We had so much planned and lots of fun activites to do! We started out by doing the usual shopping and they had tons of good deals for the "Pre-Fourth Of July" barbeque sale. I bought some bagel and cream cheese which is always a delicious snack and I bought stuff to make sandwiches and lots of cereal that was on sale! Then at around 11:00, we went to the turf field to play some frisbee because the weather was just too nice to resist. It was really too bad that the kid had to spoil the day of 3 missionaries and stole their stuff. It all worked out and everyone had good attitudes about the whole situation! Then we got some money for Elder Mitonzi and headed off to Yankee Stadium! We knew that there wasn't a game going on but the atmosphere is just so cool! Before we left, we got to meet the new senior couple and they are from Saint George and have lived in Utah their whole lives and so it was fun to talk to them! They are going to do such a great job at being the new mission office secretary and keeping track of our monthly money funds! The trip to Yankee Stadium was so pretty and was just so cool to be there! All I can say is that it never gets old!! We enjoyed spending the rest of our P-Day there and I bought a few souvenirs and 1 for the whole Family but it's a secret! I can't wait to show you! After 6:00 hit, we went to the Church for our weekly Family Home Evening activity. We had a pretty crazy night getting everything situated with the stolen items making sure that he wasn't racking up charges. It was just a big mess for them and I felt so bad for Elder Mitonzi and the 2 Sisters. They called the mission office and they all thought that we should go file a police report and so we went to the 52 precinct and filled out the report so they can look for the kid. They asked the Sisters and Elder Mitonzi what was stolen and then they got on to check where and when he made charges to their cards. Luckily they were able to cancel the mission cards but they found out that he took the cards and tried to buy $4.00 worth of McDonald's but he didn't know the pin number and so he ended up not being able to buy anything and so they were all so lucky and grateful that they can look at the cameras to try to find him. We were able to see Prince and he went to Family Home Evening while we got everything taken care of. The mission office was so helpful and made sure that their cards got cancelled and they even got them started on getting new ID's and so everything if working out great! It's crazy to think that a 17 year old can cause so many problems! Hehe!
I was SO VERY excited to see your email when I got back to the apartment and loved every word! I'm so happy that you all had a great day and that Dad likes the Yankee bat and that you are all excited for the suprise! It was such an amazing P-Day!
Tuesday was another amazing day! We had a lot going on, which is always so nice, and got so much done! It was so wierd to have our very last interviews with President Smith and to have District Meeting on a Tuesday instead of Monday. We got to the Church and I had my interview right before District Meeting and it was the best interview ever!!!! President Smith told me to trust in the Lord with these new changes coming up and he also gave every missionary a Preisthood blessing! It was so amazing and he read lots of scriptures about trusting in the Lord as I make decisions on what to do after I get home and how I can make the most out of the last 8 months that I have! We got a Facebook message from the Assistants and they told the whole mission that zone conferences will be held in the mission home within the next couple of weeks! I thought that they might do a mission wide devotional but we thought that it was really cool that our whole zone gets to meet in the mission home for Zone Conferences! My interview was first and he didn't have time before District Meeting to do Elder Mitonzi's and so President Smith came to our district meeting! Sister Felix, who is from Nigeria and in our mission, had to have surgery that morning for some pain that she was having in her mouth and so they weren't there and the other set of Sisters weren't there either because they had an appointment to cancel their cards. So it was really weird to only have 4 of us in District Meeting! It was like being back in Kingston when we only had 6 missionaries! It was such a great interview and meeting and President Smith gave me an amazing blessing and it was an experience that I will never forget! He blessed me that I will continue to have the strength to continue to serve with everything I've got and he promised me that I will be where I am needed whether it be in the New York City Mission or Morristown Mission! It was really cool!!! After lunch, we got to go do tons of lookups and trying to continue to find those awesome people that are ready to hear the Gospel! We were able to help a really nice and humble man down the flight of stairs and he had a really heavy tool cart with wheels and I wish you could have seen the look on his face because he couldn't believe that 2 teenagers would help him out. He was thrilled to have some help because he was really struggling to come down the stairs. We knocked on Jonathan's door and he had just gotten home for work and so we were able to set up an appointment before our basketball activity and he said that he come! He is doing so awesome and he is right on track for his baptism! I was REALLY excited to see an email from Abby when we got back to the apartment for dinner and I absolutely loved the pictures of Cache Valley so much! It was a lot of fun to see the mountains that I miss so much and all of the amazing views and scenery! Thanks so much Abbs for thinking of me and sending me the email and pictures! Then we got to have a lesson with Jonathan Santana and it was one of the best lessons ever! We taught him the whole Plan of Salvation and he totally loved it! He told us that he has been reading the Book of Mormon every single day and told us that he has a testimony of it! He has had a really rough life and just got out of prison but he has completely turned his life around! It's amazing how much Faith he has and how willing he is to try new things! After his lesson, we had so many people show up to basketball and it was so great to see! We had some extremely good 10-12 year old kids come but they weren't as good as Parker and Brandon! They were making some really good shots and they had some moves! I was so very excited to see your email and I was SO THRILLED FOR PARKER!!! CONGRATS BUDDIE!! You worked so very hard and capped off the Great American Award for the Lindberg kids! I am so proud of you bud!! I went to bed so excited for him and so thankful for your emails!
Wednesday was a very awesome and great day! It was really weird to not have P-day and it felt like P-Day. It was really weird! We had another awesome and productive day with lots going on! I love how this area has lots to do and we always have lots of lessons! It took some adjusting to switch P-Day to Monday and it felt different to not be emailing on a Wednesday. I was hoping that you were having a really awesome and fun day! We got a referral the night before for a less active member and we were able to set up an appointment with him! He ended up asking us to switch to 4:00 and so we went out near Fordham University to do some finding and talk to people on the street because it was a really nice day! We got to talk to some really awesome people and even a few students from Fordham University! We knocked on tons of doors but it was a rough time to find people at home because everybody was working. Let me just say that it was HOT! And I mean hot! It was really humid and the sun just beat down at us and felt so much hotter than it actually was. Luckily there was a breeze and so it cooled us down a little bit. It was so nice to have the water bottle that you gave me to have some ice water while working! Unfortunately, our 4:00 less active member didn't show up it happens. We just keep smiling and keep pressing forward and working as hard as we can and don't get discouraged!
We had some dinner and got to cool down for a few minutes because it was so hot. After dinner, we went to our ward correlation meeting and usually we have it right after P-Day ended and so it was different to go just on a regular day. Our meeting went really well and we discussed a few baptisms that would be happening this Saturday from the Sisters and our roommates. Then they talked about having 1 companionship go to Ward council. It went really well and we loved talking about all of the great work going on in our area and the people that we are teaching! We are just so excited for Jonathan because he is one of the best investigators that I've ever had on my mission! We can't wait for his Baptism and I've gotten to known him really well! I hope each of you had a very awesome day!
Thursday was so great and we got a ton done! We have lots of people to teach but it has been a little hard because of some appointments that have been falling through. I remember last year at this time in the Bronx and lots of people started to go on vacation as school got out and so it has been tough to meet with investigators. We just keep pressing forward because we have great investigators and lots of exciting times ahead! I was thinking about each of you a lot and wondering how you were all doing. It is really exciting that summer is coming up so quickly and you get to have lots of fun! I got thinking back to last summer and it was hard to believe that your trip to Washington D.C was a whole year ago. Crazy! We had a conference call for the whole mission right after our morning studies and it was really fun! We got to talk to a really nice lady on the bus and we testified to her that Joseph Smith is a true Prophet! She told us that she used to meet with the missionaries a long time ago and they taught her but she had a hard time with some of our teachings and so she asked them not to visit her anymore. We had a good 15 minute conversation with her right there on the bus and she even showed us pictures of her Family and some of her kids that are adopted! I have always tried to become better at sharing the Gospel with people on trains and buses and I love situations like this one because it builds my faith so much! I truly know that this work is true and that the Gospel brings happiness and makes us better people! I always have the spirit testify to me when I talk to people about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and I know it is true! It's so amazing to talk to people and hear their story and what they believe when it comes to religion. I get so excited to tell people that the original Church that Jesus Christ established has been restored back to the Earth! I love how prayer helps me keep pushing forward and comforts me and I love feeling your prayers and support! I love how Jesus Christ always has his hands outstretched ready for us to come unto him and how I get the wonderful opportunity to serve him and share this Gospel that I love so much! I love how my mission has been so personal to me and it has made me grow! Just being here has shaped me so much and I appreciate the opportunity so much! We are promised in the scriptures that as we are obedient, we are blessed! We had the best lesson that we've ever had with Justin and it went really well! I love how we can plan something in the morning and have it be exactly what the investigator needs. We showed him the Conference talk from October of 2017 about the Book of Mormon and what our life would be