November 29th 2017~Thanksgiving Was Amazing!!!! Happy Almost December!!!
Hello to the best family a missionary could ask for!!! Man I have missed you all SO much! First and for most, I need to thank you for your amazing email, pictures, and videos!!! I can't thank you enough for all that you do for me and the fun, detailed emails that I get to read each week! I am so happy that you all had an amazing Thanksgiving because I sure did! I hope I can remember everything that I wanted to say because a ton has happened and there is so much that I want to talk about, especially with Christmas right around the corner! I just want to let you know how much I love and appreciate you all! I have said this before and I will always say it: I HAVE THE BEST FAMILY EVER!!! I am so grateful for each and every one of you and all of your prayers! We are getting so close to Christmas and this incredible, and special time of year and I can't wait to Skype! Is it too early to be thinking about a time to Skype? Hehe! Well, here goes my week! Today for P-Day, we were going to go to the Top of the Rockefeller Center or take a tour of the NBC Studio but Elder Rocha wanted to go but Elder Staker doesn't have any spending money and so we are going to go in a few weeks. Also, we found out that the Rockefeller tree gets light today and so we are going to wait closer to Christmas since we know that Elder Brown and I will be together. Sorry to confuse you but our plans have changed a little bit since Elder Palmer left. It is going to be fun either way! So right now we are done with shopping and we are just waiting for our laundry and emailing and then we are going to decide what to do! Whenever a new missionary moves in, the whole routine is a little different but we adjust very quickly! So it is going to be a great day to say the least!
Last P-day was SOOOO amazing!! We had such a fun time seeing all of the holiday festivities and all of the tourists and decorations! It was such an awesome time and I loved emailing you all back and forth! So I think that I mentioned everything that happened and everything that we got to do. It was so amazing to see the huge Rockefeller tree and see tons and tons of people on vacation for the holidays! I was thinking about you the whole day as you traveled to American Fork and I was hoping you were having a great time! After our haircuts, we went to eat a 2 Brothers pizza and got a $2.99 combo deal and then we headed off to the Rockefeller Center! We were so excited to go to the top especially because the clouds that had been there all day cleared up! So we bought our tickets and then when we were at security, Elder Brown forgot that he had a pocket knife and so we had to get our tickets refunded and then we found out that the next time to go up wasn't until 6:00. So then we went to the NBC Studio store and saw lots of cool stuff! Then we got the idea to wait until next week which is this week, to decide if we wanted to go to the top of the Rockefeller Center or take a tour of the NBC Studio. So then we looked around and had a blast! We went to Central Park and looked for the balloons but we were told that there was a huge line that went up and down about 12 avenues. So we got in line but it would have taken a few hours just to see the balloons. It was such a cool atmosphere just to be there! We even got to go to the NBA store that has tons and tons of cool stuff to buy! Dad, Parker and Brandon would have espcecially loved it! So we looked around and got to talk to most of the Davis Darts marching band that performed in the parade and met a ton of members that yelled "Hey Elders!" It was all so amazing and we couldn't take it all in! After our awesome P-day ended, we went and saw our good friend Andy but he just wasn't feeling like himself and he didn't talk much. So then we did some lookups before we had a lesson with the McClain family! They are doing so well and Charles has really been cutting back on his smoking and drinking. We taught them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they both enjoyed it a lot! Then it was time to head back to the apartment for the night and we were so excited for Thanksgiving! I couldn't wait to have a big feast and have a ton of fun! I was so thankful for all of your emails and everything that you wrote! It was such an incredible day that I will never forget!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! I was thinking about all the whole day an was so excited for you to have a feast together! I do have to admit that it was pretty hard on me to be away from you but I know those feelings are normal but your awesome video made it so much better!! It was my 1st major holiday away from family my whole life. I was thinking about and wondering how your day was going! It was such an incredible day and it was so amazing to actually be in the city for It! I wonder if I will be able to experience being in New York City for a major holiday again? I am so grateful to be in this great city at this time because it is incredible! I woke up and was SO excited for the day! I got onto my Google Drive and saw the video that you had posted for me! Thank you so much for the holiday wishes! It was so fun fun to see and hear you all! It looked like a ton of fun! We had a great and fun day planned and I couldn't wait for our Thanksgiving Feast! We got a text the night before from Brother and Sister Call and they asked us if we liked pumpkin or pecan pie? We knew it was going to be a great time! As we started our studies, I looked at the clock and it was exactly 9:00 which is the time the parade started! I was so excited for you to watch it! We have studies every day from 9:00 until 10:00 and so I was wondering if we would be able to see the end of the parade! It was really exciting! One thing I forgot to tell you was that neither of us got a trainer call the night before. I thought it would have been really cool to train a new missionary during Christmas but that would have meant that Elder Brown would have to leave. After our studies we headed out and i cannot beleive how awesome the whole scene was! We went up to meet and investigator named Francis and it was right by where the parade got done and so we got to see a ton of floats while we waited for him to meet us! So then we met up with Francis and had a quick Plan of Salvation lesson with him and then we did something really cool! We went to Central Park with 2 other companionships and we asked tons of people what and who they were grateful for! We had a big board that was made by the YSA Ward and they let us borrow it! We had some paper feathers that people wrote on and then we stuck them on the turkey! It was so amazing to see the diversity and we met a ton of people from literally all over the world! It was such an amazing sight to see all of the people bundled up and the leaves changing colors and falling on the ground! We met people from all over and I saw a ton of college football and NFL gear on and it was so fun to ask them where they were from! We met people from Whales, Canada, Mexico, Liverpool England, and so many more places! There were tons of people who attended the parade and were just enjoying the awesome city! Then as we were cleaning up and walking back to the Temple to put the board away, I saw that you had uploaded a video!!!! I can't even thank you enough for it and how much it meant! It was so fun to see and hear you all wish me a Happy Thanksgiving! It made my whole day and made me feel right with you in spirit! I really appreciated it so much! Then we came back near the apartment because that is where our dinner was! We called and texted a ton of people and almost every member that we had numbers for and we wished them a Happy Thanksgiving! We met a really nice young couple from Provo and they asked us to go buy some hot chocolate. They gave us $5.00 and so we bought some hot chocolate to stay warm. It was so nice of them and it was always so fun to run into members from Utah! Then it was time to head over to our Thanksgiving Feast! It was so cool to think that we were probably eating at the same time! We had such a great time and even took a video to tell you hi and took lots of pictures! They had tons and tons of really good food like ham, Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, Brown sugar carrots and Brussel sprouts, rolls and butter, Martinelli's sparkling cider, and pumpkin and pecan pie with whipped cream for desert!!! Wow! Sister Call is such an amazing cook and she worked all day for our meal! The Sisters were over there right before us but she made sure everything was fresh and hot when we got there! They have a cute little 10 month old Faye! She is really shy and will give us a huge grin when we come by but she won't get anywhere near us. Brother and Sister Call are both from Utah and grew up there for most of their lives. They are in between 23 and 25 years old and they both went to Utah State. Brother Call graduated from the University of Utah after going to 3 years at Utah State. He is working on his Master's degree at the University of New York and is going to teach music! One really cool thing about them is that they were both in the Utah State University marching band and they played for 3 years worth of football and basketball games so they have seen it all! They were even at the Potato Bowl that we were at when they beat Toledo and were ranking 16th in the nation! That is one thing that just totally amazes me is that we can live only a few hundred miles away in Utah, go to the same exact football game back in 2012 and then 2,200 miles away, meet and have thanksgiving dinner together! I mean come on, that's really cool! We had a great talk and had such a fun time getting to know them because they are True Blooded Aggies! We were so sad to leave but I was so happy to upload my pictures for you to see! We left at around 7:30 since they wanted us to come a littler later because the sisters got there a little later than expected and so we decided to go visit Brother Eades and Brother Forbes and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving! I was so sad that our fun day was over! I love thanksgiving so very much and always look forward to it every year! I couldn't help but think how your day went and all of the fun times you and! I hope you saw my pictures and videos that I uploaded. It was such a great and fun day and it couldn't have gone better! I was so grateful for Brother and Sister Call and their generosity because they really made it such a special time and it was such a great Thanksgiving!!
Happy Black Friday!! I was hoping that you were up early to get those great deals! Friday was a really awesome day! Since Thanksgiving was on Thursday, we did our weekly planning on Friday instead. So we went over to the Church and did our weekly planning for a couple of hours and planned lessons for a lot of people. Then we headed over to a lesson with the pastor named Sharice Vadon! We met her at a Dunkin Donuts because she wanted some hot chocolate and she asked us if we wanted a donut. We couldn't turn that down so we met her there and then taught her about the Book of Mormon and Plan of Salvation! We got there and she wasn't there and then she called and asked if we could reschedule. So then we went to deliver a Book of Mormon to a man who ordered one online! We are able to share with him our testimonies and he was really excited to read it! He has some health challenges but was so nice! He lives in Greenwhich Village which is the ritzy part of New York. He didn't seem interested to learn more, he just wanted to read it because he loves the Bible. So then we grabbed some late lunch and then headed to another appointment from a referral named Moses. He wasn't home but his Sister was home and so we got to talk to her for a few minutes. Then we went over and showed the new Light the World video to a member named Isaac Sorden. He is a recent convert of only a few years and we shared the brand new video with him and he really enjoyed it! Then we went over to our next appointment and we got there early so we did some lookups in the area. Brother and Sister Toomey were in the area and so we popped in and said hi! They gave us a bottle of water for the road and then we headed to our appointment with a guy named Dwayne. We went to his apartment but then we got a text from him saying that he was shopping and he told us that he would be right there. He told us not to leave because he wasn't very far away but then we ended up waiting for almost an hour in the basement of his apartment. It was a long time to wait but we knew he was close and willing to hear our message. We hadn't had dinner yet because our appointment with him was right during dinner and so we had a really late dinner at 8:00 back at our apartment and we had some really yummy leftovers from the Calls! I posted the video on Facebook and it was fun to see you like it shortly after me putting it up! We got to talk to Dwayne for a few minutes and then we walked back to the apartment after grabbing a really yummy $1.00 slice of pizza! It was such a great day and we got a ton done!
Saturday was a great and busy day! It was transfer call night and we were so excited to hear who was going to take Elder Palmer's spot! We also were uncertain if Elder Brown would be staying or leaving. He has only been here for 2 cycles but that is how long I was in Kingston. We decided to go out to eat for 1 last meal with Elder Palmer before he left. I can't believe how fast time went and now he is heading home today. He transferred to the mission home yesterday with a huge group of missionaries, including Elder Howard. Sorry, I totally forgot to mention in my last email that transfers were yesterday and we have a new missionary here! We were all so sad to say goodbye to Elder Palmer because he is such a great guy! He is really excited to come and meet you all! So we headed out for another great day and then we did some lookups and got to talk to a really cool guy who retired a few years ago named Curt. He isn't very religious but thought it was cool that missionaries would come back to his house! So we got to talk to him for about a half an hour about the Book of Mormon and gave him a brief rundown of the Restoration. Then he told us that he would only be interested in our church if he got paid for it. He wanted to do missionary work like us but only if he got paid. We told him that we pay our own way and that nobody in our church gets paid. He wasn't so interested anymore in what we had to say. We will try to stop by another time but he was still a really nice guy! Then we had some lunch and did our companionship study and then headed out for more work! We got a text from the office Elders and they asked us to come to the Manhattan Temple Chapel and pick up mail for our Zone so we headed over there and then picked up mail for our whole district. On our way there, we met someone really cool! We got talking to a really tall guy and we got into sports. He told us that he used to play in the NBA for the Washington Bullets before they turned into the Washington Wizards. It was really cool to talk to him! Then we got to go out to eat dinner for Elder Palmer's last week in the mission field! He was talking to me about how excited he is to come and see you! He starts school at Utah State on January 8th and so he will plan a time sometime before then to come and see you! He was deciding where to go for one of his last meals and he decided to go to Mighty Quinn's! Since the next day was Sunday and then Monday he had a dinner with a member, and then Tuesday was transfers, Saturday was the only day for us to go out to eat. We had a really great time and I got the brisket sandwich with fries and a drink! It was one of the tastiest foods I've ever eaten! It was really high quality and very good! We had a great talk and we talked about some of the things Elder Palmer is doing when he gets Home! Visiting you was close to the top of the list! Then after our really good dinner, we went to go visit Brother Eades and Brother Forbes! We wanted to show them the new Christmas video and so we went over to have a discussion with them! We were getting more and more anxious to find out who would be coming in to talk Elder Palmer's spot! I really couldn't believe how fast transfers crept on us and now Elder Palmer is already going Home! It is crazy how fast time flies by! So we visited with Brother Eades and Brother Forbes and shared the new video with them and did lots of lookups and then it was time to head back to the apartment for the night and we were all so anxious to hear who would be coming in to our apartment! So we talked while we awaited the call from our Zone Leaders! We got the news that we were all waiting for! Elder Brown and I are......staying together! Since Elder Palmer is headed home today, we knew that we would be getting another awesome missionary! We got Elder Staker to be companions with Elder Rocha in our apartment! One cool thing about that is he was Elder Brown's trainer and so they know each other really well! It was such an awesome day and we went to bed excited for Elder Staker to get here!
Sunday was a really great and productive day! We got a text the night before from Elder Davis who is one of the assistant to President Smith and they wanted to do our interviews at the Manhattan Temple since we didn't get to do them a few weeks ago. So we went over at 8:20 and were able to talk with President Smith and he have us so much confidence and told us to keep moving forward and the baptisms will come! Then we had a really awesome time at Church! Godson wasn't able to come due to the holidays but we did have Charles and Monae come! We talked about the Holy Ghost and what a special gift it is! We had a lot more people sign up on our dinner calender than usual and so that is a great sign that we are building trust and a great relationship with the members! It was a really awesome day but there weren't a whole lot of people there and there weren't any visitors because of the holiday. Then we headed back to the apartment and had some lunch. I looked at the clock and it was time for you to go to Church! I couldn't help but think how you were all doing and how much fun you had on your trip! After linner, we went to visit with the De Jesus family and Sister De Jesus sent you a picture of us and their daughter, Elli! I was so excited for you to get it! Then we walked over to visit with the Mishler family! It was about 7:30 and they had already put their kids to bed and so we just visited with Brother and Sister Mishler and then we realized that Sister Mishler's parents were in town and so we got to meet with all 4 of them and it was so great to talk to people from Utah! Her parents are from Lindon and they are really great people! They are visiting for the holidays and are flying home today so I told them to say hello to Utah for me! We showed them the new Christmas video and invited them to find some acts of service for their whole family to do! We had a great and spiritual discussion and what made it even better is that Brother Mishler made us some really good hot chocolate with tons of whipped cream! Then it was time for us to head back to the apartment for the night after such a great day! It was really busy which made it even better! I have totally loved to get to know everyone in this ward because most of them are from Utah and/or have family in Utah so I can connect with them especially well! It was just funny because there were 6 of us all together sitting in their apartment, in New York.........and all 6 of us are Utahns! What a small world we live in! I am getting sooooooo excited because Christmas just keeps getting closer and closer!!!! I am so excited for Christmas and I'm dying to Skype you! It is going to be one of the coolest experiences ever to be here in Manhattan for Christmas! I will most likely Skype you from our church and so what will be cool about that is we have a really cool view of the Empire State Building just around the corner of the block that the church is on! It just keeps getting closer and closer and it is coming up fast......really fast!!! We headed off to bed really tired and ready for a nice snooze!
Monday was a really great day! We had a ton planned and got right to work! We had our weekly District Meeting and I got to give the spiritual thought and since the Light the World video just came out, I chose to speak about light and how we can be a light to others! We had a great district meeting and then we grabbed a $1.00 slice of pizza and then headed over to the Church for our companionship study and then we went over to visit Brother Eades and Brother Forbes! We shared the new Mormon message that just came out and they really enjoyed it! It was about the good Samaritan and how we can help those in need! We had a great lesson with them and discussed the new Christmas video and how important this time of year is. Then we went back to the apartment and had dinner before heading over to see the McClain family! On the way, we got to talk to a really nice man named Edwin! He worked on the 55th floor of the World Trade Center but quit his job a few months before 9/11. It was so amazing to hear his story about that awful day. He was working in Midtown at the time and saw it on the news. I have to tell you something really cool! So this next cycle that we just started, it will only be 5 weeks long and then the next cycle will be 7 weeks long. So this next cycle is going to fly by! I am crossing my fingers that I get to train a new missionary this next cycle! It will be so cool to see what happens! It was a really awesome day and I couldn't wait to get your awesome email the very next day!
Tuesday was so awesome but a sad day because we had to say goodbye to Elder Palmer. I couldn't believe that it was already time for him to head home! He flies home today at about 8:00 your time and get home at about 2:30. It will be so much fun for him to meet you all sometime! We had a really great and busy day! The weather here has been a bit chilly but I've heard that we don't get snow until after Christmas sometimes and so it will be interesting to see what happens! I am more than excited to Skype you all here in just a few weeks and I can't even wait! So Elder Palmer left yesterday to go on a split and yesterday he went to the Temple and stayed the night in the mission home and a hotel with all of the other missionaries and the night before Elder Palmer left, we all had a great talk about being on a mission! He talked about how hard it may be in the moment to be away from your family but how rewarding a mission is! I just can't wait to see you all again and give you a huge hug! So we said goodbye to Elder Palmer and took some pictures and then away he went! It was just so amazing to think that he was done with his 2 years and he gets to see his family and meet you in a few months! It just amazes me that I will be in that same position in just over a year! Then we did our studies and then headed out for more work! We went to visit Carlos and had a great discussion with him and shared the Christmas Initiative and he really liked it! The poor guy is so alone and so bored all day and just needs some friends and someone to talk to. He told us that he is flying to Puerto Rico this Saturday to be with his family and he is really looking forward to it! It made me miss you all so much more during this special time. I really do wish that I could give you all a hug and spend the holidays with you but no know this is where I am supposed to be! We have so many more memorable Christmas's to come but it has been pretty hard to not be there to support and be with you! Then we knocked on Curt's door but he wasn't home and so we felt like we should knock on the 2 doors right next to his. The 1st one we knocked on was of a lady named Gladys. She was busy taking care of some kids that were over and told us that she would be interested if we came back another time. She was so nice and we are excited to go back! Then we knocked on Maria's door and she was a really nice, older lady who speaks mostly Spanish and a little bit of English. She told us to come back on Saturday and so we are excited to go back! The whole day, I was just so excited for your email and to hear from you all! I was so excited to hear how your Thanksgiving went and how your trip was! Then we came back to the apartment and had lunch and then companionship study. It was great to talk with Elder Brown and discuss what we studied and our goals for this next transfer even though it is so short! We headed over for another lesson with Brother Eades and Brother Forbes and to help Brother Eades set up his Gospel Library app and show him some features! Then we had an amazing dinner with Brother and Sister Welch! I got a picture with Brother Welch so you can see what he looks like! We went to the Brookfield Place which is right next to the 9/11 memorial and museum and it was amazing to say the least! We had some really good pizza and then went to go visit Arcangel and show him the new video! We are working really closely with him because he is a great guy but just doesn't like large crowds! It was such an amazing day and I was so anxious to come home and read your email! I was blown away as usual at how amazing your email, pictures, and videos were! I was SOOOO excited to get it and I loved reading it so much and hearing all about your fun and exciting week! Thank you, thank you, for all of your details and everything that you wrote! It was such a blast to read! We got to know Elder Staker more and he is a really great missionary and he spent the most of the night after we got home to unpack. We were really looking forward to P-day! I couldn't wait to respond to your emails!
Well my dear and amazing family!!! It has been a ton of fun to email you all today and let you know how I'm doing! I'm always so sad when I finish my email because I really do have a ton of fun writing them! I hope you all have an amazing day at work and school! I'm so excited for the holidays and especially to get your amazing package in a few weeks and Skype! It is going to be the best time EVER! There are tons of Christmas decorations going up and it is "Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!" We were in a store last P-Day and I heard "It's that time, Christmas time is here!" From the Christmas movie! It made me think of all the good times we had listening to it in the car! I'm so grateful for this time of year and I can't tell you how much I miss you! I'm working really hard and learning a lot! It has been such a blessing to be here on a mission and I'm so grateful for the experiences I've had! I am meeting so many amazing people and I feel the spirit so much each and every day! I have loved being able to read from the Book of Mormon each day and study out of Preach My Gospel! I want you to know that I have a testimony of this church and I know it's true! I hope you all have an amazing week and's almost Decmeber??? When did this happen?? I can't believe that we are so almost to December! Have an awesome week everyone and know that you are in all of my prayers! LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!
Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg
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