Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Prince's Baptism

April 25th 2018~Prince's Baptism A Success! Lots Of Great People To Teach! Love You All So Much!!!

Hello my dear and awesome loved ones!!! Another P-day is upon us and I really can't believe how quickly this week went by! Thank you SO much for your fun emails! I am so glad that you had a really fun week and Dad's Birthday went so well! We had lots of fun plans today but we woke up to unexpected rain and so we won't be able to go to that cool park with turf and play sports with our district. Our backup plan is to go get a haircut for Elder Mitonzi and then go to Cross Bronx Pizza! I am the only one out of our apartment of 4 to eat there and so everyone else really wants to try the giant slices! I am getting very excited for our Skype call in just 2 and a half weeks!!! I have been thinking a lot about a time to Skype and I was so grateful that you sent me the time that your Church starts. We are free most of the day and so you are totally welcome to pick whatever time is best for you! I'm VERY excited to talk to you again! Hopefully Grandma and Grandpa Lindberg and Grandma Evans can join in! It will be a very fun time! I am thinking that we could do it at 3:00 my time and 1:00 your time. Or we could even do it later in the evening after we both eat dinner. It will work our perfectly because we both have early Church. We had an amazing week and I'm so excited to say that Prince's Baptism went so well and couldn't have gone better! It was wierd to have a baptism for someone that I didn't know very well but it was still an amazing experience!

Last P-Day was really awesome and so much fun! The weather was perfect and we had such a nice time at the Temple with our roommates! The session was very packed and we had about 10-12 Elders in the session and I even got to see Elder Kirkham! We got to the Temple right on time and enjoyed listening to the prelude music and enjoyed the peace and quiet. It still amazes me how the outside can be crazy busy and lots going on and then once you walk inside the Temple, everything is silent. The session was so nice and we enjoyed eating lamb gyros after and drinking a cold drink. It tasted so good and we enjoyed making the apartment look nice for the next week and emailing! I loved hearing from each of you! We got a text from Sister Smith and she invited us over to have dinner with their whole family this next Sunday at 5:00! It will be so amazing to have dinner at the mission home! They wanted us to come over so Savannah can ask questions about the African refugee camp and so I get to tag along and enjoy the conversation! Savannah is their oldest daughter and she is visiting an African refugee camp soon and so they wanted us to come over! After our fun day ended, we went out into the beautiful weather and got right to work! We sent a video about the Sabbath day and then we got invited to a fried chicken party near the Bishop's office that one of the members brought. Then we went to visit a new investigator that ordered a Bible but he lived in a homeless shelter that we can't get into. We called him and he wants us to set up a time that we can meet him at the Church. I got back to the apartment and was very excited to see your email! Thanks so much for all of your emails during the day! I hope Dad would have an awesome Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! I was thinking about you a lot and sending lots of Birthday wishes your way! I hope you had an awesome and fun day! In the morning, I have been running on the elliptical and it has been nice to lose some weight! We had another really busy day with lots to do! We planned our day and then we had Prince's baptismal interview at his home at 10:00. Since Elder Ihalmo is the District Leader, he was able to do the interview. Prince was running a little late and so we went on a quick split and I got to go into their area with Elder Palmer to teach this really nice Indian man named Devar who is on baptismal date. We saw something really cool on the way! Devar lives right next to the Manhattan Jaspers College and so we got to see the cool campus! Then we had a Skype lesson with him from 2 missionaries in Salt Lake and it went really well! We taught him about the Commandments and Baptism. It was a really great lessons and one of the sister missionaries spoke Devar's language and is from the same country and so she translated. Then we had some lunch before doing our studies and weekly planning. We had a really great split even though it was only 2 hours but it was fun to teach Devar because he is a really great investigator! It started to rain a little bit but we stayed dry because it was only a light sprinkle but it was still pretty dark and gloomy. We organized the baptismal program and got the program all filled out and sent it off to our ward mission leader. It was so great to have it done and just as we got done with our planning, the sun came out and was a really nice day! We had some dinner and then went to an appointment with a guy named Kevin Lamb. We didn't know too much about him but we scheduled an appointment a few days ago and wanted to get to know him and start teaching him. He ordered a Bible online and so we went for our lesson to teach him. He wasn't home and told us that he fell asleep due to him working so much and got really tired and so we headed over to visit a guy that the Manhattan YSA Elders told us to go visit and he was home but told us that he wasn't interested. So then we printed out Prince's baptismal programs and they looked really nice! I will be sending one today and so I hope you enjoy getting one! Then we had 2 Facebook video lessons with Wesley and Kadeem and invited them both to Church and the Baptism. When we got back to the apartment, we went on our split that Elder Ihalmo organized a few weeks ago. We were looking forward to working with different missionaries and splits are always pretty funny to do within our apartment because we get to sleep in our own beds. I was thinking about Dad a lots and hoping that he was having a really awesome Birthday! Happy Birthday Dad!!!! Love you all!