like without it and it really opened Justin's eyes. He really loves the Bible and knows it like the back of his hand and so it has been hard for him to accept and start reading the Bible because he thinks that he is going against the Bible by reading anything else. He told us that he would read part of the Book of Mormon before our next visit! Then we set up an appointment with the Harlem Elders to have a lesson with Prince in Harlem so we can pass him off to the Harlem Elders since Prince moved. It just so happens to be that Elder Kirkham is in Harlem for his very last transfer before he goes home on June 26th and so I was excited to see him on Friday! I have to tell you something funny! There is this really funny homeless guy asking for money but he came up with a clever way to earn money! He has a dog and he puts glasses on him and has a bit for the dog to put in his mouth and a bucket attached that collects the money and it sure does work for him because many people donate! It's pretty funny!

We had such an amazing night and had SO MUCH success! We knocked on 4 doors of people that we knew and set up 4 appointments with all of them! We looked up 3 investigators and gave them all Books of Mormon and set up appointments and then we were walking down the street where there are a lot of houses really close to each other and it is really quiet up that way. Elder Mitonzi knew who he was. We met a less active member and he was working on his really cool 2016 Dodge Charger! He is from Dominica and was baptized about 10 years ago. He hasn't been to Church since he was baptized in Antiga and used to live in Texas. He was really nice and we thought he would be able to contribute so much to the Ward! It's always sad when these really strong, and faithful members go less active because the Church needs them!!! It was a very awesome day and so much happened! There were so many people out and about and it's just such a cool scene to see people having barbeques, playing music, and playing sports along the sidewalks! I'm experiencing so many neat and unforgettable things and I'm so thankful for the chance to serve with all my heart! The Bronx will forever have a place in my heart and it has been fun to call it home for the last 16 months!
Friday was incredible as well! The days just keep rolling along and they keep picking up speed! I really am so surprised at just how fast time is moving along! It is so true when they say that the days keep getting faster and faster because they do! We had another busy day ahead of us with 5 scheduled and planned lessons and the weather was beautiful again! I love checking the weather in Utah because it makes me feel so close to home when I know what the weather is like at any given moment. I hope that you were having an awesome and fun Friday! We got a call from the YSA Elders and they told us that they set up an appointment with an investigator that they found for us at 12:00 and so we were looking forward to getting to know him and teaching him! He lived up at the very top of our area and so we took the bus really far away and we had an amazing lesson with him! His name is Immanuel and he is married and has 3 kids! His wife just had a little baby named Zion 8 days ago! Immanuel is from Nigeria and he looks EXACTLY like Osagie! It made me really excited when I walked in because I thought to myself how awesome Osagie is and if he is just like him, then we are in good shape! He is so nice and hasn't ever heard of the Book of Mormon and so we had fun telling him about it! Then we had 2 of our lessons fall through because one of them got out of his college class early and so he went home instead of waiting for an hour and then we are teaching a Senior in High School named Francis and he was still at school and so then we headed to Harlem for our pass off lesson with Prince! I've been to Harlem a few times but I haven't walked around. Harlem is really cool and feels like Manhattan but it is just North of the very top top of Central Park. We have to be sure to drink lots of liquids because it gets so hot really quick and it drains our batteries. It was so great to see Elder Kirkham! We walked right past Yankee Stadium and realized that the Angels were playing the Yankees and I thought it was cool that you could have been watching the game! We saw tons of Yankee fans and it was a very cool sight to see I hope your day was going great and that you were excited for the weekend! It was pretty cool to think that there would be a game that night! We got to talk to a lot of cool people on the streets on our way and one guy that we said hello to just started talking to us about how he was a vegetarian and he doesn't approve of us telling people to eat meat. He told us that he was a vegetarian but loves to eat beef and chicken. Hmmmmm??? Vegetarian huh?!?! Hehe! It was pretty funny how he contradicted himself!
It almost sounded like a Brian Regan joke! Then had the lesson with the Harlem Elders and I have something really cool to tell you about Elder Kirkham! He is so thoughtful and I'm so grateful for him! He knew how much that I love collecting old/collectible money and so for the last little while, he has been collecting money and he gave me a bag of 3 wheat pennies, and about 6 bicentennial quarters! Isn't that just awesome!?!?! Harlem is a very unique place and just during the 1 hour that we were there, we had about 3 or 4 people walk right up to us and call us racists. Can you believe that? Elder Mitonzi served in Harlem for 7 months and he says that it happens every day and it is hard to teach people the Gospel because they are so set on the idea that Mormons are racist because of the Priesthood revelation. There are so many interesting and sometimes crazy people in Harlem but there isn't ever a dull moment if you ask me and I love the people! It was really fun to see the sights of Harlem and see what other areas are in the mission! It was a really amazing experience! After dinner, we went to our last appointment of the day with Michael Harrison and the members that he lives with, the Woods. They are really awesome and we set a goal to set a baptismal date with Michael for June 30th! He told us that he doesn't want to get baptized but he said that he will eventually and so we we're happy for him that he still wants to get baptized eventually! Today was a very great and successful day! I was thinking about my dear Family back at home and hoping you were all well and happy as usual! I forgot to mention that we found a golden investigator for the Sister Missionaries! We felt prompted to go deliver a Book of Mormon to a lady that ordered one online and she was home and was giving a drink to a homeless man on her front porch! We said a prayer with her and told her that sister missionaries would be coming over! Love you all with all my heart!
Saturday was so awesome and very busy as well! It was another pretty day with bright skies and we enjoyed being outside! So many people are always out and about who h is always nice! We were able to go to the Baptisms that were happening in our district! There was an Indian man that our roommates have been teaching named Devar and the Sister Missionaries were teaching a lady named Marisol and they both got baptized! The baptisms were so great and we were really glad that we got to go! The baptisms were so good but some of the ward members were talking through the whole thing which was a little sad but Devar and Marisol both had great baptisms and everything went really well! You were all on my mind a lot today and I was hoping all is well! We grabbed a quick lunch and then headed off to our appointment and we even had some service that the Elders Quorum President asked us to help out with for a member that was moving!our first appointment was for a kid that the Elders met on a split about a month ago and his name is Troy! Sometimes it can be hard to set appointments with teens because you never know if they will honor the appointment and be home. Unfortunately, his Mom told us not to waste their time and so then we went to our next appointment with the Opoku Family! It went so well and Emmanuel cried the entire lesson because we talked about the Sacrament. He is a really religious guy to begin with and he has a solid Christian background and so it was really cool to teach him! His 8 year old son is really smart and loves giving hugs to the missionaries! Then I talked to a guy in the elevator who lives in our building and he was wearing a Levi's shirt and I had the idea to ask him if he was from California and to my surprise he said yes! I thought of Dubbie because I asked him if he was a 49ers fan and he said that he was! It made me think of my little Bro! Then we went to go do service with a less active member that is moving out of our ward and when we got there, they told us that they changed the time to noon and the word didn't get passed to us and so we shared a quick message and then had dinner before going to the Church for our choir practice with the missionaries in our district to practice for our sacrament meeting song that we were asked to sing in Sacrament meeting. Also, Elder Mitonzi was asked to speak on Mental awareness and safety and so he was busy preparing that. It has been really busy especially because it is summer and there is always lots of exciting things to do! Being a missionary is just such an awesome experience and I cherish the memories that I've made so far and the things I've learned and the people I've met! It is defiantly starting to look like summer around here. It has been a very crazy weekend due to the 3 day weekend and there have been tons of parties going on. People will sit outside on lawn chairs, on the concrete, hehe, and play music really loud and it is a cool sight to see so many parties going on and people coming together! We talked to a lot of cool people from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic and met a really awesome Family from Ghana on the bus! One sad thing that people do is they break open fire hydrants and let water gush out all over the streets and then let their kids play in the water. Pretty gross if you ask me! The night was very hot and humid and we got a work out climbing up the hills and the concrete that surrounds us just reflects the heat back at us and there isn't very much shade. It was a really awesome day! One cool thing that people will do is open up their car hoods and then unfold a Puerto Rican flag on the top of the hood and then close the hood on the corner of the flag and so it looks really cool! It almost looks like the flag is painted on there but when I get close, you can tell that it's fabric and a real flag! I hope you all had an amazing day! Love you as always!
Tuesday was another amazing day! We had a lot going on, which is always so nice, and got so much done! It was so wierd to have our very last interviews with President Smith and to have District Meeting on a Tuesday instead of Monday. We got to the Church and I had my interview right before District Meeting and it was the best interview ever!!!! President Smith told me to trust in the Lord with these new changes coming up and he also gave every missionary a Preisthood blessing! It was so amazing and he read lots of scriptures about trusting in the Lord as I make decisions on what to do after I get home and how I can make the most out of the last 8 months that I have! We got a Facebook message from the Assistants and they told the whole mission that zone conferences will be held in the mission home within the next couple of weeks! I thought that they might do a mission wide devotional but we thought that it was really cool that our whole zone gets to meet in the mission home for Zone Conferences! My interview was first and he didn't have time before District Meeting to do Elder Mitonzi's and so President Smith came to our district meeting! Sister Felix, who is from Nigeria and in our mission, had to have surgery that morning for some pain that she was having in her mouth and so they weren't there and the other set of Sisters weren't there either because they had an appointment to cancel their cards. So it was really weird to only have 4 of us in District Meeting! It was like being back in Kingston when we only had 6 missionaries! It was such a great interview and meeting and President Smith gave me an amazing blessing and it was an experience that I will never forget! He blessed me that I will continue to have the strength to continue to serve with everything I've got and he promised me that I will be where I am needed whether it be in the New York City Mission or Morristown Mission! It was really cool!!! After lunch, we got to go do tons of lookups and trying to continue to find those awesome people that are ready to hear the Gospel! We were able to help a really nice and humble man down the flight of stairs and he had a really heavy tool cart with wheels and I wish you could have seen the look on his face because he couldn't believe that 2 teenagers would help him out. He was thrilled to have some help because he was really struggling to come down the stairs. We knocked on Jonathan's door and he had just gotten home for work and so we were able to set up an appointment before our basketball activity and he said that he come! He is doing so awesome and he is right on track for his baptism! I was REALLY excited to see an email from Abby when we got back to the apartment for dinner and I absolutely loved the pictures of Cache Valley so much! It was a lot of fun to see the mountains that I miss so much and all of the amazing views and scenery! Thanks so much Abbs for thinking of me and sending me the email and pictures! Then we got to have a lesson with Jonathan Santana and it was one of the best lessons ever! We taught him the whole Plan of Salvation and he totally loved it! He told us that he has been reading the Book of Mormon every single day and told us that he has a testimony of it! He has had a really rough life and just got out of prison but he has completely turned his life around! It's amazing how much Faith he has and how willing he is to try new things! After his lesson, we had so many people show up to basketball and it was so great to see! We had some extremely good 10-12 year old kids come but they weren't as good as Parker and Brandon! They were making some really good shots and they had some moves! I was so very excited to see your email and I was SO THRILLED FOR PARKER!!! CONGRATS BUDDIE!! You worked so very hard and capped off the Great American Award for the Lindberg kids! I am so proud of you bud!! I went to bed so excited for him and so thankful for your emails!
Wednesday was a very awesome and great day! It was really weird to not have P-day and it felt like P-Day. It was really weird! We had another awesome and productive day with lots going on! I love how this area has lots to do and we always have lots of lessons! It took some adjusting to switch P-Day to Monday and it felt different to not be emailing on a Wednesday. I was hoping that you were having a really awesome and fun day! We got a referral the night before for a less active member and we were able to set up an appointment with him! He ended up asking us to switch to 4:00 and so we went out near Fordham University to do some finding and talk to people on the street because it was a really nice day! We got to talk to some really awesome people and even a few students from Fordham University! We knocked on tons of doors but it was a rough time to find people at home because everybody was working. Let me just say that it was HOT! And I mean hot! It was really humid and the sun just beat down at us and felt so much hotter than it actually was. Luckily there was a breeze and so it cooled us down a little bit. It was so nice to have the water bottle that you gave me to have some ice water while working! Unfortunately, our 4:00 less active member didn't show up it happens. We just keep smiling and keep pressing forward and working as hard as we can and don't get discouraged!
Thursday was so great and we got a ton done! We have lots of people to teach but it has been a little hard because of some appointments that have been falling through. I remember last year at this time in the Bronx and lots of people started to go on vacation as school got out and so it has been tough to meet with investigators. We just keep pressing forward because we have great investigators and lots of exciting times ahead! I was thinking about each of you a lot and wondering how you were all doing. It is really exciting that summer is coming up so quickly and you get to have lots of fun! I got thinking back to last summer and it was hard to believe that your trip to Washington D.C was a whole year ago. Crazy! We had a conference call for the whole mission right after our morning studies and it was really fun! We got to talk to a really nice lady on the bus and we testified to her that Joseph Smith is a true Prophet! She told us that she used to meet with the missionaries a long time ago and they taught her but she had a hard time with some of our teachings and so she asked them not to visit her anymore. We had a good 15 minute conversation with her right there on the bus and she even showed us pictures of her Family and some of her kids that are adopted! I have always tried to become better at sharing the Gospel with people on trains and buses and I love situations like this one because it builds my faith so much! I truly know that this work is true and that the Gospel brings happiness and makes us better people! I always have the spirit testify to me when I talk to people about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and I know it is true! It's so amazing to talk to people and hear their story and what they believe when it comes to religion. I get so excited to tell people that the original Church that Jesus Christ established has been restored back to the Earth! I love how prayer helps me keep pushing forward and comforts me and I love feeling your prayers and support! I love how Jesus Christ always has his hands outstretched ready for us to come unto him and how I get the wonderful opportunity to serve him and share this Gospel that I love so much! I love how my mission has been so personal to me and it has made me grow! Just being here has shaped me so much and I appreciate the opportunity so much! We are promised in the scriptures that as we are obedient, we are blessed! We had the best lesson that we've ever had with Justin and it went really well! I love how we can plan something in the morning and have it be exactly what the investigator needs. We showed him the Conference talk from October of 2017 about the Book of Mormon and what our life would be like without it and it really opened Justin's eyes. He really loves the Bible and knows it like the back of his hand and so it has been hard for him to accept and start reading the Bible because he thinks that he is going against the Bible by reading anything else. He told us that he would read part of the Book of Mormon before our next visit! Then we set up an appointment with the Harlem Elders to have a lesson with Prince in Harlem so we can pass him off to the Harlem Elders since Prince moved. It just so happens to be that Elder Kirkham is in Harlem for his very last transfer before he goes home on June 26th and so I was excited to see him on Friday! I have to tell you something funny! There is this really funny homeless guy asking for money but he came up with a clever way to earn money! He has a dog and he puts glasses on him and has a bit for the dog to put in his mouth and a bucket attached that collects the money and it sure does work for him because many people donate! It's pretty funny!
Friday was incredible as well! The days just keep rolling along and they keep picking up speed! I really am so surprised at just how fast time is moving along! It is so true when they say that the days keep getting faster and faster because they do! We had another busy day ahead of us with 5 scheduled and planned lessons and the weather was beautiful again! I love checking the weather in Utah because it makes me feel so close to home when I know what the weather is like at any given moment. I hope that you were having an awesome and fun Friday! We got a call from the YSA Elders and they told us that they set up an appointment with an investigator that they found for us at 12:00 and so we were looking forward to getting to know him and teaching him! He lived up at the very top of our area and so we took the bus really far away and we had an amazing lesson with him! His name is Immanuel and he is married and has 3 kids! His wife just had a little baby named Zion 8 days ago! Immanuel is from Nigeria and he looks EXACTLY like Osagie! It made me really excited when I walked in because I thought to myself how awesome Osagie is and if he is just like him, then we are in good shape! He is so nice and hasn't ever heard of the Book of Mormon and so we had fun telling him about it! Then we had 2 of our lessons fall through because one of them got out of his college class early and so he went home instead of waiting for an hour and then we are teaching a Senior in High School named Francis and he was still at school and so then we headed to Harlem for our pass off lesson with Prince! I've been to Harlem a few times but I haven't walked around. Harlem is really cool and feels like Manhattan but it is just North of the very top top of Central Park. We have to be sure to drink lots of liquids because it gets so hot really quick and it drains our batteries. It was so great to see Elder Kirkham! We walked right past Yankee Stadium and realized that the Angels were playing the Yankees and I thought it was cool that you could have been watching the game! We saw tons of Yankee fans and it was a very cool sight to see I hope your day was going great and that you were excited for the weekend! It was pretty cool to think that there would be a game that night! We got to talk to a lot of cool people on the streets on our way and one guy that we said hello to just started talking to us about how he was a vegetarian and he doesn't approve of us telling people to eat meat. He told us that he was a vegetarian but loves to eat beef and chicken. Hmmmmm??? Vegetarian huh?!?! Hehe! It was pretty funny how he contradicted himself!
Saturday was so awesome and very busy as well! It was another pretty day with bright skies and we enjoyed being outside! So many people are always out and about who h is always nice! We were able to go to the Baptisms that were happening in our district! There was an Indian man that our roommates have been teaching named Devar and the Sister Missionaries were teaching a lady named Marisol and they both got baptized! The baptisms were so great and we were really glad that we got to go! The baptisms were so good but some of the ward members were talking through the whole thing which was a little sad but Devar and Marisol both had great baptisms and everything went really well! You were all on my mind a lot today and I was hoping all is well! We grabbed a quick lunch and then headed off to our appointment and we even had some service that the Elders Quorum President asked us to help out with for a member that was moving!our first appointment was for a kid that the Elders met on a split about a month ago and his name is Troy! Sometimes it can be hard to set appointments with teens because you never know if they will honor the appointment and be home. Unfortunately, his Mom told us not to waste their time and so then we went to our next appointment with the Opoku Family! It went so well and Emmanuel cried the entire lesson because we talked about the Sacrament. He is a really religious guy to begin with and he has a solid Christian background and so it was really cool to teach him! His 8 year old son is really smart and loves giving hugs to the missionaries! Then I talked to a guy in the elevator who lives in our building and he was wearing a Levi's shirt and I had the idea to ask him if he was from California and to my surprise he said yes! I thought of Dubbie because I asked him if he was a 49ers fan and he said that he was! It made me think of my little Bro! Then we went to go do service with a less active member that is moving out of our ward and when we got there, they told us that they changed the time to noon and the word didn't get passed to us and so we shared a quick message and then had dinner before going to the Church for our choir practice with the missionaries in our district to practice for our sacrament meeting song that we were asked to sing in Sacrament meeting. Also, Elder Mitonzi was asked to speak on Mental awareness and safety and so he was busy preparing that. It has been really busy especially because it is summer and there is always lots of exciting things to do! Being a missionary is just such an awesome experience and I cherish the memories that I've made so far and the things I've learned and the people I've met! It is defiantly starting to look like summer around here. It has been a very crazy weekend due to the 3 day weekend and there have been tons of parties going on. People will sit outside on lawn chairs, on the concrete, hehe, and play music really loud and it is a cool sight to see so many parties going on and people coming together! We talked to a lot of cool people from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic and met a really awesome Family from Ghana on the bus! One sad thing that people do is they break open fire hydrants and let water gush out all over the streets and then let their kids play in the water. Pretty gross if you ask me! The night was very hot and humid and we got a work out climbing up the hills and the concrete that surrounds us just reflects the heat back at us and there isn't very much shade. It was a really awesome day! One cool thing that people will do is open up their car hoods and then unfold a Puerto Rican flag on the top of the hood and then close the hood on the corner of the flag and so it looks really cool! It almost looks like the flag is painted on there but when I get close, you can tell that it's fabric and a real flag! I hope you all had an amazing day! Love you as always!
Sunday was a very awesome day as well!! I was especially excited for your email and pictures and I couldn't wait to hear from you! We woke up to rain but we didn't let that get us down! We headed off to Church excited for our musical number that we got to sing. We got to sing Nearer My God, To Thee and then Elder Mitonzi got to speak! Church was really awesome but it started to rain right before Church and so there was hardly anybody there. We ended up not having any investigators in Church and we were expecting about 6 or 7 to come. We got a new senior couple that work in the Temple and they will be attending our meetings each week! They are from just outside of Baltimore Maryland and they will be a huge help to the ward! We also had the 1st councilor in the Manhattan Temple presidency there to show the new senior couple around. We got to perform our musical number and it went so well! The congregation joined in on the last verse and was a really cool sight to see! We had 2 amazing talks on Mental health awareness and we heard a little bit about what has been going on because I had no idea some of the scary things that have been happening. It's so wierd not to watch the news and hear what is going on. There is a member in our ward who worked at a health clinic and she mostly talked about how we can help those with mental illnesses and how to get help if we have problems like that of our own. Elder Mitonzi gave an awesome talk as well and we had a really nice block of meeting! It's always fun to think that we are all in Church at about the same time! I really miss not going to Church with you and it is wierd to not have Family when I go to Church. I'm really getting to know this ward well and it feels just like going back to the Olmstead ward. The rain had stopped by the time Church got out and we had some lunch before we finished our bush day! I always get so very excited for your emails and I just couldn't wait to read it that night!!!! We had an awesome lesson at the door with a guy who ordered a Bible and a Book of Mormon and his name is Otis Arrington. He had heard of the Book of Mormon before and had a co worker that was a member of the Church! We invited him to Church and then went to visit a guy named Walter Chico who we met a few days ago! He was busy talking to his Family overseas and then we went to a really fun dinner appointment right next to Yankee Stadium with Frank and his wife! Frank is the Vietnam war veteran and he jumped out of airplanes during the war. He is such a nice guy and has been a member for 3 years. It was so cool to see Yankee Stadium and I always think of you all and how much you would love to see it! It is so historical and I can just feel the history when I'm close by! It really is just an amazing, historical Stadium! Our dinner was so yummy and we had some of the best ribs that I've ever had! He cut the ribs and the meat literally fell right off the bone! He had some delicious musquite barbeque sauce. They had a tiny little Chihuahua dog named Ruby and that dog was so scared of us. I don't think that I've ever seen a dog more terrified than that dog was! It was hilarious but she ended up not wanting us to leave because she warmed up to us and finally let us pet her. It was pretty funny!
We had a great conversation and loved hearing their story of how they found the Church! Brother Frank used to be a Catholic and loved the Church but knew it was true when the missionaries taught him. They are really funny and interesting! I got back to the apartment and was so excited to read your email! It was incredible and the pictures were so fun to look at! I am so happy that your week went so well and that so much happened! How do you guys stay so busy!?? Hehe! I'm so thankful for all of the fun activites that you had going on! Thanks so much for all of the details! I had a blast reading it tonight! I love you all with all my heart and appreciate each of you SO MUCH!! 
Well my dear and incredible Family! It has been so fun to write this email! I hope of you have an awesome and fun day and get to do lots of fun things! I hope that your barbeque turns out so yummy and that you have a great time! I will be thinking about you a lot and I am really looking forward to talking back and forth throughout the day! I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you! Thank you SO very much for your continuous support and love sent my way each and every day! Time sure is flying by and I feel like it is getting faster by the minute. Thanks again for your awesome and fun email and pictures! It means so much to me to have all of this amazing love and support! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! LOVE & MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!
Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg
Well my dear and incredible Family! It has been so fun to write this email! I hope of you have an awesome and fun day and get to do lots of fun things! I hope that your barbeque turns out so yummy and that you have a great time! I will be thinking about you a lot and I am really looking forward to talking back and forth throughout the day! I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you! Thank you SO very much for your continuous support and love sent my way each and every day! Time sure is flying by and I feel like it is getting faster by the minute. Thanks again for your awesome and fun email and pictures! It means so much to me to have all of this amazing love and support! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! LOVE & MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!
Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg