Hello Mom, Dad, Abby, Brandon, and Parker! Thank you so much for your awesome email and pictures! I can't wait until Sunday night rolls around and I get to read your emails! I loved every word as usual! I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing so well and is having fun watching March Madness! It was so much fun to see all of your pictures as well! I miss you all so much and I think about you all every single day! I can't believe that is is already March 27th!! I also can't believe that it is already General Conference this week! It seems like we were just watching conference together! We are all very excited for Conference and to hear all the amazing talks! It will be fun to know that you all will be watching it at the same time! Dad told me that when you are on a mission, before you know it, it is General Conference! You are all in my prayers morning and night!
The weather has been really nice this week! The temperature has been up and down this whole week. One day there won't be a single cloud in the sky and then the next day the whole sky will be covered in clouds. Yesterday we had the weirdest rain I have ever seen! It was so humid and muggy. The water drops felt like a mist and they were just getting blown around. So they weren't falling, it was just sticking to our clothes. It wasn't very cold but we could see our breath because it was so humid. Very weird weather! It has been warming up a little bit each day which has been really nice! Right now I am sitting here at my desk looking out at Manhattan and I can't even see it because right now it is very foggy. I have been so lucky to have the view I do from my desk because whenever I want to see New York City.......I just turn my head to the left and there is the big city! It reminds me of Ratatouille when he has a good view of Paris and the Eifel Tower from his house. It's just so cool to have this kind of a view from the Bronx!
This week has been awesome! Lots of cool things have happened and I continue to learn so much about this Gospel! We have been doing a ton of teaching which has been great! So crazy to already be done with the first transfer as well! We had a really cool experience this week with being in the right place at the right time! Hopefully I can remember everything that I was going to say! I write all of the events that happen each day in my journal so it makes it really easy to remember everything that happened! Also, I hope everything makes sense! I still miss each and every one of you so much every day and I feel so many prayers from you! Being away from you and home has definitely been the hardest part but I feel so close to home with your emails! Thank you so much for everything you do and have done to get me where I am today!
P-Days are always so great! They always recharge our batteries and get us ready for the rest of the week! Last P-Day was awesome because we got all of our laundry and grocery shopping done by 9:30! We all love the grocery store called Aldi's down the street because they have the cheapest prices I've ever seen! We take a bus that picks us up right by our apartment and we ride it for 2 stops and then we get off and walk a few blocks to the store. We do have a store called "Green Apple" right around the corner from our apartment but their prices are pretty steep. So it is well worth the walk! They have such cheap prices on everything! Their small boxes of "off" brand cereal for $1.37 and so many more great deals. But none of us can tell the difference in quality because it is all really good food! So we woke up last P-Day and got ready for the day and had our laundry in by 6:15. It was so nice to have laundry in that early. Then we headed back upstairs and decided what we were going to do for Elder Bradley's last P-Day in this area. He really loves Red Robin......who doesn't? We all really wanted to go to the Bronx Zoo but Elder Kirkham mentioned that he went to the zoo in early January and most of the animals were put away for the winter. So we decided not to go last P-Day but we will wait until the weather warms up. So we decided to go to Red Robin and then walk around the huge mall that they have! I really love the Yankee store that they have there! I really want a mini Yankee bat! I'm so excited to say that we may go to Yankee Stadium sometime!! They have these really cool guided tours of the stadium! It will be so amazing when we do get to go sometime! So I didn't buy a mini bat at the mall because I maybe get one at the actual stadium. I thought I would wait because it would be a lot cooler to buy one from the stadium! So after we got back from grocery shopping we typed up all of our emails. I am still so grateful to have these tablets! It is so convenient to email from right here in our apartment! Then at 10:30, we left our apartment and got on the bus and headed to Co-op City for some Red Robin! When we got to the restraunt, it was about 11:00 and there was NOBODY in the there! There was literally not a single person in the entire restraunt! It was so nice! Our server was really nice and friendly. We all ordered the $7.99 Tavern burger with endless fries! Then Elder Bradley told us that he was going to buy us all lemonade or soda! It was very nice of him! I got endless pear lemonade and Elder Kirkham got endless root beer floats and Elder Bradley and Elder Smiley got the cream soda! It was so nice being the only people in the restraunt because our server was always bringing us fresh, hot fries and ice cold drinks! The second we ran out....she would have more fries and drinks ready! It was great! We ate a ton of food and afterwards as you could imagine, we were all "Stuffed to the rafters!" We decided to go to the mall that is connected to Red Robin and go to the Yankee store. Then after we looked around at the mall for about a half hour, we headed over to the church to play some basketball as an apartment. By this time it was about 2:30 so we had a couple hours to play before we had the surprise birthday dinner for Elder Coleman. Elder Coleman thought we were having one last dinner before the transfer the next day but it was actually a surprise that his wife put together. After we got done playing basketball, we helped out by setting up tables and chairs. Then all the other Elders and Sisters started to show up right on time. The dinner started at 4:30 and then during dinner, they brought out his cake. It was a cookies and cream ice cream cake from Baskin Robins which was so good. It was a really fun P-Day! After the dinner, we decided to do what's called a "APF" It's when we as an apartment set up a table near our apartment and we set Books on Mormon, pamphlets, and cards with our phone number on them and we hand them out to everyone that walks by! It was really fun! People would walk by and we would give them a brief description of the Book of Mormon and hand them a card. We talked to a lot of people! It is a really effective activity because we were out there for only an hour and a half and we gave out close to 30 Books of Mormon! It was really fun!
On Tuesday, we had to say goodbye to Elder Bradley unfortunately. He has been a great friend to have in our apartment! At about 11:00, Elder Bradley and Elder Smiley headed to Manhattan to pick up his new companion! His name is Elder Knudsen! He is from Mapleton Utah. One interesting thing about him that I learned is that he has lived in American Fork and Rock Springs Wyoming! He has lived all over the place! So when they got back to the apartment, Elder Kirkham and I were studying so we got to meet him. He has been out on his mission for just under a year. Another cool thing about him is that he trained Elder Bradley! How cool is that!?
We started off the day by planning and studying. We had such a cool experience! We pushed studying and planning back a half an hour because we had an appointment with Evans at 10:00 so we had to leave the apartment a little bit early to get there on time. During planning, we called Evans and asked if our appointment was still good to go. He said that he was going to be home and that he was looking forward to our visit. So we planned out the lesson for him and headed over to his house right after studies. It takes us about 45 minutes to get to his house because we have to walk a ways after we get off the bus but we always enjoy the nice walk! When we got to his house we knocked on the door and he didn't answer. We both looked at each other and wondered why he wasn't answering. Then Elder Kirkham pulled out his tablet and saw that he received a message right before we left our apartment from Evans, and it said that he got called into work on short notice because someone couldn't make it in to work. Elder Kirkham and I wondered why he hadn't seen the message before we left the apartment. It was then that we realized that we were suppose to be here at this exact moment, but we didn't know why. So we walked down the road a little bit and we both had the distinct impression to knock on a door that was tucked underneath a flight of stairs. Elder Kirkham checked the address to see if any missionaries had been there before or if there was a name attached to the address. Sure enough, there was a lady named Lisa that lived there and ordered a free Bible on Mormon.org just a few days earlier. We knocked on the door and an older lady answered the door. We asked her if Lisa was home and she said that she would go check because she wasn't sure if she was home. This apartment has multiple families living in it because is has 3 levels. Then a lady walked down the stairs and welcomed us with a smile. We asked if she was Lisa and she said yes! We pulled out her Bible and began teaching her. We handed her the Book of Mormon and she was thrilled! She hadn't ever heard of it so it was really amazing to see her face light up! Then we asked her about her religious background and she has been going to the Pentecostal church her whole life and enjoys going to a Bible study class every Saturday. We then taught her a shorter version of the Restoration and she began to tear up a little. She told us that she was so glad we came because she has been having a really rough time with the people that live in the apartment. She lives on the main floor and her front door is the only entrance to the apartment. She says that her neighbors that live upstairs will have loud parties and bring homeless people inside and so it has been really hard for her to live there. She knew that we were supposed to be here at that exact moment! She kept telling us that she really needed missionaries like us at that time!
Wednesday was one of the best days so far on the mission!! We had so many cool things happen! We woke up and did our studies and then we headed over to our weekly district meeting (We had it on Wednesday this week because of transfers). Our district meeting was really awesome! We got there and I got to meet all the new missionaries that just got transfered to our area! It was a pretty crazy transfer! Lots of changes in our district as well as our zone. One of our Zone Leaders, Elder McLellan, got transfered to a place called Hunt's Point. And an Elder named Elder Davis is our new zone leaders along with Elder Castro who is staying another transfer. I wish I had some pictures of the district so you can see them all but I will be sure to get some! We got 4 total Elders that transfered in. None of the Sisters from our district got transfered which is nice. The 4 Elders that got transfered into our district are: Elder Knudsen, Elder Munóz, Elder Brown, and Elder Frongner. They are all really nice and awesome missionaries! Actually 3 of the 4 of them are Spanish speaking which is interesting. So after district meeting and getting to know them a little bit better, we talked about all of our investigators and discussed how they were doing! It is always fun to tell them that we have a few investigators with a baptismal date and are doing well! Then after district meeting, we headed back to the apartment to do our companionship study. After that we had an appointment with an investigator that Elder Bradley and Elder Smiley were teaching but they actually reorganized our boundaries a little bit and so he was now in our area! We were excited to get to know him. His name is Michael McNeil. We headed over to his apartment and taught him a really awesome lesson about the commandments and the commandment that we taught him was keeping the Sabbath Day holy. He really enjoyed it and was really excited to come Church! He said he wasn't sure if he could make it within the next few weeks but he would certainly try!
Then the day just got better from there!! Elder Kirkham and I were looking through our area book and were trying to find people that haven't been visited for a while. Then we came across a family with the last name Daley. They had been taught a while ago by the missionaries and were making really good progress! They were reading the Book of Mormon and saying their prayers as a family but then they got really busy so the missionaries before Elder Kirkham and I stopped coming by and wrote down in the area book to come by in a few months. So Elder Kirkham and I thought it would be a great idea to go visit them and see how they were doing. We headed over to their house and were really hoping they were home. We called their phone and nobody answered but we still felt like we should stop by anyway. We were so lucky that we did! We knocked on their door and the Dad, Marcus, answered the door! He invited us in and was so happy to see us! He told us that he hadn't seen missionaries in a while and was so glad to see us. He is a very nice guy from Jamaica and is in his mid 30s and has 3 kids. He has a teenager and 2 younger kids. We were so lucky that he was home because he said he was just about to go get their oldest daughter. He has a really cool accent! When we asked him where he was from he said: "I'm from Jamaica mon!" He had a really cool Jamaican accent! It was fun to listen to him talk! We taught him a really awesome Restoration lesson and the spirit was so strong! We could tell that everything that the missionaries before us taught him was all coming back and he remembered how much the Gospel has already blessed he and his family! We had to leave a little early because he had to go pick up his daughter at school so we set up a return appointment. He is very knowledgeable about the church! It was a great lesson and experience!
After that, we decided to look in our area book some more and see if there is anybody that we could go visit before we headed back to the apartment for the night. By this time it was about 6:30 so we had a few hours to find some people. We went around the big buildings in Co-op City and knocked on doors and then at about 7:00 we got an amazing call! A less active memeber named Eric Lazu called us and told us that he may have found a job for Osagie!!! About a week ago, we went over to see Eric and his wife Yolanda and got talking with him and he has a friend who owns a car washing business. So we got a call from him during our finding and said that he told his friend about Osagie and how he was looking for a job. His friend said that he could use another worker sometime but not a lot of people are washing their cars right now so he would hire him in a few weeks! The only problem was that we weren't sure if Osagie had any form of identification. So we thanked Eric and said that we would go over to Osagie's apartment and see if he had any form of identification. We were so excited to find out that he has a New York state license! One of the Elders that transfered wanted to give Osagie his MetroCard that is unlimited until the end of March! So we gave that to Osagie so he can go look for a job until Eric gets everything squared away with his car washing job! We were so thrilled for Osagie to finally have things starting to fall into place! He has been so diligent and willing to do whatever is asked of him so it was really amazing to see things fall into place for him! He couldn't believe all of the support and all the amazing blessings that he has been given ever since he joined the Church! Elder Kirkham and I both could see all of the amazing blessings that he has been given to him these last few weeks! It was an amazing experience!
On Thursday, we woke up and had our weekly planning session together as a companionship! We have a big white board in our apartment that we write all of our investigators down and figure out when we are going to meet with them that week. We call them and set up and time to come over and teach them. It is a nice time to be able to plan everything out! It makes the week run really smooth because we already have most things planned out. Then after that we headed over to the Church to pick up our weekly mail! This is when we get all of our Books of Mormon, Bibles, and pass along cards. Something interesting that I found out is that missionaries can be called to serve as office Elders and deliver the mail to the whole mission! Their main priority is to sort and deliver all of the mail to the Church buildings. Pretty interesting! After we got the mail for our apartment we headed back for dinner. We were really excited for our teaching visit that night! We went to the Brother Tsakpoe's house to teach them "The Gospel of Jesus Christ" lesson! Brother Tsakpoe has been a member of the Church for about 12 years now. He is from Africa and found missionaries there and then was baptized 12 years ago. It is a really interesting story about how he found missionaries and how much this Gospel has blessed his life. His wife attends a different Church her in the Bronx and his 20 year old daughter was baptized a few years ago but hasn't come to church for a while. Brother Tsakpoe really enjoys having the missionaries over because he really wants to go to the Temple with his daughter. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson and they really enjoyed that! They always have an ice cold can of soda for us every time we come over! After we were finished with the lesson it was time to head back to the apartment for the night. As we were riding the bus back to the apartment I couldn't help but think how lucky I am to serve in such a cool place! I have always wanted to come to New York and her I am living in the Bronx! It just really amazing to think how perfect this mission is for me! I know that this is where I am supposed to serve. Even though I am far away from you all I still feel so close because of your emails, letters, packages, pictures, and love that you send my way! I miss you all more than anything but all the love and support makes me feel so close to home!
Friday was another great day! We woke up and got ready for the day and as we were getting ready, Elder Smiley got a call saying that there was a meeting for all the district leaders in Manhattan at 12:30. So they studied and headed to Manhattan for their meeting. While they were at their meeting, Elder Kirkham and I decided to walk around neighborhoods and look on our area map to see if there was anyone we could go set up an appointment with. We looked and there were quite a few people that we could go check up on and set up appointments with. So, we headed over a subdivision near Gun Hill Road and we knocked on TONS of doors! Along the way we would say "Hi" to everyone that we saw and handed them a card or showed them a Mormon message video! It was fun to talk to so many people! We knocked on a lady's door who ordered a Bible and she was very nice and friendly. She let us in and was very surprised that her Bible didn't come in the mail and actual people would deliver it to her! Some of the people that we go and visit are called Bible Referrals. They go online to lds.org and order a free Book of Mormon and/or Bible and then we deliver it to them and then try to set up an appointment to start teaching them the lessons. It is a great way to meet people! So, we gave her the Bible that she ordered and then showed her the Book of Mormon. She said that she had heard of the Book of Mormon but had never read it. She was very grateful for the copy that we gave her! Then after that we knocked on some doors around her house and then up the street a ways. The Bronx is such a cool area with tons of cool little barber and deli shops, car dealerships, and small shops! As we were knocking on some doors, we knocked on this particular door and a younger man named Joe answered the door. We said: "We are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!" He asked us if we had anything we could read from our Church because he loves to read! We quickly gave him the Book of Mormon and a Restoration pamphlet! He said that he would definitely read it! He said that he has an unset schedule every week so it is hard for him to tell us when to come over but he definitely wanted to learn more! Really awesome experience! After that, Elder Kirkham and I decided to head back to the apartment to have some dinner. After dinner we headed back out to hand out some cards and pamphlets to those we saw. Most people are in a hurry so we don't have very much time to talk with them but we briefly explain to them what our Church believes!
We are struggling a little bit with 2 of our 3 baptismal dates that we set with Kojo, Wanda, and Evans. Unfortunately, Kojo and his wife Sophie, and Wanda have been REALLY hard to get a hold of and they haven't been able to come to church yet and they are all really busy! All three of them really have a strong desire to learn more but their busy schedules sometimes make it hard to meet with them. We didn't set a baptismal date with Sophie because she has been busy with the baby so we have just taught Kojo the 1 time. And Wanda has been really busy with her 3 Granddaughters. We are still trying really hard to meet with them! We did have to take them both off of baptismal dates for now until their schedules clear up a little bit but we will still try really hard to get them to Church and be able to meet with them on a more regular basis! On Tuesday, Elder Kirkham and I were looking up an address and we heard "Hey! My friends!" from a car that was driving by. Then Wanda called us and said that it was her in the car. She was going into town at the time so we weren't able to meet with her but it was a really cool experience to have her see us when she was just driving by! So we will see within the next few weeks how things go with them! We are crossing our fingers that their schedules clear up soon! Evans on the other hand has been doing great! Right now we have a baptismal date with him on April 22nd! He talked to his boss about getting his only off day from work switched to Sundays so he can come to Church! His boss said that it would take a few days to see if he would have enough workers on Mondays but he was going to try to switch it! We thought it was so cool of Evans to switch his off day so he would be able to come! He is such a humble guy and always loves having us over! We are hoping he comes to Church soon so his April 22nd baptismal date with stay on track!
There is a brand new Easter video that is coming out this coming Friday! We are all really excited to see it! When it comes out we are going to walk up and down the streets and show people the video! It is a great way to start a conversation with someone! We are also going to set up a table again with Books of Mormon and cards and then we are going to show the video!
On Saturday, we got some new investigators because Elder Smiley re-organized the boundaries a little bit to make them more even! So Elder Kirkham and I got a few more investigators to go check up on and try to set some appointments! We knocked on all of the doors to the people that got sent to us. Not a lot of people were home unfortunately because it was right in the middle of the day. But we still made the most of it and enjoyed a walk around the Bronx and talking to people! Then after we had some dinner, we made our way to Kojo's house and were hoping he was home! Right before we left, I called him and asked if he was going to be home and he said that he was really busy and could only say Hi. We hadn't seen him in very long and we had an appointment with Osagie that night already so we headed over to Kojo's apartment! His wife, Sophie, answered the door right away and told us to come in! She was so holding their cute newborn baby and their 3 year old daughter greeted us with a high five! They are all so nice but they are always so busy.......which is very understandable with a newborn! Kojo said that he only had a few minutes but he really wanted to chat with us since we hadn't seen him in so long. But he said that he had 10-15 minutes so we decided to teach teach him the next lesson which is the Plan of Salvation. He really enjoyed it and said he understood everything which is always nice! I have really enjoyed learning how to teach the lessons better! We were sad that Kojo couldn't make it to church because that means we had to push back his baptismal date. We didn't set another one yet because we want to wait a few weeks so he can make it to Church. After our lesson with Kojo we headed over to Osagie's apartment (or should I say, Brother Edokpolor! We are used to calling him Osagie so it has been different to call him Brother Edokpolor!) We talked to him about how his family history is coming along and we were surprised at how much he had done! Last Sunday, he met with the Bishop's wife and got started on some family history but because he lived in Nigeria, he didn't really have record of his ancestors. In Nigeria, he says it is pretty hard to access a computer. But this week he called his Mom in Nigeria and found out some birthdates and years. So he filled out his chart with all the new information he found and it was really amazing to see his face light up! We found out something sad about him. We did find out that his Dad passed away in 2010 in Nigeria and he doesn't know many of his brothers and sisters. So it was hard for him to find out specific dates about his Grandparents. We had a great lesson and enjoyed spending time with him!
Sunday was another great day but we didn't have much going on because we have Church from 11:00-2:30 and then Ward Correlation from 2:45-4:00. So that takes up a big chunk of our day. On Sunday we woke up and got ready for Church and headed over to the Church! We were expecting Evans to show up but then he got a call saying that his friend in the hospital wasn't doing very well so he headed over to the hospital to be with him. But we still had Osagie to be with! Then after Church we had our weekly ward correlation meeting with Brother Danquah! We talked about everything that went on during the week from each companionship. After ward correlation, we headed back to the apartment and did our studies until 4:30 and then had some dinner. Then after dinner we had one appointment with a lady named Blandel. We hadn't met her but we heard that she was really nice! So by this time it was about 6:45 and it took us about a half an hour to walk to her house. Then once we got there her nice son let us in and we started to chat with them! It was a great Restoration lesson and they really enjoyed it! Then after that we headed back to the apartment for the night. Elder Kirkham and I were just chatting and we both agreed that this is such a great mission and area! We have gotten along so well and have loved serving together! He always tells me "GO UTES!" and I always think of Puck! He always tells me to tell Puck that! I have loved how many different people are here in the Bronx with so many different backgrounds! It is totally different than Nibley. We are all so blessed to live in Utah!
On Saturday, we got some new investigators because Elder Smiley re-organized the boundaries a little bit to make them more even! So Elder Kirkham and I got a few more investigators to go check up on and try to set some appointments! We knocked on all of the doors to the people that got sent to us. Not a lot of people were home unfortunately because it was right in the middle of the day. But we still made the most of it and enjoyed a walk around the Bronx and talking to people! Then after we had some dinner, we made our way to Kojo's house and were hoping he was home! Right before we left, I called him and asked if he was going to be home and he said that he was really busy and could only say Hi. We hadn't seen him in very long and we had an appointment with Osagie that night already so we headed over to Kojo's apartment! His wife, Sophie, answered the door right away and told us to come in! She was so holding their cute newborn baby and their 3 year old daughter greeted us with a high five! They are all so nice but they are always so busy.......which is very understandable with a newborn! Kojo said that he only had a few minutes but he really wanted to chat with us since we hadn't seen him in so long. But he said that he had 10-15 minutes so we decided to teach teach him the next lesson which is the Plan of Salvation. He really enjoyed it and said he understood everything which is always nice! I have really enjoyed learning how to teach the lessons better! We were sad that Kojo couldn't make it to church because that means we had to push back his baptismal date. We didn't set another one yet because we want to wait a few weeks so he can make it to Church. After our lesson with Kojo we headed over to Osagie's apartment (or should I say, Brother Edokpolor! We are used to calling him Osagie so it has been different to call him Brother Edokpolor!) We talked to him about how his family history is coming along and we were surprised at how much he had done! Last Sunday, he met with the Bishop's wife and got started on some family history but because he lived in Nigeria, he didn't really have record of his ancestors. In Nigeria, he says it is pretty hard to access a computer. But this week he called his Mom in Nigeria and found out some birthdates and years. So he filled out his chart with all the new information he found and it was really amazing to see his face light up! We found out something sad about him. We did find out that his Dad passed away in 2010 in Nigeria and he doesn't know many of his brothers and sisters. So it was hard for him to find out specific dates about his Grandparents. We had a great lesson and enjoyed spending time with him!
Sunday was another great day but we didn't have much going on because we have Church from 11:00-2:30 and then Ward Correlation from 2:45-4:00. So that takes up a big chunk of our day. On Sunday we woke up and got ready for Church and headed over to the Church! We were expecting Evans to show up but then he got a call saying that his friend in the hospital wasn't doing very well so he headed over to the hospital to be with him. But we still had Osagie to be with! Then after Church we had our weekly ward correlation meeting with Brother Danquah! We talked about everything that went on during the week from each companionship. After ward correlation, we headed back to the apartment and did our studies until 4:30 and then had some dinner. Then after dinner we had one appointment with a lady named Blandel. We hadn't met her but we heard that she was really nice! So by this time it was about 6:45 and it took us about a half an hour to walk to her house. Then once we got there her nice son let us in and we started to chat with them! It was a great Restoration lesson and they really enjoyed it! Then after that we headed back to the apartment for the night. Elder Kirkham and I were just chatting and we both agreed that this is such a great mission and area! We have gotten along so well and have loved serving together! He always tells me "GO UTES!" and I always think of Puck! He always tells me to tell Puck that! I have loved how many different people are here in the Bronx with so many different backgrounds! It is totally different than Nibley. We are all so blessed to live in Utah!
Today for P-Day we all decided to get together as a zone and play some sports at the Church! It will be really fun to go and get to know the new Elders better! I haven't played football or basketball for a while so I'm really looking forward to that! Also, as you can probably tell from the pictures of our apartment, our desks are in the family room and our beds are in a smaller bedroom. We want our study area to be a little more quiet because of all the sirens and honking from the street so we are switching all of our beds into the living area where the couches are! And then we will move our desks into our quiet bedroom! It will work out really well! So we will be working on that for a little while and then head over to the Church!
Well everyone! I think I talked about everything that happened this week! I have loved emailing you all today and telling you about my week and I loved hearing about yours! Thank you for always including so many details about everything! If you have any questions or if I didn't write about something that you wanted to know about then I would be more than happy to answer!! I love you all more than anything and I miss you all so much each and every day but your emails and working hard make me feel right at home! I hope you all have a great week at work, school, mutual, and all of your other activities! Have so much fun watching General Conference and the Priesthood Session! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!
Love Always!
~Elder Lindberg