Friday was a very great day as well! Elder Ihalmo came with me into our area and Elder Mitonzi went to their area with Elder Palmer. I was really excited to get your fun emails that morning and enjoyed seeing some pictures of Dad and his fun day! I'm so happy that he had a great and fun day! We woke up to pretty blue skies and warmer temperatures and so we were ready to tackle the day! At the beginning of the day, we had 6 set lessons all back to back. Everything fit like a puzzle and worked out so we had enough time to get to our lessons but we were lucky to have so many appointments! After we studied, we went to the Church because the Sign Language Missionaries wanted to train all of the missionaries better on how to talk to deaf people. So we went over to the training and learned a few tips on how we have a conversation with them and then they gave us some cool cards to give to them. I have only seen a handful of deaf people since I've been in New York and so it will be fun to have them be able to teach them. Then we had some lunch and then quickly went to our next appointment and it went so well! We committed Bruce to be baptized but not on a specific date. He started to tear up when we told him about the First Vision and also the Priesthood authority. Elder Ihalmo has been out about 5 months and he is a really great teacher! Then we had something crazy happen! We were walking to our next appointment and we walked passed a group of rowdy and rude teenagers and as we passed them and had our backs to them, they chucked an ice cream bar at Elder Ihalmo and it got all over the back on his nice coat. I felt especially bad because he was only in our area for 1 day and got pelted with melted ice cream. We just turned around to see what happened and they were running away laughing. Then we saw something really cool! We were walking by Yankee Stadium and there were tons of film crew members and tv cameras set up everywhere and we saw a sign that said that they were filming the Tv show "The Tick" right there! The sign explained that whoever is in the area at that time would be in the Tv show and would be recognizable from tv. So on the next episode of "The Tick" watch out for us because they were filming it right as we walked by! It was really cool! The sign said that they had the right to film everyone who wanted to be in the show and could be on the show. I wish I could have gotten a picture because the skies were so pretty but there was too much going on and I didn't have time to get my camera out. Sorry! I'm not sure if the Tick is a good show or not but if you want to watch it, you might see me! Then Elder Ihalmo got talking about Family History. It was really cool that 2 missionaries whose ancestors come from 2 countries right next to each other! Finland and Sweden! He told me that he has been to Sweden and has lots of ancestors so we could be related. He has a strong Finnish accent but speaks very good English! Then we taught the husband of a Less active member named Kenyainna and showed him a video about Baptism and he said t hst he would read the Restoration pamphlet and the Book of Mormon. Then we had some delicious sandwiches for dinner and then we headed out for our last lesson of the day. He ended up having a meeting come up and so we did some lookups in the area. We ended the split and headed off to bed, excited for Prince's Baptism!!!

Prince's Baptism!!! Saturday was a very great day! We woke up and were really looking forward to Prince's Baptism! We had to leave a couple hours early to fill up the font and set up chairs. The Spanish Ward had 2 other baptisms later that day but we were the first one. So we got to the Church and filled up the font and did our planning. Everything was going so smoothly and we got a text from Prince telling us that he was on his way! This baptism felt a little different because I wasn't there for his whole journey and I still didn't know him very well but it was still a very exciting time to have another Baptism! Everything went so smooth and we had lots of people show up! We got to present the Restoration and it was a really great time! Prince was very excited to get baptized and even sang a song that he wrote about his baptism while he was giving his testimony. We had some great talks about the Holy Ghost and Baptism. Prince is an artist and records Gospel music and is just a really cool guy! We took lots of pictures and had some good desserts after. Then we had some lunch and drank some cold water since it was so hot outside. The ice cream trucks have been out and about and lots of kids love running up to get ice cream. After lunch, we planned the rest of our day and headed back out to keep the great work going! We were on cloud 9 especially after a baptism and were just so happy! It was so funny because while we were presenting the Restoration to everyone, Elder Mitonzi kept saying Bruce instead of Prince because there was a member sitting right in front of him named Bruce. It was hilarious and everyone kept laughing because he kept calling Prince, Bruce. Hehe! I was wishing you all a great day and really thinking a lot about you. I wish that I could have given you a big hug! We had a very great dinner appointment with a lady in the ward named Sister Jackson. She was baptised a few years ago and has loved going to Church. She made us a very good Jamaican meal! We had rice, Jamaican chicken and vegetables with ginger ale. It was very tasty and afterwards, we shared the Music of the Gosepl video and then went to visit Kadeem. We got a text from Sister Smith inviting us all to be prayerful of 1 person in our Area Book that we could invite to Church that evening and we thought of Kadeem and his Mom. They both committed to come to Church and we said a prayer with them and headed back to the apartment for the night. It was such an awesome day and we were so excited to have another baptism!

Sunday was a really awesome day! I always love Sundays in the mission and I really love going to Church! As we were preparing for the day, it hit me as to how close we are to Mother's Day!!!!! It got me so excited because I looked at the calendar and we are less than 25 days away from skyping! It is so exciting that we get to talk again!!! I have been thinking a lot about the time because we have really early Church. 9:30-12:30 my time and 7:30-10:30 your time. I have 1 question. When does your Church start? I think that it starts at 1:00 but I wasn't sure. I am good to Skype whenever and so you can totally pick the time. I am really, really, REALLY excited to talk to you all again! Doesn't it seem like yesterday that we were just talking? So we got to Church and had something really exciting happen! We saw this man sitting on the back pew and he isn't a member. He told us that he was walking by the Church and felt a spiritual prompting to come and attend all 3 hours. His name is Justin LeBlanc and he is from Dominica. He was baptized into the Church of Christ Church and is married with a few kids but they don't live in America. It was so cool to have him just walk in because the spirit told him to! We had 2 missionaries in our ward speak, Sister Banks and Elder Ihalmo, and they both did a great job. The talks were perfect for Justin because they were all about faith and prayer. Then we dropped off a Bible to a man named George Ampate from Ghana but he lives in our roomates' area and so we passed him off to them. We were able to give him the Bible and also a Book of Mormon. Then we had some yummy Jamacain food that Sister Johnson made for us. The weather was really warm and it felt so nice to be out in. Then we had something really amazing happen! We were going to our appointment with our awesome new investigator named Kevin Lamb. We were walking up his building when we heard "LDS!" shouted right behind us. We turned around and it was a man from Africa who is a member and was baptized not too long ago in Africa. He asked us where we were from and when we said Utah, he told us that he lived in Salt Lake for 10 years!! That isn't even the coolest part! He told us that while living in Salt Lake, he was a building supervisor and helped with some security at the Conference Center and also Vivint Smart Home Arena! Then he told us something really amazing! He told us that he knows Jeffery R. Holland and has many pictures with him! He has become really good friends with him and he knows him by name! It was way cool! Then we had one of the best lessons ever with Kevin Lamb! He lives in a really nice apartment complex and was found on the train by some sister missionaries who sent his information over to us. He is so awesome and loved hearing about the Book of Mormon! Then we had an awesome lesson with the Darko family! They have 4 kids and his daughter is Victoria. I asked her how old she was and she told me that she was 11. Then I asked her when her Birthday was and she said April 12th 2007! 1 day after Parker's Birthday!!! It was way cool! Then we went to see Kadeem and his Mom and as we were reading a verse in the Book of Mormon, I looked down the alley where we were and saw Sister Banks and Sister Moodie so I yelled their name to get their attention and they came to teach them! We couldn't go inside their home because there wasn't a 3rd male in the home and so it was a miracle that the Sisters were walking by at the exact moment that they were needed! It was such an aweosme day and I was thinking how your Sabbath Day went!

Monday was very busy and very awesome! We had interviews with President Smith and also a great District Meeting. We had lots of lessons and Family Home Evening and so we were really busy the whole day which is always so nice! We headed off to District Meeting extra excited to talk about Prince and how his baptism went. I was excited that you saw the pictures of his baptism on my drive. The weather was so pretty again and really hot but we stayed cool and drank lots of water. Our district meeting was so awesome and they announced that we will have Zone meetings each week on Fridays and so we are looking forward to that. We talked a lot about so many investigators and the needs of the ward. Then President Smith came and started interviews with the Zone Leaders and we went back to the apartment to have lunch before it was our turn for interviews. My interview went so well and President Smith started the interview by saying "Well Elder Lindberg, you don't have much time left." He was telling me at how quick time goes and to continue to love those that I serve. He told me that 9 months goes by very quick and to make the most of the time that I have left. He also taught me out of the Book of Mormon and showed me some really cool scriptures to use in my teaching! After our interviews, we crossed the street to help a member move some items that she wanted to donate to the Church and she appreciated it very much! She had a table with a glass top and a microwave and so we put it in the lobby of the Church and out a sign that said free so anybody could take it. They have such a hard time getting along. It's so sad to see how they treat each other and how hard it is for them to get along. We shared the Conference talk from Devin Durrant from this last conference and they fought during the whole talk and ended up arguing and yelling at each other. It just made me so sad for them because they aren't happy and they don't get along. Giovanna is a member but her husband isn't and they are going through some very hard times. Her sister is very sick and so Giovanna is going to pick up her kids to watch them for a few months. They live in Indiana and so it has been a tough time for them. After dinner, we went to our Family Home Evening activity with all of the missionaries in our distirct and our investigators and members that we invited. It's always a great time and I love that we as missionaries take the lead in teaching Family Home Evening and having the opportunity to improve our teaching skills. There is a guy named Jose who speaks Spanish and English and has been coming to Family Home Evening for many years but doesn't come to Church. He has a friend named Jose Vega and asked if he could come with Jose. Jose couldn't make it like he usually does and so his friend, Jose Vega, drove to the Church and we met him at the front. Let me just say that this guy is so awesome! He is absolutely hilarious and is your typical "New Yawker!" He was born in Puerto Rico and has lived in the Bronx since 1959. We thought he was in his 50s or 60s but it turns out that he is 82. He looks very young and so healthy. He had a really awesome time and was cracking the most hilarious jokes the whole time. He made everyone laugh and really was fun to have there. E told us that he enjoyed his experience and would be coming to Church. It was a very great day and we walked back to the apartment ready to tackle another day!

Tuesday was so great! We woke up to sirens and we got a text from one of the ward members that a couple of buildings were on fire near the Church. She told us that the Church would be fine but lots of damage was done to a few stores. It was crazy! It was a very nice day with blue skies and we were ready to take on the day! After our studies,we went to an appointment with Peter Narrah who I had never met before. We also had an appointment with a guy named Joshua and he believed that the Bible is the only word of God and any other scripture is not allowed. He had a very hard time understanding the Book of Mormon but by the end of the lesson, he told us that he would read the Book of Mormon which was a big step! I was getting very excited to read your weekly email and hear about your week! We knocked on a couple of doors and we were working right next to the Olmstead Zone. Our boundary line is Boston Road and we walked along it to get to our appointments. We were able to pass out a couple of Books of Mormon and a few people even came up to us and recognized us and have seen missionaries before. We talked to a few kids and invited them to our basketball activity and then had a quick dinner before heading to the Church for a lesson with a less active member named Larry Turner. Our ward mission leader set up the appointment and asked us to come along. He also wanted us to give a blessing and teach about the Priesthood. He ended up not showing up but we still enjoyed talking with Brother Natter about his new calling as Elders Quorum President! After we talked with Brother Natter, we played basketball in the gym with a few investigators that came as well as Elder Palmer and Elder Ihalmo! We had a very fun time shooting some hoops and it made me miss playing with my bros! We talked to a recent convert about going on a mission and after basketball, we walked passed the building that was on fire that morning. Man what a mess they have! There were 4 or 5 little shops that were totally destroyed. A laundromat, Chinese and pizza restaurant. It was really crazy! Then we came back to the apartment and I was very excited to get and read your email and see the pictures! It was so fun to read! Your email was just so awesome as usual! I absolutely love al, of the details!

Well everybody, that was my week! I am so thankful for all of your love and support and countless prayers! You are in my every thought and prayer and I care about each of you more than anything! Time sure is zipping right by and we are so close to Skyping again! I feel like it was just Christmas and nownits already Mother's Day! Pretty soon we will have a brand new mission President and things will change a lot. It will be a lot of fun to be one of the oldest missionaries the whole mission when that happens! Lots of fun and exciting changes coming up! I am so excited to say that we get to have dinner at the Mission Home with President Smith and his Family this coming Sunday and so we are very excited for that! It will be a once in a lifetime opportunity! I hope you all have an amazing and fun week! Thanks again for your emails and pictures! LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!

Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


April 18th 2018~HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! Baptismal Date With Jessie Dray! Temple Trip Day! Prince's Baptism On Saturday!

Hello my dear and amazing Family! It's so great to be able to talk to you again! I'm always so very excited to email and talk back and forth! Thank you so very much for your awesome emails and pictures! I am so happy as always that you had another fun and productive week! I feel so much love and so many prayers in your emails and I truly do appreciate them so much! We had such an amazing week and tons happened! We have our Temple session at 11:00 and so we are going to leave pretty soon but here goes my week! I will be in the Temple until about 1:00and so I will email you as soon as I can. I'm really excited to talk back and forth! The most important thing to know is that I LOVE and MISS you all so MUCH!!!!!

Last P-Day was really fun and the weather was so beautiful! We had lots of fun and we played frisbee at the turf field near the Church and it was lots of fun! We looked all around town for a frisbee but nobody sold them anywhere! Then we went to Modell's and they had one! Then we cleaned pur apartment and I scrubbed the stovetop, vacuumed, washed the dishes, and cleaned the bathroom. It was a very productive and fun day! I loved your fun emails so much and I loved talking back and forth! I was thinking about Parker especially on his Birthday! After 6:00 hit, we went straight to an appointment with an African man named Koffi! He is really awesome and is an Evangelist. He moved here with his family from South Africa 2 years ago and he goes to Church every week. We testified of the Book of Mormon and the Restoration! They had a little boy there and he just loved us. He was a short, bald 2 year old running around laughing and giving us high fives. It was really funny! Koffi is the 20 year old son and he lives with his parents who only speak French. It was a really great lesson and we loved teaching him! Then we talked to people on the streets and tried to hand out as many Books of Mormon as we could. We handed out 3 by the time we walked back to the apartment for the night. I was thinking a lot about Parker and how his awesome day went! Happy Birthday Buddie!!

Thursday was a very great and productive day! I woke up and was very excited to see pictures of Puck's birthday and how fun it was and also your email! Thanks so much for sending an email and thinking of me! I was really excited for him and I loved seeing his fun presents! We had another busy day ahead of us and lots of work to do so we planned for our day and studied and then did our weekly planning. I feel like I've really gotten used to the changes so easily and I am starting to match names to faces. I'm just so grateful that we have so many awesome people to teach! We did our companion study and language study before having lunch and doing our big weekly planning session. It went really well and we got so much done and called tons of people! Then we went to the Church and recorded a video for Prince about tithing. After that, we went to a really fun dinner appointment with Travis, who is 20, and Tracy, his Mom. They are both members and the Mom is divorced and her son is in his mid 20s and lives at home with her. We went over about a week ago to share a message with them and she invited us over for a huge feast! She loves the missionaries but has had some bad experiences from going to Church and she got really offended and stuff that members said and did and so they havent been back for about 10 years. It's just so sad that they will deny themselves the blessings of having an eternal family because they got offended by someone who is trying their best to be the best they can be. We tried to explain to her that none of us are perfect and we all say and do things that might offend others but we just have to keep going strong in the Gospel. She made us an amazing dinner and we had a great lesson by reading 1 Nephi chapter 4 with them. They live in kind of a scary area of the Bronx but when you walk inside, it's like a nice home! She used to be a home designer and so she has everything decorated so nice. We had chicken, crab, salad, fried plantains, and rice and beans. It was really good! Then we saw something so cool when we walked to our next appointment!!! We walked right passed Yankee Stadium and the stadium light were on and so I knew that they were playing and then I saw that they were playing the Miami Marlins and so that was really fun! It is so cool and amazing to have Yankee Stadium in our area! It's so fun to walk by it as we are doing missionary work and seeing the stadium light on! Then we had a great lesson about baptism with Wesley Jones and he accepted to be Baptized but not on a specific date. He doesn't feel ready and so we committed him to baptism and we will work on setting an exact date with him within the next few weeks! It was a very great and fun day!

Friday was so amazing! We got a call the night before from an Elder in Middletown and he served in this area and so he wanted to check up on his old area and he gave us so many really cool investigators that were on the dropped list for a while because they either weren't ready or they went out of town and so he referred us to a lot of cool investigators! We are so blessed and Elder Mitonzi said that this area has really done so well since I got here and new investigators are coming out of the woodworks! It's very exciting!! His companion, Elder Falls, who I know very well from when I was in Manhattan, found a wheat penny for me! It's funny how people pay attention to the small things and I was very impressed that he not only remembered that I love collecting old coins, but the fact that he looked out for one and is saving it for me! It was really cool! Elder Mitonzi and are have been so blessed to have so many people to teach and we are so very busy contacting new referrals and we have so many appointments with tons of different people that it can be tricky to make all of our appointments due to the traveling but Heavenly Father always helps us out and we are always on time! Elder Mitonzi and I said to each other how grateful we are to have a huge list of awesome investigators and then we got the call from Elder Mendenhal giving us even more awesome people to teach! I have some very exciting news! We set a baptismal date with a guy named Jessie Dray! He is really nice and is from Nigeria and wanted us to teach him again! He was being taught a few weeks ago but then just disappeared and stoped texting and calling the Elders and he texted us the night before and wants to get baptized! We had an amazing lesson with him at the Church and taught him more about the Book of Mormon and we even showed him the talk from President Nelson from October 2017 and the spirit was very strong and so we invited him to be baptized on May 5th and he accepted! The blessings just keep coming and coming because Elder Mitonzi didn't think that he was ever going to text back and forgot about him and then he texted us out of the blue and wanted to meet! Heavenly Father truly knows us and blesses us in so many ways! Then we helped set up for the APF in front of the Church! We had the 2:00-4:00 shift and we were there to help set up for those doing the 12:00-2:00 shift before coming back to the apartment for lunch. We filled up a 5 gallon jug of lemonade and printed out some cards that have questions and answers and the corresponding chapters from the Book of Mormon. It was great to help them set up! It was hot, and I mean HOT!!! It was so humid and gave us a taste of the heat that we still have coming our way. It was about 75 degrees and the humidity was about 70%. The lemonade tasted so good to cool us down! After lunch, we ran back over to the Church to take our shift. It was really fun to be the 2nd oldest out of the whole district and explain some of the ways that I have found that work during APF activites. We had a tv set up with tons of copies of the Book of Mormon and we had the doors open so people could come in to the cool Church, have some lemonade, and learn more about the Book of Mormon. People were so willing to come in because of the heat and they always have great questions about the Book of Mormon. It went so well and we had lots of people stop to get lemonade because it was so hot! We got to pass out close to 50 copies of the Book of Mormon for our whole zone which is about 8 companionships. We had some great people stop by, just wondering what we believed. Lots of people have misconceptions about our beliefs and so it's always great to clear those up. We sent a recorded video to Michael Harrison and also Prince and we chose to fast with Prince for him to get work off so he could go to Church. We also had a great lesson with Kadeem at the Church over Facebook messenger. That is one thing that I really love about this area is that they have so many lessons and contacts over Facebook. We taught him about Chapter 9 in the Book of Mormon and talked about Nephi crossing to the new land on the ship that he built. It was such a great day and we were ready for a good night's rest so we could wake up refreshed for a new day!

We had a really awesome Saturday! I was thinking about you a lot and wondering how your weekend was going! We had such a busy day and had lots of lessons scheduled and so we got right to work! We did our studies and then went to our first lesson with our awesome investigator named Prince. We decided to fast for him so he could be able to come to Church. He has been getting called into work almost every Sunday and so we really needed him to come to Church so they could announce his baptism. We had a great lesson with him but he is struggling to understand the concept of Tithing. It was my first time meeting with Prince in person and he agreed to live the law of tithing! He didn't agree with it at first because he thought that if you get paid $300 and you have all of these expenses, then he should pay tithing after he has already paid for necessary expenses such as rent and groceries. We explained everything to him and he was excited to start paying and looked forward to the blessings that come from paying tithing! Then we traveled back to the Church for 2 more appointments but they never showed up and we couldn't get a hold of them through phone calls and texts and some went to the East side of our area near my old apartment in Olmstead to teach a man named Kevin Michenn. We taught him when I was on a split with our zone leaders and we were able to give him a Bible and Book of Mormon and so we were looking forward to following up to see if he read it and also to invite him to Church. He was home but didn't want to talk. He and his friend were smoking and so we told them that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can help people quit smoking. We showed them a video about Jesus Christ and invited them both to Church. They didn't seem ready to start meeting with us or progressing towards baptism so we will try to keep in touch every once in a while. After we had some dinner, we called and invited lots of investigators to Church and then we went to visit Jonathan Santana and he told us that he had just gotten home and so it was perfect timing! He committed to come to Church and so it was really cool! Then we walked back to the apartment and it was so nice to be outside because the weather was perfect and there was a nice breeze. We walked right by Fordam University and since it was dark outside, we could see into some of the old buildings of Fordham and it is a really nice school! The outside looks rustic but the inside is really nice! It was a fun walk and we talked to tons of people along the way! Happy Saturday everyone! Love you tons!

Sunday was so awesome! We woke up to some of the craziest wind I've ever seen in my life! The wind was so crazy and it would change directions so quickly and the gusts of wind were probably 30-45 miles per hour. We were really excited for Church especially because we were expecting lots of investigators to come. Church was really awesome! We had......wait for it......5 Investigators come to Church!!!! We were so proud of our investigators and that they came to Church! We had Wesley James, Prince, F.B, Kwame, and Jonathan! We had some great talks about Jesus Christ and his life and ministry. They also reorganized the Elder Quorum and they called our ward mission leader, Brother Natter, to be the new Elder Quorum President! Then they had a really nice member who works in Manhattan teach the lesson about the talk about Revelation from President Nelson. He is from Boise Idaho and we connect really well! Sometimes it can be hard for me to connect with members from Africa but I love making friendships with them! It was such a great day at Church and we were just so excited that we had 5 investigators in Church! It really is amazing! We made some really yummy sandwiches with Boar's Head meat and cheese and barbeque sauce and then we baked them for a few minutes and they turned out really good! It was very tasty! Then we went to our next appointment with a guy named Daniel Oppong from Ghana. He called and told us to come by later and so we made some cookies to take to our dinner appointment with Brother and Sister Wright. They are really nice and invited us over for dinner and we were excited to go over! Then before our dinner appointment, we went to visit a referral named Wesley Forde who lives in the Hospice Center at Saint Barnanby Hospital. He was asleep and so we told them that we would come back. Then we had a really awesome dinner appointment with Brother and Sister Wright. On our way to our dinner appointment, we were walking by a Family Dollar and we saw something crazy! We were a few yards away from the store and all of a sudden, 3 or 4 teenage boys ran out of the Family Dollar with tons of items and ran into their apartment just down the street. They stole lots of stuff and one of the workers immediately called 911. It was really crazy! They are both from Jamaica and have lived in the Bronx for many years. They fed us some really yummy chicken, pork, rice, beans, salad, and a carrot juice with ginger and lime. It was really good! Then we read 2 Nephi 31: 19-20 with them and talked about what we can do to best help the ward. We also gave Sister Wright a blessing because she requested one because her knee was giving her problems. Then as we went outside, it started to absolutely pour down with rain and the wind was just so crazy. I don't think I've ever felt wind like that before. We were walking at a normal pace and neither of us could hardly walk because the wind was pushing up against us. We had a really good video lesson with Kadeem about the Book of Mormon since he is struggling to read it and so we invited him to basketball. It was a really awesome Sabbath Day!

Monday was a very awesome day as well! It seriously poured rain the entire Sunday night and Monday morning and was so windy. We got so much water and it didn't stop raining until about 1:00 in the afternoon. The gusts of wind was up to 50 miles per hour and blew lots of garbage everywhere and tree branches everywhere. It was pretty crazy! After we did our studies, we make the trip to the Church in the pouring rain. I am so thankful that the Church is so close to our apartment. It is so nice to be so close to the Church! It was pouring rain.....and I mean absolutely POURING rain! It was raining buckets to say the least and there were puddles and small rivers everywhere. I thought that we needed a canoe to get to district meeting! Hehe! We had the Assistants go on a split with our roommates and so we had Elder Nadolny in our district meeting and it went really well. We had lots of cool discussions about what our investigators need to progress and some of the members that can help out fellowshipping them. I was really excited to get an email from you!!! I could not believe that video and how much rain we got! We didn't get as much up in the Bronx but 145th Street is in Harlem and so it's really close. We got so much rain and I've never seen that much water on the ground! The Church building was even leaking and the workers had to put buckets to keep the ground dry. Thanks so much for thinking of me and sending me that email and video! I had my New York bag in a plastic bag to keep it dry and so I wasnt able to get any pictures of all of the water but that video that you sent sums it up. Hehe! Then we went to an appointment and the skies were as blue as could be but the wind blew some more clouds above us and it looked very stormy again less than an hour later. He wasn't home so we went to our 2nd appointment for a guy named Bruce. He was really cool! He is YSA age and so we might have to pass him off to the YSA Elders but he was still really excited to get a free copy of the Book of Mormon! We were able to read the introduction with him and set a return appointment. Then we had a late lunch and we made the yummy teriyaki chicken sandwiches again with barbeque sauce and then we called around the ward to set up all of the talks and make sure everything is ready to roll for Prince's baptism! I am so excited to have another baptism! We called around and quickly found someone to baptize him and then got the opening and closing prayers all taken care of but we struggled to find people to do the talks but we still had a few more days to find them. Then we went to teach a member who just moved in named Jeffery Clark. We set up the appointment a few days prior but he ended up not being home and told us that he doesn't want anything to do with the Church. He just didn't want to hurt our feeling by not scheduling an appointment. Then we went to a really awesome family home evening activity taught by 2 of the sister missionaries in our ward. They taught about having Faith and Hope in Jesus Christ. They had some fun videos that went along with it and then had a game where they had 14 clear, white cups, and then they had 1 dark blue cup at the bottom and it was a race to take each cup 1 by 1 and move the blue cup all the way up and I was the fastest out of anyone who came. It was really fun! Then we talked to an investigator who is friends with a lot of the ward members but hasn't gotten baptized, and we talked to him on the way back to our apartment after a very awesome day! I hope you were all doing great and having fun! One of the Sister Missionaries from Madagascar in our district is going back to Temple Square where she originally got called, and she will finish up her mission. She is really nice and so we all got a big district picture!

Tuesday was a very awesome day as well! I was extra excited to read your email and see your pictures and hear all about your week! We had a very busy day and lots to do and so after studies, we went to our first lesson with a couple named Indra and Satesh Bola. They are from India and they were found a few weeks before I got to the area and so I was excited to meet them. They weren't home but we called and set up another appointment. Then we had lunch and did our companionship study and prepared for our lessons and planned out what scriptures we would share for our lessons. Then we had a Facebook lesson with Jessie and read 2 verses in the Book of Mormon and he really liked them. He wants to follow Jesus Christ and enter into the right path like it talks about in the verses. I was very excited to get your message and know that you were having a great day! Then we read 3 chapters out of the Book of Mormon together in Helaman and then went to find people to teach for a few hours. We knocked on tons of doors and talked to lots of people on the streets. We were at a bus stop and there was a guy wearing a hoodie and he was with his daughter. Elder Mitonzi walked up to him and asked him how his day was going and he reacted as though he insulted him. It was so crazy to see his reaction and was really mad at Elder Mitonzi for asking him how his day was. He looked right at us and had such a mad face and said "I'm old enough to be your father bro! Why do you think you can ask me how my day is going when you are so young!" We just told him to have a nice day and then we walked away with a smile on our faces because we couldn't beleive it. Hehe! Then we invited lots of people to our evening basketball activity and also knocked on a door that we had records for and we met an older man who would tell his 2 grandsons to come to play basketball. Then we grabbed some cold drinks because it was pretty hot and very cloudy and then we had some dinner! I was really excited for your email and really looking forward to reading it! After dinner, we went over to the Church tompkay basketball with everyone that we invited and also our roommates, Elder Palmer and Elder Ihalmo. It was so much fun and we had a great turnout! We all scored a ton of points and had lots of steals and even more fun! We had a kid named Antoine come and he was really good and made lots of shots. It was a great time! Then we came back to the apartment ready for a fun P-Day

Well my dear Family, I loved typing up this email and talking with you! I hope that this email made sense because I was typing really fast to type everything up before we head to the Temple. I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you and all that you do for me! I love and miss you so much and think about you all the time! You guys are the best!!!!! I hope you have an amazing Birthday Dad!!! I will be thinking about you a lot! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!!!

Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg