Hello my dear and awesome Family!!!! What an awesome and fun email to read! You guys are the best! It is the best news ever to hear that you if a fun, safe, and productive week! You have been in my every thought and prayer and every time that I read your emails, I feel like you are talking right to me! Pretty soon, we will be able to have a real conversation face to face and I'm really excited about it! You all mean everything to me and I just want you to know how much I love and miss you! This week has been so awesome as usual and we have been so busy! Probably the busiest I've ever been in my life. We are constantly on the move and I talk 95% of the day whether it be to members, investigators, or even strangers. I take pride in working as hard as possible and always strive to make you proud of me. The weather has been a little up and down but for the most part, it has been so nice to be out in and definitely feels like spring! We are gearing up for General Conference and I'm getting the feeling like my days here in Manhattan are numbered. I am pretty sure that I will be transferred the Tuesday right after conference on April 3rd. I'm enjoying every second and I still pinch myself every day as we go to work. I've noticed that the work doesn't get any easier, I feel like I'm getting stronger. Both spiritually and physically. I love just being myself and connecting to the many different types of people that live in this huge city! Today for P-day, the 4 of us want to quickly go back to Brigandi coin store because me buying a few silver certificates gave Elder Williams and our roommates the idea to buy some as well. Hehe!
Last P-Day was a ton of fun! I hope that I mentioned everything that we got to do because it was a lot of fun! We spent most of the time in the dinosaur exhibit and also the native American exhibit which was really cool! I think we could spend 2 full days in there and still not see everything because it is so huge! It was a really awesome and fun day! I read your email over and over and enjoyed every word! The museum was packed because we found out that the whole city has this whole week off from school and so there were lots of tourists which was really fun! After our fun P-Day ended, we had 3 back to back appointments that we were really excited about! Robert, Nelson, and the McClain family were all on the list of investigators that we had appointment for! So we headed to our appointments and had a great time teaching! First, we had a lesson with Robert but he wasn't feeling well and so we had a quick visit and shared a few scriptures and then left with a prayer. After our lesson with Robert, we had a really nice guy come up to us and ask us if we had anything for him to read because he recently found out that he has cancer and so he was going through a hard time and so we explained that the Book of Mormon can bring peace to his life during this trial. He walked away and told us that is just what he needed! Then we dropped off a Bible to a man named Nelson Sanchez and he even accepted a Book of Mormon and a Restoration Pamphlet! We taught him about the Restoration and even set up a return appointment and invited him to Church and the Linger longer! Then we had our final appointment of the night with the McClain family. We showed them 30 minutes of the Restoration video and it really brought the spirit in! Their eyes were glued to the screen and they learned a lot about Joseph Smith that they didn't know before! Then I got a really fun surprise when I saw your email! I am so happy that Neal emailed you! He was a really nice and friendly guy and it was so fun to talk to him! I really appreciated you sharing that with me so much! It was the perfect way to end a fun day! It was really warm and pretty humid and so we left the windows open but we saw on the forecast that it was supposed to rain and so we left them open just a crack to let some cool air in. Thanks again for all of your fun emails and pictures!
Thursday was a really great and fun day! We had a really busy day planned and so we were excited to get going! When I got into this area, we were having about 1 lesson per day and today we had 4! I was thinking about you all a lot and hoping you were having a fun day at work and school! So we did our studies and then had lunch before doing our weekly planning session at the Church. It is always really nice to take a step back and see how we can progress this work even further. I'm hoping that Elder Williams Gets to train a new missionary right after he gets done with getting trained! It should be fun to see where I end up because I might get transferred this transfer but I also could stay 1 more. We were able to call lots of people and got a hold of quite a few people before going to get our mail! I was really excited to get your letter! Thanks so much for everything that you wrote and I will buy something fun with the money! You guys are the best and I really appreciated the card so much! Then we went to knock on Steven Rosa's door to try and set up an appointment to teach him! Then we had a set appointment with a new investigator, David. He was still in Queens when we got there and so then we went to our next appointment with Robert! He is doing so well and we even got to listen to a voice message that Brother Guynn left him and he shared his favorite scripture from the Book of Mormon and it was so cool because Robert started crying! He just needs people to love and support him because he feels so alone but all of the love and support really helps him! Then we went to our dinner appointment with the Toomey family and we shared a Bible video about trusting Heavenly Father! It was a really nice dinner and we had homemade pizza and we got to put on lots of different toppings. I even got a picture with the Toomey family for you to see! I am slowly trying to get pictures of a lot of our investigators and members! We always ask Brother and Sister Toomey what we can do for them or what we can help them with and they always have us take out their garbage since it is harder to find service in the big city. It was a really great time! Then we headed back near our apartment for our last lesson of the day with Charles and Monae! We didn't have time to sit down and have a lesson but we visited with them for a few minutes to see how they were doing. We ran into Antoine and also a homeless man approached us and asked for food and we told him that we were having a ward linger longer activity and so we invited him to that. He was really nice and even served in a few wars. Thanks again so very much for the fun card and all of the nice things you said! Then it was time to head off to bed after a great and hard day's work!!
Friday was another really great and productive day! We did all of our studies first thing in the morning and then we had lunch before going to our first lesson of the day with Andre Cox! There has been a really exciting event coming up that we decided to invite a lot of people to! It is a special fireside for the CEO of the Philidelphia 76ers and we could go only if we brought a less active member or investigator! So we tried really hard to get as many people as we could to go because we were really excited to hear him speak up at the Lincoln Center! Then after we texted lots of people, we got a few responses from our investigators and they said that they could come and so we got really excited! It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to hear from the CEO of a NBA team! Then we went to where Andre lives and we knocked on the door of a record that we had for a kid who is 16 or 17 named Alex Almonte. He wasn't home and Andre was running late so we knocked on a lot of doors for people we had records for. We found Benny at home and so we invited him to the fireside with the CEO of the Philidelphia 76ers. Then we visited with Andy Lam and had a nice conversation with him and then went to our Church because we had a guy that wanted us to give him a Bible and a Book of Mormon so we got to the Church and did our 12 Week and watched a few videos from the District about helping people keep commitments and how important they are. We had a man ask us to order him a quad last Sunday and so we told him that we would order one for him at District Meeting but we found out that those aren't covered and so he would have to pay for it. Only Bibles and Books of Mormon are covered by church funds. He didn't have a phone number but we had an appointment with him at the Church at 3:30 and so we needed to be there to meet with him! We got to talk with him for a little while before going to visit Edwin Roa and Kevin but neither of them were home. Then we came back to the apartment for dinner and then we went do more lookups and invite more people to Church, the baptism, and the 76ers fireside. We saw one of our investigators, Radames and we invited him to the fireside and he said that he would come because he is a really big NBA fan. He told us that he is a huge Chicago Bulls fan but he thought it would be really fun anyway! Then we did some lookups and then invited more people to Church and the fireside and then it was time to head back to the apartment for the day! We had a really great and productive day and we were hoping and praying that we had some people come to Church, the baptism and the fireside!
Saturday was really awesome! We were really looking forward to the baptism at the Manhattan Temple since we had a few people commit to coming and so we were excited to have some people there! The baptism was of 2 sets of twins. 11 year old girls and 8 year old boys and so we hoping that it would be a packed house! So we did our morning studies and then took the 1 train to the Manhattan Temple Chapel and waited for Andre and the rest of our investigators to come. Unfortunately, Andre took the bus and the traffic was really bad and so he missed the baptism but we still had a great time and the baptism went really well! It was a family of 4 and the Dad is a member but his wife isn't and so it was really cool to see! They even had a nice lunch for everyone and so we enjoyed a nice meal and then we went down to the very bottom of Manhattan to visit Andy again. He asked us if we could help him plug in his computer and his WiFi modem since he is in a wheelchair and can't do it. We went over and we were so happy to help! It was a lot of fun to see all of the tourists on the way to Andy's apartment! There were lots of families out and about and it really made me think of you all! This city is so amazing and is so fun to live in! We helped Andy hook up his VCR and DVD player and then we went to our next appointment with Brother Eades and we shared a Bible video called "Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt" and it was really cool! Our lesson with Nelson Sanchez fell through because he had to go to an appointment and so we had plenty of time to get over to visit with Brother Eades. It was such a busy day and we were go, go, go the whole day which is always nice! He was doing really well but Brother Forbes wasn't able to come and so we had a nice conversation with Brother Eades and showed him a Bible video and how we can put our trust in Heavenly Father. It was pretty quick because we had a dinner appointment with the Bryan family and we had an amazing time! I even got a picture with them and their daughter Riis. We had some yummy enchiladas, corn on the cob, watermelon, and Gatorade. It was really tasty! We shared a video called ""Going To Grandma's" and Riis especially loved it. Riis just turned 1 and they have another daughter along the way who is due in July! Brother Bryan works for Goldman Sachs as a financial banker and works a lot with loans for major companions. We had a really great time and then we got some news that President Smith wanted to have a mission wide fast and a conference call at 9:30 and so we were excited for that! As we walked out of the Bryan's apartment, we walked right passed the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and so we took a few pictures! It is SOOOO cool! Then we went back to the apartment and filled out our progress record and make some Pillbury cookies for our Ward Linger Longer activity and then listened in to the conference call! President Smith asked the whole mission to fast for our investigators and then he told us how much he appreciated all of our hard work. I recorded it and so I can listen to it many times! Today was a really great day and I thought a lot about each of you and how much you mean to me! Love you all tons!
Sunday was such an amazing day! We woke up to pouring rain but we were really excited for the day! We planned for our day and then headed off to Church! We were really excited for the Linger Longer and the fireside! Church was really good and we had some great talks from Brother and Sister Ford and then we had the delicious linger longer! We had meatball subs with salads and tons of deserts! It was a really fun time! We had a visitor from San Antonio and his son who is from Utah and the guy from San Antonio told us that he has a guy named Ron Lindberg in his ward who was on the District episodes! It was cool to talk to him! I found out that he is a surgeon in Texas and was here on vacation with his son! It was a really fun time and we had a great turnout of people! Then after the party, we called some investigators and set up who was going to be at the fireside and called those members who weren't in Church. We called the Ford Family and thanked them for their awesome talks about families and raising children! It was a lot of fun to surprise them and thank them for their great talks! Hardly anybody answered their phones but we were still really excited for the 3 potential investigators that said would come to the 76ers fireside! We did our personal and companionship study and learned more about the importance of commitments and then headed over to the fireside! We had heard from many people how cool he is! He is a convert of just 2 years and is very well known in the sports marketing world so we were really looking forward to hearing from him! So we took the train up to the Manhattan Temple and we were hoping that Fabhaa would be able to come but he told us that he would be a little late so we decided to go in while we waited for him. Fabhaa got stuck on a train in Queens and so he wasn't able to make it but we still really enjoyed the firside! It was so cool to hear from a CEO of an NHL and NBA team! He did a really great job and talked about his journey to baptism in 2016. He has a wife and 3 daughter's and his wife and Sister Smith grew up together! He talked about how he surprised his wife with the decision to get baptized while his wife was going through the Temple to Recieve her endowments. President Smith and his whole family were there and it was really fun to hear how he has built the 76ers into what they are today! I recorded the whole devotional on my recorder for you to listen to when I get home! He showed a really cool video of the 2 teams and the huge arena that he owns and talked a lot about missionary work and how grateful he is for the missionaries that taught him. He now has the Priesthood, been sealed to his family, and has a calling! It was a really cool night and I wish you all could have been there! Then we went to go see how Robert Torres was doing and also a new referral that we received, Patterson Nelson. They Weren't home and when we knocked on Patterson's door, we had a very rude lady yell at us and tell us "NO THANK YOU!!!" and walked away. We couldn't even ask her if Patterson was home but it is always funny to get yelled at. Hehe!
Monday was a really fun and awesome day of hard work! The weather was really nice and we enjoyed some warmer weather! After our studies, we took the train up to district meeting. It felt like we just had it and here we were again having district meeting! This new District is a lot different because of the recent transfer but it just takes some getting used to. I send some letters last P-day and so I was excited for you to get them on Monday! On our way to district meeting I got your really fun email! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I loved the picture and I was sending love your way! We had a really great district meeting and got to talk a lot about how our investigators are doing and what they need to progress. Then we had lunch and did our companionship study at the Church and got to finish week 8 of 12 the 12 Week program and had a great time studying! Time was flying by and it went by really fast! We learned about church attendance and how we can help others see the importance of coming to Church and keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. Then we went to go visit Brother Eades and Brother Forbes but Brother Forbes was still in the Bronx visiting his family and so we taught Brother Eades about the Plan of Salvation and he really enjoyed it. He has had some liver problems and his liver hasn't been working properly and so he has been having lots of doctors appointments. So we gave him a blessing and then came back to the apartment for dinner and then we got a text from Brother Wood and he asked us if we wanted some white shirts from his company and he even said that he would have some brownies and ice cream for us and so how can we say no to that?? They don't fit me but we are planning on giving them to some of our investigators but before we went over, we went to check on Robert to see how he was doing since we hadn't seen him for a few days. Robert wasn't at home which might have been a good thing because that means he was at a doctor's appointment getting some help with his alcohol addiction and some were praying that he was at an appointment. So then we checked up on Charles and Monae but Monae was out with some friends and Charles asked us if we could go find her. Monae wasn't anywhere in sight and so we called Charles and he told us that she would come back eventually so we went to the Wood's apartment for some brownies, ice cream, and a spiritual message. We were glad that we could go over and see them because they are really aweosme members! Their apartment is right next to the Friends apartment where the show was filmed on the West side of the island and so we enjoyed seeing it again! It is so historical and is one of the coolest parts of the whole city. They have preserved these really old building that were a part of the original construction of Manhattan and so it is so cool to see! We had some really good brownies and Haagan Daas ice cream and then he gave us 4 plad shirts from his company called Woodies! Then we shared a message and on the way home, I was SOOOO very excited to see your fun email! Thank you so very much for sending it! It was so fun to hear from you and I loved your email! I'm so happy that you got my cards and that Abbs liked my drink money! I thought it would be really fun for you to go get an ice cold nummy sodie watie after her ACT test! Go get em Abbs!
Tuesday was another really great day! As usual, I couldn't wait until Tuesday night so I could read your fun email! I was saying my morning prayer to start my studies and after I finished, I got a notification saying that I had an email from Abby! It was so exciting to hear from her just moments before taking her huge test! I was thinking about her a lot and sending my prayers her way! After our studies, we called a few former and potential investigators and then went to do some lookups. Robert has been hard to contact and so we have been knocking on his door and 2 times per day to reestablish contact. Robert wasn't home but we were able to knocked on a door a few buildings down and we found Jose at home where Evelyn loves and then we came back to the apartment for lunch before going to the Church to do our studies. The weather was so pretty and the temperatures were in the mid 50s and there were bright blue skies! It was so nice and I was getting so excited for your email and pictures! I couldn't wait to hear all about your week and hear how Abby's ACT was going! Then we went to visit Brother Eades and Brother Forbes again and we wanted to share the "Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt" video since we prayed to know which video would best help them and that is the one we felt to share. We had a great talk with them but Brother Forbes told us that his family is struggling and so he goes up to the Bronx to visit them often to comfort them. Then we got to go to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream! They have a buy 1 sundae, get 1 free and so we enjoyed some delicious ice cream on the way back to the apartment for dinner. I am just still in awe that I'm actually in New York City! It amazes me every single day and there is so much variety all around! After dinner, we went to go see Robert again because he is our main focus and we know how many blessings Heavenly Father has in store for him! He was home and we were able to show a video about addiction and how to combat the temptation! He was doing really well and he told us that it was all because of us that we are giving him hope! It was so great to see him! Then we had an appointment with the McClain family and Brother Guynn met us there but they ended up cancelling and so we were able to go back to visit Robert with Brother Guynn and it worked out so great! Brother Guynn served in Spain and moved here about 2 years ago from Oregon but he is originally from Utah. He is a lawyer and so it was really fun to talk with him! Then we excitedly came back to the apartment and I was so excited to read your fun email! Your email was so much fun to read as always and I enjoyed every single word! It amazing me how much goes on and how fast the weeks are flying by! I love you all so much and can't wait to see you and give you a huge hug!
Well my dear loved ones! I loved being able to email you today and I'm so grateful for technology that I have to communicate with you! I hope you all have another awesome and fun week! You are in my every thought and prayer and I will always be there for you! LOVE AND MISS YOU TONS AND TONS MY DEAR FAMILY!!!!!!
Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg