Tanner got to go into Manhattan today for his p-day. He had a great day and sent lots of pictures.
I'm so glad that you all had a great day! I was so glad to hear all about your day and what you have been doing around the house! It is really fun to hear all about It! We had a great time and just got back and now we are just about to head over to the Tsakpoe's apartment for a lesson! Today was incredible! As we were traveling and looking around at all of the sights, we had so many people come up to us and say: "How's it going Elders!" We stopped and talked to a lot of cool people. We were at a crosswalk and a man walked up next to us and asked us where we were from. 3 of the 4 of us are from Utah and when we said where we were from, he said: "Me too!" He is from Cedar City and was on vacation and he was just heading over to his hotel. We talked with him for a little while and then a few blocks later we met a family from Los Angeles and they were on vacation before their daughter reports to the MTC before she goes to the Port of Trinidad Spain Mission. Her and her family were on vacation. It was so cool because here we were standing in the middle of Manhattan and have someone come up and talk to us! It was really cool! We also had lots of people just say: "Hey Elders" as we passed them. So this morning we woke up and did laundry and grocery shopping. Then after we folded our laundry, we headed to the train station and first went all the way down to the very bottom of Manhattan and went to the 9/11 Memorial, Chipotle, The Federal Reserve Bank, The Charging Bull Statue, and the Battery Park where we got to see the Statue of Liberty even closer! It was all so amazing and hard to take it all in. You were right when you said that it is like a mini vacation. Then after that, we decided to do another really fun thing. We had a little bit of time left and none of the 3 other Elders have been to The Museum of the City of New York. So we decided to really quickly start heading back to the apartment for dinner and so we stopped and watched the really cool "Timescapes" in the museum. They all enjoyed it so much! It was really crazy to see so many people and tourists out and about. Battery Park was so cool because they had the monument that was in between the 2 World Trade Center Towers. It was so crazy to see because this solid steel globe had been pierced when the towers collapsed. That was one of my favorite parts about our trip that I didn't know that we would be able to see. I was sure to take lots of pictures because there was something to take a picture of wherever I turned! On top of that.....the weather was so nice and cool! There was a nice breeze. Well everybody! It has been a blast to hear from you and read you emails! I am so glad that you all had a great and fun week! I just want you to know how much I miss you. I wish you could be here to see all of this because it is amazing! I know that you are all here in spirit. I hope you all have an amazing and fun week. Happy 4th of July of Tuesday and shoot off lots of fireworks. Maybe if you shoot them high enough, I will be able to see them all the way over here!
Love Always From New York!
~Elder Lindberg
P.S: I just got all of my pictures that I took today uploaded! I hope you enjoy! I left the ones that I just took out of the folder and put the other ones in the folder. I hope I remembered everything that I wanted to ask you and I hope that I answered your questions. Love ya!