Wednesday, January 25, 2017

MTC Life!

Elder Lindberg has been out a whole week now and we were so excited to get his first letter. It was such a long letter with many details. We also got many pictures from his first week in the MTC!

January 24th 2017
Hello Mom, Dad, Abbs, Dubbie, and Puck!! I am so glad to finally be able to email you! I'm glad everyone is doing so well! I have missed you all so much! I have been looking forward to P-Day SO MUCH because I get to respond back to the awesome letters and package you sent and let you know how I have been doing! I was dying to email because I got your email, package, and Dad's letter on Monday but I couldn't respond to it until today because I have a Tuesday P-Day!! So I was hoping you weren't worried! It was so fun to get a package full of goodies and a letter to read! Thank you so much!
I loved reading every thoughtful letter because I miss you all so much! They made me feel so motivated and pumped up to serve! It was so fun to get the "dear elder" mail on Friday as well because we were at lunch and I got a letter from Dan, and then while I was in class I got the awesome letter from you and then a little while later I got one from Grandma and Grandpa. That website is awesome because we get them the same day. It works really well! It was so fun to read how everyone is doing and some things that have been going on! I loved going to pick up my package yesterday because they give you a note that says: "You have revieved a package from your family!" I read your email while I enjoyed eating the treats! It was so fun to unpack and see the motivating letters that you wrote in my shoulder bag! You all are so thoughtful to take the time to write to me! I loved the quotes and memories you shared, it brought tears of joy to my eyes! They have helped me a ton to not miss family and home as much!
First of all, I want everyone to know that I am doing great! They are taking good care of me and making sure everyone is adjusting to Missionary life. All the new missionaries went to an "Adjusting to Missionary life class" and it helped me a lot. I am happy to say that I never got the sickness that Puck, Dubbie, and Mom had. Whewww! The all you can eat food is pretty good but no where near Mom and Dad's delicious cooking! I have missed your food so much! I have been eating a lot of Marshmallow Mateys! :) But I am full after every meal...Which is good. :) I do have to say that they have a wide variety of food! I haven't had the same thing twice...except for the Marshmallow Mateys! So far they have had chicken cordon bleu, orange chicken, pizza, chicken sandwiches and my personal favorite ice cream! They do have soda fountains which is nice because I do like my soda!  My camera came on Friday safe and sound and I love it! It is very nice and takes great pictures. I have been taking many pictures and can't wait for you to see them. I felt so bad because I didn't find out until Monday that I can send handwritten letters in the mail whenever I want, not just on P-days! I would have sent one on Thursday but I wasn't sure if I could send mail on non P-Day. So I was dying until P-Day to talk with you! I sent an email on Wednesday right after getting dropped off and I'm not sure if it went through because the computer's WiFi wasn't working very well that day. So I'm hoping you got it! I'm so glad that you liked my letters I left at home! I just wanted to let you know how much I love and appreciate all you do for me! You mean the world to me! By the way, your shoe bags you made me are working awesome!
I found out that I will for sure be flying out on Monday, February 6th, which is coming right up! I am so excited to get to fly and see the many amazing sights of New York! As Dad put it, "How cool is that to serve in New York!"
Where do I begin about the MTC!?!? Saying goodbye to you all was so hard! I didnt want to leave you but I knew I had to. Even though it wasnt easy, I know that you will be blessed! But it was so fun to spend so much time with you all! I couldn't help but think how lucky I am to have an amazing, loving family like you as I was waving goodbye! Mom and Dad, you were right when you said that being away from home would be the hardest thing. Because I have missed you all so much but I know that you are all doing just fine from your emails and this is where I am supposed to be!
After I said goodbye, the Elder that took my luggage sent me through the line to get my name tag  (which was so cool to get!) After Lindsay Jones put my name tag on it hit me that I am now an official missionary! After that I got my room key and a packet of study materials then we headed to my dorm. I have pictures of my room so you can see where I set up the awesome stuff you got me! Everyone loved my calender, flag, and missionary quote! They asked me where they could get a cool calender like that! It has helped me feel right at home because it feels like you are right here with me every step of the way! After getting settled we had the opening devotional with all the new missionaries. It was so amazing because we sang Called to Serve. Then the MTC presidency spoke and told us that we would adjust just fine. After that we went to class and met our companions. My companion's name is Elder Whitmore from Provo but he was born in Virginia. He is 20 years old and was on the state championship Timpview football team as a starting D-tackle! As you can probably tell....he and I bonded really quick because we both love football! And he drives a 2004 Honda Civic LX, just like blacky! How cool is that? I'm sure Heavenly Father knew to put us together. He is going to the California Los Angeles mission. He reminds me a lot like Kip! Aka: Kipersnack :) We have 3 sets of Sister missionaries and 3 sets of Elders in our district. Most of them are going to the West Virginia Charleston mission but one Sister is going to the Trinidad Port of Spain mission. I am the only Elder from my district going to the New York New York North mission but 2 Sisters in my district are going there! Which was fun to talk to them about what they thought about our mission. They also got a call from President Smith, so we were getting pretty excited to go meet him and see New York! But I have yet to find any Elders going to New York. I'm sure I will find them at the airport! The older Elders in our zone who have been here an extra week are going to Phillidelphia, Montana, and Washington. I became good friends with one elder from Africa! He loves football as well. He loved talking about the National Championship and Super Bowl!
My experience at the MTC so far has been awesome! It is amazing to think that all these missionaries are here for the same purpose but going to very different places. I have been learning and experiencing so many new things! The first couple of days went by pretty slow because we were in classes all day so it made the days seem really long. But then as I adjusted, time sped up and I got into a routine. We mostly have classes and time to study but we have had time to do service. For service we vacuumed and cleaned windows which was cool because it got me thinking how many missionaries have come before me. It was cool to think Dad, Dan, Shannon, and Glenn have been through this very building! We have the opportunity to unwind every day during exercise time which is so nice! I have been playing lots of basketball and four square. It is nice to meet other missionaries during this time and see where they are going to serve. Another cool thing that we get to do to help us teach real investigators, is they have "actors" that are members but they pretend like they are really curious about our church. We practice teaching them the different lessons, so it helps a lot! All the P-day  missionaries have the opportunity to do a temple session today! It is going to be such a cool experience! On Sunday we got to meet at the front gate and walk to the Temple grounds! (Even though it was a blizzard! It has been snowing a lot here!) We walked around the Temple and it was so peaceful. I teared up when I was standing where we took the picture in front of the Temple and where you dropped me off! It is a memory that I will hold onto forever! It was still really fun because people were honking and yelling "Missionaries!" as we were walking by! We got to walk there so it was really nice to get out of the classroom for a while!
Now a little bit more about our district. A missionary in our district named Elder Barney from Spanish Fork got very very sick. He couldn't even get up in the morning for class because he was in so much pain. After many blessings and prayers, he had gotten much worse and had to go home. It was a sad time for all of us because we got to know him pretty well.  He did not want to go home because he didn't want to let his family down. But the doctor told him he didn't have a choice. After he went home we went to the Sunday night Devotional. It was so amazing! In one of the talks he said that if you stick it out and sacrifice your family, home, etc. Then you and your family would receive countless blessings! After that talk we couldn't help but think about Elder Barney.
In our classes we have been learning a combination of how to teach and what to teach. I have been working hard and learning a lot! Through the first week my testimony for this Gospel has grown even more. It is amazing to dedicate every second to the Lord because the Spirit is always so strong here!
I am so glad I was able to share with you my experiences so far and can't wait to talk again on my next P-Day! (Which will be next Tuesday!) I am doing great and working hard but know that I am missing you all so much and I am thinking of you guys back at home all the time! I am so grateful for all you have done for me in my life to get me to this point because this will be the greatest experience of my life! It really is a group effort to get a missionary out. From all the shopping trips, help packing, notes, emails, packages, prayers, and sacrifices you have for me to be out here, I thank you so much! I have been praying for you and wish that you will have comfort knowing I am out here serving the Lord. Just like Mom said, "I wouldn't ever send you away for 2 years for any other reason." I have felt your prayers and I know I have an army of family and friends right behind me cheering me on! It hasn't been easy to leave you all but I know that you will be blessed and it will all be worth it! I know this is where I am supposed to be in this time of my life and I have a testimony of this Gospel and I know it is true! Tell everyone Hi and give each other an extra big hug and kiss from me!
Lots of love!
-Elder Lindberg 😀
P.S: I really hope everything makes sense and it doesn't seem like I rambled in my letter because we have been back and forth doing laundry! Pretty hard to type on a tablet! Hehe! Also, I have pictures coming soon when I get to a computer! 😀

He also sent this email to answer all of our questions.

Hello my awesome family!! It was such a good idea to have each person email me! I love chatting with each one of you so I thought I would do the same thing!! Thank you so much for the awesome package and letters! I will enjoy those yummy treats so much! I was just about to buy some stamps so I could send you letters during the week, and I was about to buy some toothpaste because I forgot a big one. 😃 But you've got me covered! I loved it all!
(PARKER): Hey Puck! I'm so glad to hear you are doing good!  I hope you aren't missing me too much! The MTC is going great! I am studying hard and ready to go to New York! I know saying goodbye was so hard but I hope you know that I miss you every day! I loved the sweet note you wrote to me and all the memories you shared! It was so nice of you to take the time and write to me! I will read your note often whenever I am missing you! I am so glad you won your basketball game! Wish I could have been there! I'm so sorry that you ripped your cool leggings and hurt your knee! That is so not fun bud! I am so happy you scored so many points in your game, "All day baby!" I bet you are so excited for the Pats! You better cheer extra loud since I won't be there! That will be a great Super Bowl and I hope you have a huge party! I hope you had so much fun eating dinner and watching the Pats! Have so much fun spending time with Mom on Tuesday! Give everyone a hug and kiss for me! Love you so much bud!
(BRANDON): Hey Dubbie! I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well! I hope you aren't missing me too much! The MTC is going great! I have been learning a lot! I'm so sorry you have to make up school during Presidents weekend though. But it was fun to have you home when I was! I know saying goodbye was so hard but I hope you know that I miss you every day! I loved the sweet note and email  you wrote to me and all the memories you shared! I will read it whenever I am missing you! I'm so sorry you lost your basketball game but I know you will bounce back! So cool though that you scored 10 points and two 3's in church ball! "All day baby!" I wish I could have been there! Glad you are playing so much Marvel, it is a fun game bud! I bet you are so excited for the Super Bowl, that is going to be a great game! You are so brave to speak in front of all those people at the Priesthood session! Give everyone a hug and kiss from me! Love you so much bud!
(ABBY): Hey Abbs! I'm so glad to hear you are doing well! Sounds like you are doing great and having some fun! I loved the note and email you wrote to me and the motivating words you said! It sounds like you have had so much fun with your friends! Going to Pizza Pie, Ridgeline game, mint ice cream (which sounds so yummy! :) I'm sorry you have to make up school but I am so glad I got to be home for the days you were! Sounds like you had fun making ice cream and watching the games (Even though football isn't your favorite!) It was so hard to say goodbye I hope you know that I miss you all every day! Keep working hard in school and it will pay off big time! Give everyone a big hug and kiss from me! Have fun, Love you so much Abbs!
(DAD): Hey Dad! I'm so glad to hear you are doing well! I hope you are having a great time in Dallas and found somthing fun to do even though you had to work! I loved the letters you wrote to me and the Gordon B. Hinckley quote! I read all of your notes almost every day! It was fun to get a dear elder note and package from everyone! I also loved the John Wayne quote you put into there and everything you said! Thank you so much for picking up my paycheck and saying hi to my Arby's friends! They are awesome coworkers! I'm so glad you are going to continue to visit the Maveriks diligently while I am away! I wouldn't want them to feel lonely! It was so hard to say goodbye to you all but know that I miss you all! My tears where both sadness that I was leaving you all but also joy to know I will bring the Gospel to the people of New York! What you said to me before we parted really stuck with me: I said "I will make you proud!" And you said "We already are proud!" There is nothing better than making your parents proud! I wore your tie on Sunday to honor you! It was cool to think that two missionaries have worn that same tie in the MTC! It is so cool that the Falcons are going to the Super Bowl! I hope they win and I hope you got to watch the championship games! It has been really weird being away from everyone because I haven't been away for more than a week at a time! But, I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate everything you do! Once I got into a routine the days are flying by. Just like you said. I will be in New York in less than two weeks! I hope I can pack my suitcase as well as you did! I am so proud to be your son! Give everyone a hug and kiss from me! Love you so much Dad!
● By the way: My companion actually doesn't know his parents email address so he is waiting until they send him one. 😁
(MOM): Hey Mom! I'm so glad you are having a great time! It was so fun to have everyone individually talk to me! Sounds like you have been doing great and having some fun! I was dying to email you all back because I got your email and package on Monday but couldn't respond until today! It will be so much fun for you to stay home with "The baby!" on Tuesday! That will be so nice! That is so cool that Rudy was baptized yesterday! He has been Catholic his whole life. I hope I can baptize someone that cool, can you even imagine?? Maybe even Donald Trump like you said! 😁 It has been so hard to wait and talk with everyone! I feel like I am jumping around but I want to make sure I tell you everything! :) I actually did forget a big thing of toothpaste but our MTC cards have been so helpful because I have almost used up the small one and they have some you can buy with your MTC card! But now I don't need to thanks to you! So funny to think I forgot toothpaste! I bet it has been so weird not having us both there because it has been weird being away from everyone! Thanks for changing my sheets Mom! You are awesome!  My room would seem so bare! I loved the sweet letters and email you wrote to me! I thought the "It's a Wonderful Life" quote was really cool! I read everyone's letters almost every night! So glad you had a lot of fun making ice cream and dinner for the game (Crazy to think you had to cook for only 4!) Wish I could have been there! :)It was so hard to say goodbye to you all but I know you will receive many blessings for your sacrifice! Thanks again for all you did to get me out here! Crazy to think I will be in New York in less than 2 weeks! I hope I can pack up my stuff into my suitcase as well as you did! I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate everything you do! I am so proud to be your son! Give everyone a big hug and kiss from me! Love you so much Mom!
By the way: I love the stamps! Very cool old trucks!
I wish I could talk forever but I used up all the time I could....but it was so nice to hear how everyone has been doing and chat with you all and I hope you have a great week! I can't wait to hear how your week goes! Thanks again for the package and letters everyone sent! (no one said anything about the bourbon jerky... just the flavoring right? 😁 It was so yummy!) I have felt your love and prayers every day! Love you all so much!
-Elder Lindberg

Here are some pictures of his first week at the MTC!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hardest Thing We Have Ever Done!

Well we just dropped Tanner off at the MTC yesterday and it was a really emotional day. We knew what was coming but it was still hard. We started out the day stopping to see Lonna in Farmington and then stopping to see Valerie, Glenn, Madison and Makayla in Bountiful. At about 11:00 we met Grandma Evans at Applebee's in American Fork.. We had a nice lunch but we didn't have very big appetites. We all could feel the heaviness of the day...Tanner had just had his last meal with us! We headed to Provo with an hour to go before Tanner needed to be dropped off. We stopped in the temple parking lot and it was amazing to see all the other people taking pictures with missionaries that they would drop off that very day too. It was a beautiful day with blue skies and a little warmer temperatures. We were able to take some pictures on the temple grounds. At 12:55 we got in the line of cars heading into the MTC. We had to wait about 10 minutes before we were told where to park to let Tanner out. We all got out of the car and hugged Tanner, cried and hugged Tanner some more. His host Missionary took our picture and Tanner was off. He gave us the "I Love You" sign and never looked back. He was ready!!!! We all got into the car and headed off with broken hearts. It really was the hardest thing we have ever done. We had to stop the car around the corner for a minute to let what just happened sink in. We were all in tears. We stopped to meet Angela at BYU and she gave us some "happy treats" boy did we need them. Parker said after we got in the car "How did Angela know all of our favorite treats?" Thanks Ang!

On our way home we stopped at Scheels and the boys got a few things. We also stopped at Colonial Flag but they didn't have any New York pins like the boys wanted. We also went to WinCo and got a few thing. While we were driving home we found out that Tanner had sent his first email.

Hello Fam! I can't believe I am emailing you from the MTC! I made it! They are having us do an MTC orientation and said to Email home. What an incredible experience so far! It has been so neat to move in and see where I will spend the next 2 weeks. I saw Lindsay Jones as I walked in and she put my name tag on! I am just about to meet my companion and then will go to classes! I'm not sure when I will have the opportunity again to email but just know that I love you all very much and miss you already! I will be working hard and thinking of you all every day! Thank you all for the help getting me ready because I couldn't have done it without your love and support! Love you!
~Elder Tanner Lindberg  

We were thrilled to hear from him!

After we got home we found out that Tanner had left us each a letter. More tears were shed while reading letters. I am always amazed at Tanner's thoughtfulness. The night was very weird without Tanner but it did seem like he was just at work and that he would be home later. We all had headaches from crying all day so we all went to bed early. I looked at my clock while I was laying in bed and thinking it was so late. The clock read 10:30...Tanner's bedtime! I couldn't help but think about how his day had gone and wished so much I could talk to him. I miss him so much it hurts.

Parker woke up and had a really hard morning. He couldn't stop crying and was afraid he was going to cry at school. I think it is a little hard for him to understand why Tanner left. He keeps saying "Tanner didn't have to go" and "Why would Tanner leave us?" It has been really hard on him. He told me this morning that Tanner was his best friend and a piece of his heart was gone. Needless to say we are all missing Tanner so much. I hope it will get easier when we get to hear from him. I think that the hardest part is not talking to him every day. I miss hearing his "HEYYYY" when he walks through the door and his help around the house. He has left a big hole in our family. I hope that hole can be filled with all the wonderful news that we get to hear about his mission.

Love you Elder Lindberg!