Hello my dear and amazing Family!!! What an awesome, exciting, successful, fun, and amazing week from New York City! I am just loving being a trainer and the HUGE blessing that it is to train this amazing missionary! I have loved getting to know him and I know have a little bit more information about him so you can get to know him better! As you know, he is 6 foot 7 and so when he walks, I have a hard time keeping up with him just because he takes giant steps and he loves the work! This area is doing really well but in New York City, it's kind of a difficult challenge to even meet with anybody. But that is to be expected in Lower Manhattan! Hehe! It's just a huge blessing to be here in this truly incredible town!!!! First of all, thanks as always for your awesome, fun, and interesting emails and pictures! They are always SOOOO much fun to read and I love hearing about everything going on! I appreciate all of the details about major events and everyday events that take place at home! This week was jam packed and we are working so hard that the week just absolutely flew by! I hope this all makes sense and that I can remember everything!
Last P-Day was really awesome! We had a blast shopping in China Town and then we saw tons of cool stuff at the Met! We got to see tons of cool antiques and lots of guns! On the way, we had a guy come up to us and ask us if we would explain the Plan of Salvation to his friend who didn't really believe in religions but it was cool to share what we knew to be true and give him a Plan of Salvation pamphlet! We got to see a ton of antiques as well and some of my favorite things were the Grandfather clocks! They had a really cool American section that I wasn't able to go to last time and so it was a lot of fun to see! After our fun and exciting P-Day ended, we walked across the street to a lesson that we were really looking forward to with the Ingram family! We got to their door and realized that they weren't home and so we called them but they didn't answer. We are going to start trying to remind them about our appointments because they must just be forgetting. We won't give up on them because they are so awesome! Then we went to our next set appointment but again, he must have forgotten and so we will need to remind our investigators more about our appointments. We call them quite often but we need to keep trying!
Thursday was so amazing! We had another really great and busy day of work ahead of us and so we were excited to get going! I woke up and loved seeing your fun email with pictures! Thanks so much for always sending them! I love getting emails so much! We started the day by doing our studies and then we called and texted about 40 investigators that we had in our records and called Antoine and we were able to set up an appointment with him! Then we read through Preach My Gospel and learned how to teach the Plan of Salvation better in a more simpler and clear way. Then we went to the Lincoln Square Chapel to pick up our mail and then we did lots of lookups to try and find more people to teach that had either had contact with missionaries a long time ago or just haven't been contacted in a while. We were able to see the McClain family and set up a new weekly time to meet with them! They were doing really good but Charles' health has declined a little and he has had a few health challenges. We continue to be there for him and help him any way that we can. We also saw Aaron, who is one of our investigators, as we were walking down the street sharing the Gospel with those we saw on the streets. He has been having some trials himself and told us that he needs some help with putting food on the table. We assured him that if he reads the Book of Mormon and prays about what he reads, he will be able to find peace and comfort during his trials. We were so happy that we could help him! He always wears a Yankee hat and it's always fun to talk to him! Then we took a bus and talked to people and asked how their day was going on our way to our 7:15 dinner appointment with Brother and Sister Toomey! We had some really good pork chops with mashed potatoes! Then we had a really good and spiritual lesson about following the Holy Ghost and we invited them to write down any spiritual experiences that they have during the week and see how many they have! Then we waited for the bus and talked to some really cool people and asked them where they were from. It's always so cool to meet so many people from all over the world and meet people that were born and raised in New York City! Then we had a lady come up to us and ask us for any food. The only thing that I could offer is a Book of Mormon but she respectfully declined. We came back to the apartment after a hard day's work and were ready for a snooze! We helped out our roommates by helping them move their huge and old couch that has been in their bedroom for years now. There used to be 3 missionaries that slept in that room and so they threw away the couch because it wasn't needed anymore and it was taking up a ton of space. It was a really awesome day and I was so excited that Dad and the boys had a fun time at the Aggie game and that that Aggies won! Thanks SO much for the awesome pictures!
Friday was so great! We had interviews with President Smith and I always love telling him all about our area and how the work is going! We did our studies and then had our interviews right after studies at 11:00. My interview went so well and President Smith and I had a very great conversation! He told me that he was so proud of me and that we are doing so well in this area! He told me to keep up the great work because this area has struggled a little bit in the few months before I got here and we are really turning it around! After our interviews, we had some lunch and then did our companionship study and 12 Week and we learned more about working with members and how to teach the Plan of Salvation. Then we did a few calls and we found a really cool guy in our area book from Germany named Justen! He is so cool and he wants us to help him with a small service project within the next few weeks and share a message with him! It was really cool that we just happened to call one of the only investigators who speaks German because Elder Williams took 5 years of German in school and can speak it really well! Then we tried to look up a lady who ordered a Bible online yesterday and so we tried to deliver it but she wasn't home so we called her and found out that she is in the hospital and on dialysis. She told us that we could drop it off within the next week and then we went to look up Edwin Roa and he was home but he was just about to leave but we were able to give him a Restoration Pamphlet and invited him to read and then we would discuss it more on our appointment on Sunday! Then we knocked on Kevin's door but he wasn't home so we came back to the apartment to have dinner and then we went to do some more lookups before our appointment with the McClain family. Our first stop was to visit Godson since we knew he was sick and resting at home we thought it would be a great idea to cheer him up and share a message to bring the spirit into his home! We buzzed up and nobody answered so we started to walk away but then a lady let us in and we went to knock on his door and when he answered, he was very, very angry that we came over without an appointment. He is from Nigeria and they have a culture where it is very impolite and rude to come by without an appointment, especially when you are close friends. So he yelled at us and told us that he was heading out for a long night of working and how rude it was to show up. We were very sorry to have upset him but we love Godson and want to help him come closer to Christ. He hasn't been to Church since before Christmas and so we just wanted him to get back to Church so he can feel the spirit. We are going to give him some time to think things through and so hopefully we can start teaching him in a month or so. But then we had a great lesson with Charles McClain! Monae was out of the house with the Sister Missionaries and so we had a great talk about the Book of Mormon and Charles said that he had an experience where he saw the Book of Mormon on tv and he thought it was a sign that he should continue reading it and seeing cool miracles! Then we saw a cool miracle of our own! We have texted this referral named Stephanie that we got a few days ago from a member who lives in Utah and she never responded. Well, we got a text from her asking us if we could come help her move some stuff into a storage unit and then the movers would be there to help us and load it into a truck. We had some time to fill that we left open for anything that we had come up and Stephanie told us exactly the time that we needed to fill and so it couldn't have fit more perfectly into our schedule! We had such a great day and we are seeing so many cool things happen in our area! I was thinking about you all day and wondering what you were all up to! Love ya!
Saturday was another amazing day from New York City!!! We started the day by going to visit an investigator who needed some help moving some bags. She is the lady that we heard about through her Dad Brent who is a convert and lives in Utah! So we helped her move about 2p garbage bags of stuff from her hallway in her apartment and took them to the curb. She was so nice and we found out that she moved to Summit Utah 2 days after we helped her. She told us that she had a crew of movers coming a few hours after we helped her to move her to Utah. It was great to help her but we wish that we could have taught her because we are pretty sure that she will get baptized pretty soon because she has 2 sister who are serving missions right now but she isn't a member! It is really cool! Then we had some lunch and then did our studies at the Church and then went to go visit Andre Perez. We had some great lessons planned and even had 2 members, Brother Bryan and Brother Mishler that were going to come with us but they ended up having some things come up and so they weren't able to make it. The rest of our day was so busy and it was a very great day! We have been working so diligently and very hard to help this area do well and have lots of people to teach! I'm so excited to see what this area will do not only while I'm here, but in the future! Then Brother Mishler came with us to visit Brother Eades and Brother Forbes. Brother Forbes has been going through some really tough times and he is starting to feel like the ward hasn't been as welcoming. He has been feeling a little sad but we were able to cheer him up! Then we had a lesson with Antoine and his family and we were a little nervous that he wasn't going to be there. He has been having a hard time keeping commitments but we try to remind him a lot to make sure he is always there and let him know how much we care about him and about how important our message is! Then we had a wild goose chase with him and it was a crazy, but great night! We got to Antoine's apartment right on time and knocked on the door but it was silent and nobody answered so we called him and he said that he was on his way back from New Jersey even though we reminded him about our appointment that morning and he said that he would be home. So he then told us to meet him at the 1st Avenue McDonald's but when we got there, we looked all around for him and a bus was pulling away from the curb and I spotted him on the bus leaving to go back to his apartment. Then Antoine told us not to stop by because his wife was sleeping and he was about to head off to bed as well. Our appointment with him was at 6:30 and we spent a while trying to meet with him but we never were able to. It has been hard to meet with him but we love this good family and want them to know how much we care because the Gospel will bless and help them so much develop in their relationship and make their family so much closer! Then we quickly checked on Lillian Rios since she lives right by our apartment and she wanted us to order her a large print Book of Mormon for her to start reading. Our next step with her is trying to get her to Church. We are working harder than ever to study, get people to Church, and really watch this area progress! I really have this area down like the back of my hand since I have been here for 3 transfers and I am really putting into practice what I have learned during the 1st half of my mission! I am working as hard as I can and giving it everything that I've got! I feel so many prayers and so much love from each of you! Love and miss you so much!
Sunday was so great! I love this ward so much and the members are so great and Church is always awesome! We woke up and said a prayer together that we would have at least 1 investigator in Church that day because we love it when our investigators come to Church! We headed out for church after we planned out our day and as soon as we turned the corner, guess who was standing right outside our apartment in front of Compare Food?? Antoine! He was talking to a lady and so we quickly invited him to Church and then he said that it was a true miracle that we ran into each other! We had to hop on the bus because there aren't very many that come on Sundays and so we had a prayer in our hearts as we rode the bus to Church. We got to Church and had an amazing day! It was a little rainy but it wasn't too bad. I was so very excited to see your email and I loved your quote! I always love the quotes that you send so much and they always motivate me a ton! We didn't have any investigators in Church due to the rain and Charles had an injury to his leg and so none of our investigators were able to make it. We had some great lessons about agency and how we can choose for ourselves if we return to live with Heavenly Father if we make the right choices. We also had some amazing sacrament meeting talks about prayer and Brother Guynn and Brother Swiss talked about how they have both had experiences where prayer has helped them in danger. They are both from Utah and so it was really fun to hear them talk about Northern Utah and Salt Lake! Then after Church, we did our studies and talked about what we learned in Church and then called our investigators that weren't able to come to Church and then we got a text from Sylvia Ingram and she wanted us to come over and share a message but she ended up cancelling due to some things coming up so we sent her a text telling her that we really love their family but it has been so hard to meet with them and that we really need them to commit to some lessons. We are working so hard to meet with them on a regular basis so we can establish our expectations and importance of reading the Book of Mormon and coming to Church. It was great to be able to set our expectations and show our love to their family! Then we knocked on Edwin Roa's door who is an investigator that ordered a Book of Mormon online and that we have only met 2 times and so we thought we should continue teaching him now that the holidays are over. He wasn't home and so we went to our next 2 appointments with Robert Torres and the Ingram Family but they both cancelled as well. Robert really wasn't feeling good and was lying down and was considering calling an ambulance. We thought about offering him a Priesthood blessing but it just wasn't a good time so we cheked up on the McClain family since they weren't in Church and Charles wants us to pick up Monae for church every week since the lady that was supposed to pick her up today wasn't able to make it. Then we called and thanked the 2 awesome speakers that we had in sacrament meeting and they really appreciated the call! We also called the Call family and they were doing really well! They were Skyping their families when we called and thought it was nice of us to think of them! We have had so many different people sign up to feed us and it has been awesome! We know that the ward trusts us and we love going over to so many different apartments for dinner! I have absolutely loved being here and serving a mission! This place is just so incredible! I really appreciated your email so much and I set the picture that you sent as my background!
Monday was a really great day as well! We headed off to the Temple for our District Meeting after our studies and we learned more about the Book of Mormon in Chapter 5 of Preach My Gospel! We had 2 sister missionaries from the Temple Square mission who left a week ago and so we had 2 new sister missionaries from the Temple Square mission added to our district this last week. This next cycle will be crazy because there are quite a few missionaries t hst have been here for a while and so we are pretty sure that we will get a new district leader as well! I have been having a ton of fun especially now that I have gotten completely used to being a missionary and now I am really putting into practice what I have learned and it has been so awesome! Even though I still really, REALLY miss you all, I haven't been as homesick. It's always been hard for me to be away from you but I really have been doing much better and I've really gotten into a great rhythm and I know how much this Gospel blesses the lives of others! Thank you for making so many sacrifices so I can be here! Mom and Dad, thank you SOOOOO much for working so hard at your jobs each and every day so we can be as blessed as we are and so I can serve a mission and go to Utah State! You bless my life each and every day and I am going to continue to work as hard as I can to show my love and appreciation for you both! We had fun getting to know the 2 new sister missionaries before District Meeting. One is from California and the other is from Thailand. After District Meeting, we called some of our investigators who we didn't know very well so we could set up an appointment with them and get to know them better. We did our companionship study while we were at the Church and even got a hold of a lady who ordered a Book of Mormon but we found out from her that she already got it from the Sister Missionaries! We were happy to hear that she was in touch with missionaries and that she was being taught! Then we visited Brother Eades and Brother Forbes which was a really great visits! It has been fun to teach them more about Temples and remember the amazing experience that I had going through with you before I left. I will never forget that special moment and I will always treasure that moment! Then we went to an appointment with a less active member named Mary Miles. We have met with her a few times and we are trying so hard to get her back to Church. She is an interesting lady and she has some personal problems that she is dealing with but she has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. So after her lesson, we had a lesson with Alexsander Feliciano and it went really well! We always love having set appointments and working with less active members! We had the best lesson that we've ever had with him! He has been having a hard time understanding the lessons that are taught in Church and so we are going to start sitting with him in his classes so we can explain everything! He is about 35 years old and has a learning disability so it can be hard for him to learn most of the concepts of the Gospel. Then we wished Charles a Happy Birthday and he was in the best mood ever! He and his family didn't do much for his special day but he was in a cheery mood, especially because we stopped by which was great! Then as we were walking towards Antoine's apartment, we heard someone yelling for us and it was our investigator Aaron Dais! He said that he really appreciated everything that we were doing for him and encouraging him to pray and read the Book of Mormon. He told us that he was sorry that he wasn't taking our lessons seriously and that he will be in Church within the next few weeks. He has just had so much going on in his life that he has been in a bad mood and so it was so nice to hear him compliment us! Then we knocked on the Ingram families' door and Sylvia was the only one that answered and so we said hello to her and then it was time to walk back to the apartment for the day. We had a great, busy, and successful day!
Tuesday was incredible! We got right to work and we were busy the whole day trying to find more people to teach! After our morning studies, we both felt prompted to call as many of our potential investigators as we could so we got busy with calling lots of people and setting up appointments! We were able to get a hold of a few of our investigators and even called Antoine and scheduled an appointment with their whole family for this evening! Then we did some lookups and knocked on some door near Madison Square Garden and we saw on the side of the arena that the Knicks played the Nets last night and it was really cool to see so many fans! We found a few people at home and now we have a few more names with the faces that we have in our area book! Then we did our companionship study and had fun studying in Preach My Gospel and watching the assigned District videos. I always love watching them because they are really good examples of how to teach by the spirit and according to their needs! Then we went to visit Brother Eades and Brother Forbes to teach them more about the Temples again! I was getting more and more excited to get your email that night! I get so excited to read them and see your pictures every Tuesday night! We had a great lesson with them and I even got a picture with Brother Eades and Brother Forbes with their home attendant, Troy! Then we walked back to our apartment from near the Empire State Building and talked to people along the way and were able to help a lady with her cart of groceries! Then we had some dinner and I made some pancakes with syrup and it was really tasty! Then we had a lesson scheduled with Robert Torres that we were so excited about because we couldn't wait to teach him about the Restoration and teach him about the Book of Mormon! We were also excited to help him through his addictions and help him work towards baptism! We feel so bad for Robert because we have really come to love him but his circumstances and his life is really rough right now. We usually go over and find him so drunk and not even coherent but he manages to express how much he appreciates us. He has such a good, caring heart but has just made some bad decisions and gotten involved with the wrong crowds and he has some bad habits. He is in his mid 50s but he tells us that he thinks that he doesn't have much longer left which is so sad to hear because we can see the amazing man that he is underneath his addictions. I need to get more pictures with people so you can visualize who we teach. We were able to share the message of the Restoration with him but his mind kept slipping and he couldn't retain much of what we taught. We taught simply and the spirit filled the room as we taught. Elder Williams did a really great job teaching and I think I have taught my very best with him because of what we are learning in our studies! We gave Robert a big hug and he just looked up at us both with a lot of his energy and said "Boys, I love you, and appreciate you bringing me hope! You have brought me something that I haven't ever felt in my life, and that's hope and love." He has been one of the coolest investigators that I have taught so far on my mission. He may not get baptized while I am here, but we are planting the seeds and helping him slowly progress towards baptism and coming closer to our Father in Heaven. We walked the 1 mile or so back to our apartment after an amazing day and with big smiles on our faces! I told Elder Williams how awesome he is doing and how great of a missionary he is! I couldn't wait to say our nightly prayer and then read your fun email! I couldn't beleive how fast P-day rolled around again!
Well my dear and incredible Family, it has been an awesome time to type up this email to let you know how the missionary work is going here in New York City! It couldn't be going any better and Elder Williams is doing a really great job! He has loved it here and it has been really fun for me to show him the ropes of doing missionary work in New York City! It's been a blast to show him different landmarks and get to know him better! I have loved being able to help him and answer any questions that he has because I take pride in making sure he starts off on the right foot! I want him to become the best missionary he can be and it makes me better because I learn so much with him! A few more things that I learned about him is that he speaks really good German because he took German classes for 5 years in a row in High school. It has been fun for him to teach me a few words and phrases even though there aren't many people besides tourists, who speak German around here. He is going to go to Weber State when he gets home and wants to go into Law enforcement. His older sister is debating right now whether she should go on a mission or not and so it has been fun to hear Elder Williams get excited about his sister serving! He is one of the funniest missionaries I've ever met and has lots of funny stories from the MTC and about his family. His Dad is a police officer and their whole family loves football and watches the March Madness tournament each year and has huge parties for the games. He seems so much younger than me though just because he is a whole year younger and was just in High School. He is also one of the hardest working missionaries I've ever met and never gives up or complains. We still aren't sure exactly what we are doing for P-Day but Elder Williams wants to go get a haircut and then we might go to the Museum of the city of New York which is always fun! It has been really fun to know what subways to take to get to certain places and see the different museums over again. Well my dear Fam! I hope that we can email back and forth a little bit today and chat throughout the day! I just want you all to know how much I love and appreciate you each so much! I love being a missionary so much and I'm so grateful for all of the many sacrifices that you have all made so I can be here today! I hope you all have an amazing week and lots of fun! It is really cold right now and so we will bundle up and have lots of fun today! Elder Williams really wants to try Dö Cookie Confections and so that will be a fun way to kick off our day! There is always something to do in the Big Apple! Have an awesome time at work and school! LOVE AND MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love You Always!
~Elder Lindberg